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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. Now, combo the two. Trick Arrow/Dual Pistols is probably the one of the most monstrous proc monsters in the current game.
  2. I post this going out the door. To be specific. The pylon times were tests between a minimally proc'ed Night Widow and a heavily proc'ed Night Widow.
  3. Are you talking specifically about Dual Pistols or procs in general? Because turns a 240 second pylon time into a 140 second time. I have run this test myself.
  4. Some sets are good with or without procs. Some sets are not good, because you cannot proc them and they need it. Then there are sets that are only good if you turn them into proc monsters. What are these sets? I know one, defender: Dual Pistol. You can proc practically every power and need too if you want any serious performance.
  5. You can still take Ninja Run and run it at the same time. That was part of the movement overhaul. Pretty much all travels powers, except stealth ones, can be run at the same time.
  6. It's all good. Most of us have done this at least once.
  7. I am working my way through the lesser used secondaries. What is the main strength of plant manipulation? Control? Debuff? What primary would you pair with it?
  8. Looking for player experience with blaster secondaries. In particular, the single target damage. I would guess Energy because of the heavy melee attacks, but time and electric also have nice melee attacks. But for instance, electric has random knockbacks in some attacks, which is annoying. Opinions?
  9. Since, Yin is one of the Weekly Strike Targets. A gentle bump.
  10. I had forgotten about the new Ice Mistral proc. I'll have to tinker with that. 🙂 I also think Shatter Armor is overrated, yes it hit hards, but it has a long recharge and you have to take a bad power to get it. Speaking about bad power choices did you take Spirit Shark or School of Sharks? I have to give the Levi pool one thing, it has a wide variety of damage types. I had high hopes for Bile Spray, one of the few pure Toxic attacks, but that cast length, cone size, and recharge killed it for me.
  11. I understand your point and it's a good one. I tried a Levi heavy AOE Mace only build and there were two issues. Endurance and the stupidly long cast times of the Levi attacks. The person that designed the Levi pool must have designed Bane ranged mace attacks. Nothing takes less that 2+ seconds to fire. 🙂
  12. Just watch your endurance. Those cones can use a lot of end if you have a lot of recharge due to Force Feedback procs in Frag nade.
  13. Arachnos are nasty. Most likely a Tarantula Mistress debuffed your defense and/or A Bane crit'ed you from stealth and/or A pack of Mu ripped you to shreds with their accurate attacks and/or A Fortunata Mistress hit you with a Psychic Wail... you get the idea. Watch your defense, most like you are getting badly def debuffed at 4x8. It's the bane of my VEATs when fighting Arachnos. Each Tarantula Mistress when fighting at 4x8 can def debuff you 33% due to purple patch scaling. Dom have no DDR, so kiss 33-66% of your defense goodbye for 20 secs.
  14. Adding some VEAT times here: Same incarnates: Night Widow 260 seconds = 275 DPS Fortunata 323 seconds = 246 DPS Disappointed in the NW DPS, that is with Gloom. It's only 11% better than my Fortunata.
  15. You know what I would like. A toxic judgement, would pair nicely with my Bane's venom grenade. At the least there should be a judgement for each damage type.
  16. There is an interesting history behind the inherent. It was never meant to be anything, but a place holder. Because the live player base demanded VEATs have an inherent. I am working, at least I have the spreadsheet template created, on a project to document how much more expensive Widow claw attacks and some psi powers are then the equivalent versions in other ATs. And how this leads to Night Widow's horrible endurance issues, at least when leveling. Lots of history about the inherit and Widow claw costs.
  17. I do not think Fortunatas needs any more damage, they get both Build Up and Follow Up. If you want to play a ranged Fort, then you have to live with the lower damage. That's the price you pay for being practically un-killable. Fortunata could get some buffs indirectly if they improved Widow claw attack costs. I won't go into my concerns about Night Widows and Banes. I do think Psionic Tornado could use a cast time and endurance reduction. It's got a 2.37 cast with 21 endurance, which makes it the more end expensive version in the game. Everyone else, Blaster, Defender, Corruptor, Sentinel, get an 18.5 endurance cost. Not sure why the Fort version has to be 13% more.
  18. The aggros go to the player who cast enflame. That's why you should always cast it on someone with a taunt aura. It will also cause scatter if the target of the enflame does not have a taunt aura. I know this because I have a defender build sonic/sonic that uses enflame. Sonic: Disruption Field has the same aggro effect for example, but does not cause scatter, because it does no damage. I learned this the hard way, by following the tank too close and taking fire because the taunt kicked after the initial ticks of enflame and Disruption Field. Still a nice power just don't crowd the anchor.
  19. I have tried Water Spout a few times. I feel that it causes too much fear and running. I even tried it with my grav/psi dom who could hold the mobs in a nice clump. Still did not notice a damage benefit over sleet.
  20. Blaster: Dark Blast/TA - Most fun I have had playing a blaster. You prowl the edges of the spawn knocking stuff down, immobilizing bosses, then BBQ them with Oil Slick Arrow. That just the offense. The defensive is also excellent. Very good defense, stacking -acc attacks, excellent status resists due to all the nice resists from TA. If you want a VEAT with variety, then Fortunata are what you are looking for: Blood Widow, scrapper with a nuke and controls. Ranged/Control Build: Finally, a super tanky Fortunata
  21. This is the perfect seque for my ranged/control Fortunata build. Also, build for Dr. Aeon SF and just general support.
  22. Generally in agreement. VEATs get one good pool Soul, one ok pool Mu, and two bad ones, Mace and Leviathan.
  23. Yes, pulling is a bit of lost art that only crazy 4x8 soloers remember. <== Crazy 4x8 soloer. Additional note, devices and tactical arrow has an additional advantage here if they take smoke grenade or flash arrow. Both inflict -90% perception, which helps greatly with pulling.
  24. If anyone was mocking you for trying an 801. They were jerks. As much as I like trying to make 801 builds and take a certain pride in figuring out ones that can survive. Mocking people for trying is just rude.
  25. Oh dear. You make a vague statement about wanting a tanky build. Linea has created the best missions currently for testing tanks, which he runs constantly. He gives his opinion based on that experience and you get all snarky with him. Have you ever run any 801s? It is a total meat grinder that eats tanks like candy. Don't disregard is his experience, just because it doesn't match your experience running much easier content.
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