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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. Yes, that is on my short list of improvements. If crabs get those attacks, banes should their own version. Imagine if Web Cocoon fired as fast as Fort:Dominate. 🙂
  2. I agree that Fortunatas don't need any buffs. If the Night Widow claw and ranged attacks get an endurance review that would probably indirectly fix Forts end issues. They could make separate copies of the shared attacks and only the buffs to the Night Widow version and I would be fine with that. I have come to think that Banes are a bit under appreciated. They are AOE machines providing -resist, toHit, and defense. They are a decent soloer and a great support melee build.
  3. What is your prioritized list and why? HEATs - Overly complicated, severe slot and power starvation, giant mezz or psi holes. Sentinels - Great till 50. Then fall off badly compared to other ATs. Inherit needs review. VEAT - Yeah, I am biased here. There are serious issues with endurance costs and powers strength on some builds.
  4. *pulls out soapbox* *prepares strongly opinionated post* I would be alright if they just improved the inherit, but... Some of the sub-ATs still need some love. None of them are bad, but Night Widows need a little help. Even more then Banes I think now. Banes are very good solo and in teams, as long as they take venom and frag nades. It's pretty much all the AOE they need. Pure mace Banes are ok, but struggle solo much more than offensive Night Widows. Banes main issues are re-draw and the mace ranged attacks are very poor. Night Widows have dog poop for AOE in their base powers and completely dependent on Patron pools for even decent AOE. Also, their single target is only a little better than Fortuanas. Their main benefit to a team is 20+% def and 30+ psi resists, something a Fort does almost as well. Some people have suggested adding a "Power Mastery" pool, but that would rob Night Widows of decent AOE. Night Widow's only advantage over Forts is durability. Look at my Night Tank builds in the VEAT forum. It can complete an 801.2 and the first two missions of a 4x8 ITF in melee. I do have plans to solo the ITF. But the tank build is only useful in very hard content, gives up a lot of damage, taunting is just ok, a scrapper with a damage aura would do as well, but might not survive. The build is a slog to play in normal content, feels like a pure mace bane in terms of speed. Night Widows need something to make them on par with Fortunatas. I have ideas that I captured in a suggestion thread in the VEAT forum. At the very least, that dog poop T9 they get needs improvement or replacement and of course the endurance issues due to expensive claw attacks. I am open to suggestions as always. Side note, I don't mention Crabs, because I don't play them. They just don't fit my play style. Also, I have vet 100+ Night Widow, Bane, and 300+ vet Fort. So, I do have a lot of play time and understanding. *puts soapbox away*
  5. Not against the DOT idea as long as it does not effect no notify powers like confuse and aura of confusion. I am still working slowly on a spread sheet to document how expensive Widow claw attacks are compared to other ATs. I have never in my life had as many end issue even with green SOs when I leveled my Night Widow. Even with full IOs and minimal procs, ageless is still required for long fights. Only cardiac can curb the end issues.
  6. I like that the live dev messed up balance. Balance in other games is the iron triangle of tank/support/damage. Otherwise, I would not have enjoyed this game coming from Everquest.
  7. In before the jokes. Good idea. I think they could re-skin the whip and dark assault powers.
  8. So, I hate super speed. It's me, not you super speed. I have to take it some times because I have run out of other options. I am just bad at running that fast. I seem to hit everything and the lack of airborne control drives me nuts. Infiltration gives me enough speed, control, and stealth when paired with the celerity piece.
  9. You say the above, but before you say "And I'll stick with my "reduce all proc damage by 75%" line." So, it does bothers you somehow or you wouldn't suggest such a draconian nerf. We keep rehashing this topic and nothing comes of it. I personally think the devs have made their minds up. The new challenge settings are their answer to the power balance issues. Some powers will get adjusted, but overall I think the current procs system is here to stay. Also, I suspect new AOE powers will have curtails on procs. See how they handled procs in the new AOE placate.
  10. And here we go again. How does procs negatively effect you? Are you being denied teams? Can't solo your favorite TFs w/o procs? I mean there are so many LFG calls only asking for proc'ed out builds. /sarcasm
  11. I have to thank this thread for reminding to try infiltration again. It's great the way it is. I have respec'ed out of super speed and stealth into infiltration. Much happier now.
  12. There is another trade off that using lots of procs I don't see mentioned a lot. Endurance, the more procs the higher the endurance cost of the power. This can limit the amount of procs you use. My VEATs have to limit procs for two reasons and set bonus and endurance. Widows are already end hungry, it can become unmanageable with too many procs. My proc'ed out Trick Arrow/Dual Pistols Defender requires Ageless for high performance, because she burns end pretty badly.
  13. Since, I'm sure this thread will cause another round of proc debate. Here's my two cents. Complaining about procs to me is complaining about difficulty. The HC dev is adding optional difficulty to the game, which I think makes proc complaints moot. I'm sure there are few places where procs are so out of wack that they need some adjustment. Overall, I think the proc system is fine.
  14. @Troo Looks like you're using the old launcher, which might be behaving differently.
  15. Adding this context on why Voltor's suggestion would be great.
  16. Alas, critical for Widows only happen on the initial attack. They have no way, except placate which still barely anyone takes, to get another crit. Most of a fight, critical are not being generated, unlike scrappers and stalkers. Also, VEAT crits are 66%, not 100% criticals. Sigh. I need to get this all in a spreadsheet.
  17. The problem with Widows is claw attacks. The toggles are cheaper than most other AT toggles. I am slowly, very slowly, working on a project to show that claw attacks, at least the AOEs are stupidly expensive. Some of the Fort specific attacks are also very expensive, like Psionic Tornado. You can compare Tanker/Brute/Widow spin costs, the damage per endurance is really bad for Widows. Don't compare to Scrapper claws, that is a special set that doesn't follow the formulas. It's quite a bit more powerful than the formulas would suggest.
  18. Ah, but you can. I have spent a lot of time working on my Bane. They can solo 4x8 against many groups. Though, it definitely won't be a Fortunata steam roller. My favorite part is at 6:10. Perfect crowd control stealth strike. Trapdoor run:
  19. I do enjoy confusing carnie pets. Confuse the phantom and his decoy attacks him. Confuse the dark servant and they cannot hit jack.
  20. First, I am curious what AE mission that is... Second, this should be the theme song for that mission...
  21. Let us know if what we posted helped. There are other ways, like us helping you directly on whatever server you're playing.
  22. This only works if you are solo. Bosses will return if you team up. In the lower right corner of your chat window is a button. Find the notoriety settings, Solo bosses, No.
  23. Yes, I have gotten all available gold side badges through Oro. None of my badger started gold side. So, everything had to be done through Oro.
  24. What AT are you playing? Other options are to turn off bosses when solo. So, you can kill Shen quicker, before being overwhelmed. Level up using some other missions, come back to this mission over leveled.
  25. I routinely use two accounts to get the Invader Accolade for my new alts. The leader sits at the Lord Schweinzer, the other runs around and collects the badges from each Mayhem mission. I have done this with three characters in the last two months. Every time I go through this exercise, the leader map servers multiple times. This is not an afk disconnect. I move the leader around every mission to avoid afk. Not an alignment issues, both chars are villain. The map server appears to happen when the non leader zones in or out of map. It does not happen every time, but it happened four times today. If the leader zones into the map, there isn't any issue. Only when the leader stays outside. It's a minor hassle for me. I wanted to bring it to the dev's attention as a semi reproducible way to trigger map servers.
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