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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. Stun procs are pretty much the worse procs on the game. They could use some love. Also, stuns in general have the high speed run away issue that I wish could be improved. Specific example would how wolves will speed off while staggering in little circles. No other control has this issue.
  2. Besides the technical issue that Biostem pointed out. I don't think this is a good idea. Confusion in CoX is already extremely powerful, especially the non-notify versions. If you could get full exp for defeats, I bet confusion farms would appear. Also, tough bosses and AV would be led around to defeat everything. Too much room for exploits.
  3. What part of fun thought experiment did you miss? I mean really I said this in both threads. It's never going to happen.
  4. Mission can be developed on the non hard code servers then ported over. It's not that hard.
  5. A gentle no, the statistics would have to be very complicated to get the full picture of each player's contribution. And would led to a lot of build snobbery. Example, a kinetics defender who is working their butt off buffing teammates to the point of not attacking a lot would have very few kills. Their buffs would have contributed to a lot of kill though. How do you account for that in the statistics?
  6. You're right. I had thought out the implication of getting rid of most farming. So, recipes and enhancement would need to be on the AH.
  7. Hi all you super creative folks. I am wonder how close can you get to the Arachnos Mu costume. I have a backstory for the child of an illicit relationship between Mu wizard and a Night Widow.
  8. If you think this bad on Yin, try a Market Crash. I have seen five rez'ed freak tanks running around in beating up the lowbies/squishies while the 50s are jumping three spawns ahead in the first mission. It's been annoying me for awhile.
  9. All freakshow, except Super Stunners, have a 20% chance to rez. Nothing to do with players nearby. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=freakshow.freakshow_inherent_defense.revive&at=minion_grunt
  10. Lore can be adjusted. How about the rest of the design?
  11. I would like to be able to filter out certain FX. Like other player's damage numbers.
  12. From the Agent Watkin's arc. It was at this point you made an important decision: You put the lives of others above your own and allowed Pierce to get a lead on you by staying put and obeying quarantine. You emerged from the warehouse hours later with a vaccine, and a new lead. Cortex, the only name that was left in the game for sure, had accessed Pathogen's data dump and got his location traced as a result. When Cortex fell, you recovered Dr. Pierce, whom Cortex was forcing into compliance. She was then turned over to the FBSA for questioning, and she made a plea deal with SERAPH. A plea deal does not automatically mean prison. She is definitely in prison by the time The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok arc starts. It would be an easy bit of re-conn to say she violated the terms of her parole in the Yin TF and was put in prison.
  13. Team Peacebringer for starters. Probably an odd complaint about tri-form on PB or WS. Too much flashing during form changes, it actually hurts my eyes. I am not sure if there a way to dull that.
  14. I have noticed folks not really understanding how to deal with Super Stunner again. They are dropping the mob, then running away as it rezes. There is no point, the damage is done, you might as well stay right there and finish the mob off. Their rez power is called, Reserve Power, and it has a 25' radius and is auto hit. So, you cannot avoid it except to deal the final blow at range. Of course, some folks want the rez for the extra exp, but given the amount of useless running away I am seeing. I don't think players understand how the power works. Side note, has anyone noticed it's often taking a second long for the Super stunners to rez? Feels like server lag. Previous discussion:
  15. We are obviously never going to agree on this topic. But nothing suggested in this thread is going stop you from building the way you want to. All these concern about power creep should be in my opinion should be directed at the devs on completely different topics. Like I mentioned before, Incarnates, IOs, and level available are the real power creep. Also, the mobs really could use a tune up power wise. The attack types and aggro barely made anything harder. Despite all the apocalyptic predictions from some posters. You were not one of those posters to be clear. I have run my Ninja/TA MM through a two star ITF hard mode. It was fun and effective, except for the first part of the Rommy fight in the last mission. Play what you want, how you want, there is a vet 400 petless demon MM on Excelsior I would run into on ITFs. They were obviously having fun despite playing a gimp build and I would never reject such a player from my teams.
  16. I thought it would be fun to revisit this idea. Again, I am not suggesting this should be implemented on the regular servers. This server will never happen, but I find it a fun thought experiment. It's been awhile since I created the original thread. I have played a little on some non-HC servers and hard modes now exist. This has changed my thinking quite a bit on what would be a good high difficult server. These first two ideas are from Thunderspy. So, credit goes to them. AE disabled except for dev choice mission Crafting greatly simplified, fewer types of salvage, but pretty much the only way to get many IOs is to craft Market limited to salvage Other ideas: Hard caps on defense/resists depending on AT or power. SR for instance should have a higher cap, then invul. Purple patch is a horrible hack, mobs should scale up due to gaining more powers including defense and resists powers See my Yin Hard mode in the Suggestions for ideas on how to mobs more challenging Incarnate nerfs - I am sure everyone will love these. Another user suggested these which I will happily credit if they want Alpha - pretty much stay the same Hybrid - no change Destinies - only effect the player or they are greatly shorted in duration No more level shift No more barrier chaining to trivializing hard mode No more using Ageless to solve all your endurance issues on your proc'ed out damage build Lores - no more level shift Interfaces are already weak enough 🙂 Mission cannot be re-run more than once a week if any member of the team has completed the mission that week Forces players into other content No more wolf farms No more farming DA arcs for incarnate salvage at minimal difficulty Suggestions?
  17. Since, the dev team was quite happy to change out the trainer in PI once someone suggested it. I am sure they can find someone to replace Ms. Lib in AP.
  18. That makes sense as Time solves most of the a corruptor's defense issues. It's rare to see a Time defender.
  19. I find building toons that soft cap several defense types fun. On my VEATs I have several builds that do not need to take the Quad as you call it. So, I am very aware that it is not required for all builds. The game for the most part is easy, once you get money to IO out your builds. But that is a different issue from this specific request. The most serious power creep issues in the game are Incarnates, IOs, and page five level availability. But would not want to play the game w/o IOs and page five level changes now that I have gotten use to them. Incarnates, that is another entire thread. So, let's not go there. This request is small, the power creep be small, and is mostly a quality of life improvement. I ask again if you were chasing the Quad and you could skip boxing and kick. What power would you take with the extra selection? Would you have any slots for it?
  20. The struggle is real with alts. 🙂 I just have this feeling that Incarnates over shadow Time's value at 50. Not trying to kill anyone's enjoyment of their time defender. Just wondering if any folks have been thinking along the same lines.
  21. You had a very reasonable reply, right up to invoking the tankmage strawman. Most of my builds already have to take leadership, speed, concealment, and fighting to achieve the defense values I prefer. Removing the weave requirement gets me another power selection which I could use to improvement my builds a little with some one slot powers like Grant Invis, Assault, and Vengeance. Now, if I could take two epic pools that would be a tankmage. Something I would be against. Allowing one extra power would not break the game, but would provide some benefit w/o sticking non-melee builds with a useless melee power. The only arguments I hear are it's always been that way, never a good argument against change. Power creep which this change would only add one extra power without out any extra slots to build out said extra power. The power creep would be minimal. If you think I am wrong on the power creep argument, please tell me the power you would take that be so beneficial that to justify not removing weave's restrictions.
  22. Sigh. Stealth and infiltration are mutual exclusive and lose a ton of the defense value when you get hit. You only have four pools and epic available. Using defender values I would have to take both hover and combat jump to equal weave, 2.5% + 2.5% = weave's 5% That's two pools vs one. And how many people take both hover and CJ? As for maneuvers it's only 3.5%, to achieve soft cap in a few types of defense. I usually need to take maneuvers + weave + scorpion shield. That's two pools and the epic down and then there is the whole hasten discussion which is out of scope.
  23. Silly exaggerated straw men reply tells me there is nothing backing up your logic. I have provided specific examples why lowering weave would help build diversity. You have not provided any specific examples of how it would hurt build diversity.
  24. Boxing and kick are perfectly fine powers for builds that melee. Should my defender or controller be required to take them just so I can get at more defense?
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