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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. A while ago I pointed out that these missions were fun. There are few of us that will run them for an hour or so. Now and then.
  2. That you both for the excellent suggestions. I'll be testing these out day for a few days. I have MIDs configured to deal with the loss of Infiltration defense. I love that power despite the defense loss. I run Clarion Radial, which handles the mezz issue and buffs the end drain.
  3. I am enjoying this blaster on just SOs, but it's time to build her out. The power selections are fixed, but I am not feeling it on the slotting. Any suggestions? I would like more s/l def.
  4. With all due respect. This is not true, I can drain +3 mobs, minions and lts at least, in one short circuit at 50. Voltak has shown us how useful Clarion radial is for buffing electrical affinity powers. I do agree that it can be an incredible busy set when the team is close to defeat.
  5. You do feel like you can keep a team upright by yourself. Sapping is fun, especially if there is another electrical blast on the team. It is quite fun to sap Super Stunners. If the team is sturdy then you just focus on one buff and blast away. Shock damage is decent enough damage on top of defender blasts to make it fun. It's not proc monster damage though. It is a versatile combo. Strangely you will have end issues, if there are a lot of pets, ie Master minds. Your end buff does not get back to you sometimes. If things are going badly, you will be right in the middle of things. Which is the best place for Elec blast. Of course, on a steamroller team, you'll feel a bit bored. But that is a general problem.
  6. More food from thought from somebody else who has really tested what elec/elec can do.
  7. I drop Faraday Cage for each fight. Then the buff cycle, but if you see that everyone has plenty of end and absorb, then I don't feel it's required to buff the team each group. Honestly, sometimes it's busy as hell. If the group is very squishy, you'll be working your butt off. But you'll always be in the center of the action and tougher it gets the more it feels like you're the reason the group is still standing. Rotation is usually: Faraday Cage->Short Circuit->Ball Lighting, check team status. I do have some binds to work most of time to make buffing make easier.
  8. Electric/Electric defender. It's not exactly what you asked for, but... You provide heals/end/tohit/damage/absorb and some of the best if not the best status protection in the game. You also inflict -damage and end drain on the mobs. Given defender modifiers, you can drain most mobs, Malta sappers being a notable exception, one short circuit. I can drain +3 EB in 2-3 shots for instance.
  9. Funny enough I enjoy AE801s which are very difficult PvE. Usually, several deaths. But I am the minority.
  10. I have played several PvE/PvP MMORPGs. Some were mostly PvP. Also, I have played my share of PvP FPS. What I have found over the years is that a lot of PvPer, not all, do not want a challenging battle. They want to gank you through having the uber build of the moment, usually based on an exploit, or overwhelming numbers. Many are just in it for the lulz, again not all. But it does not take many of the gank crowd to ruin the entire PvP experience in a game. For example, in one game with very open PvP, a large clan would sit outside a low-level city and gank any newbies that were trying to get PvE experience. There was no challenge here, just ganking. Due to this I am completely burned out on PvP. PvP could completely disappear from CoX and I would not miss it.
  11. I remember a year or so ago. A person suggested that they remove hasten and just give a flat XX% recharge bonus to everyone, because hasten had become seemingly essential to most builds. Oh my god. It's like they had suggest people should eat they children and pets. Folks were downright nasty.
  12. I am tired of always feeling like I have to include Hasten. What hasten-less builds do you have that you enjoy and play regularly?
  13. Yep, been on teams like that and those are just fine with me. If you're clearing all the mobs, except a few strays all good. This is the opposite of the that, not clearing, but scattering and causing issues for the rest of the team. And I would not have not said anything if it happen once and awhile. This exact thing happened again and again.
  14. I do have a tank and I do play in a way that protects and groups mobs. But I don't want to play my tank all the time. I have alt-ist like everyone else. Also, sticking with the tank doesn't work when the path is narrow. Not everyone has stealth and because the tank is aggroed capped. Mobs are running around.
  15. I was a bit nicer, like we have a bunch of strays back here. Let's slow down a bit. No response. We needed them for the final fight. Didn't want to ruin the whole TF.
  16. This was happened on two ITF and three Market Crashes in a row over the last two weeks. The tank/brute is obviously fully built and handle the aggro, so that's not an issue. The player will jump two or three groups head, they might taunt the first group, but then they hit the aggro cap and mobs scatter. Or the instead of pausing for two seconds to wait for multiple freak rezes. They jump two groups ahead again. So, the rest of the team is stuck with fully rezzed freak tanks and usually the lower levels are trying to clean them up very slowly. At point in the first MC mission we had five freak tanks running around and the tank was halfway across the map aggroing three more groups. They are pretty much ignoring the group and soloing the TF. If they would group up the mobs nicely, things would go faster, because AOE would be more effective. It's very selfish play and makes thing slower for the whole team.
  17. Is this a PvP suggestion? Because, I would not want this change in PvE. Yes, for the better. Re-toggling everything at level 50 was really annoying to non-mez protected ATs.
  18. It was changed, not sure from what to what. I still think it should be shorter, because it blocks your ability to use Frozen Aura.
  19. Freezing Touch: https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=blaster_support.ice_manipulation.freezing_touch&at=blaster Freezing Touch has to be one of the longest dots in the game. It takes 10.1 seconds to complete the damage portion. To put it another way, the dot takes slightly longer than the base recharge of the power! In the end, you waste most of the damage, because the mob is killed by other attacks in the current game. Even solo. Also, it interferes with Frozen Aura, the dot renders the sleep portion useless. https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=blaster_support.ice_manipulation.frozen_aura&at=blaster Simple request, keep the damage the same, but shorten the dot length. If that means, adding recharge or end cost. I think that would be a good trade off.
  20. I take mental blast to punch through mob t9s that have a psi hole. Or pulling in really tough content, think AE 801s. Arcane bolt is for dropping runners or things just out as range as Bopper said. Single target rotation Follow up->Slash->Lunge->Strike or Eviscerate depends if the mobs are packed together for the cone I use everything at some point or another. Widows have the lovely issue of having too many options that are good.
  21. That depends a lot on the speed of the attacks. Single target attacks like Widow claws or other ATs are very quick recharging. So, I end up with 3-4 single target attacks in rotation. Then check my AOEs if needed. Some attacks always need to be in rotation as soon as they recharge, like Follow up.
  22. Nobody know how are when procs will be changed. 5:31 is still a very good time!
  23. It's in the trapdoor thread page 2 or 3 I think.
  24. I have noticed an increase in new or returning players. Yeah! So, if any of the new or returning players are having issues organizing TF teams. Here are a few suggestions. These are not requirements. Merely suggestions for composing your recruiting text: State if the TF is being run speed or kill most If you don't state this you run the risk of players running ahead and completing the mission while the rest of the group is still on the first few groups. Speed means skip everything but mission completion objectives These are usually run at low difficulty like 0 Often not newbie friendly, because experienced players blaze through with speed and stealth. Leaving other players, usually the newbies, confused and overwhelmed. Kill mosts Kill everything between you and the mission completion objectives Not a kill all Usually, run at +1 or more difficult for most experience You can add what difficulty you're running at if you want Slower pace, good for leveling, can take much longer, sometimes much longer, then speedy. Task force name State the minimal level required. If the TF requires level 20 or higher. Then I say level 20+. LFM = Looking for more As you add players I change the LFM from LFXM. X being the number of open spaces left on the team It adds a bit of urgency. Oh, the team is filling up I better ask for spot Add these pieces together Example: Kill most. Yin TF. Level 20+ required. LF6M.
  25. I forgot about the Awakened, because there is really only one high level arc that has them. Nasty, nasty, I love em.
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