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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. I have a love/hate with Arachnos. They are tough and can wreck you, but it's always a good fight solo. Same thing with Carnival of Shadows. I don't hate, but find very boring. Cimerora Romans, they are just tedious to fight. High defense, lots of -defense, tons of mez protection, not a lot of variety. Fighting them solo is a slog. How about you Fenris?
  2. A note about leveling. I have running these tests on the beta server, so the character is fully built out. On live, I am now level 35 with maxed SOs only. You will need to run in efficient mode a lot. It's an end hog of a combo. Also, recharge is an issue and you might want to take both Stone Fist and Stone Mallet until your final respec. Still fun to level. At least you have a way due to bio to compensate for the end usage.
  3. I have tested every build in this thread. The ones I built are not having endurance issues, between DNA siphon and epic. Some of the others I have to watch the bar between DNA siphons. Any end drain like Mu and I would be required to hit ageless. With enough recovery I can use Ageless Core just for recharge or Partial for DDR. Or Barrier. One note about Focused Accuracy, I hate missing. I am a bit obsessional about it. The power allows me to hit through CoT, Arachnos, and Carines most of the time. Even when heavily debuffed. Tactics does not provide toHit resistance. Second note, I am not really very good at Trapdoors. I'm always noticeably slower than others. If I am getting a nice 7-7:30. Someone else could probably get well under that.
  4. I have testing against 4x8 Arachnos and Carnies. So, yeah, it's great for trucking through stuff. You might have to pop insp if you pull too many at once, but it works.
  5. Current build, it's a hybrid of the previous builds posted. I found that their was a noticeable damage decline as shown in trapdoor times.
  6. That is a very impressive build. I'll try that out of the beta server tomorrow.
  7. I was messing around with different Scrapper primaries and realized that Stone melee has a lot of damage mitigation. Which might pair nicely with bio armor, which I have been wanting to try out, but found too squishy with other primaries. I couldn't find a stone/bio build on this forum. So, I pieced one together from a couple of others. Works pretty well. 7 min trapdoor with no heavy procing. Can defeat 4x8 Carnies and Arachnos. You need lots of recharge, stone attacks are slow, very endurance heavy. But you can stun and KD everything around you almost continuously with those nice crunchy single target attacks. Critical strikes fires a lot in Seismic Smash. Open to slotting suggestions. Build:
  8. I have made my fair share of post about what I think are wrong with particular powersets. To compensate for that I would like to have a discussion about powersets that are just fine, not in need of any major adjustments. For example: Fire blast Ice blast Water blast Time manipulation
  9. I have a suspicion that it's debuffs and patches. Stack too many debuffs or damage/debuff patches and him might run. Also, I have noticed mobs running when they miss too many times. It's all subjective observation. I make a point of immobilizing him at the cost of my DPS, so that the team can wail on him.
  10. I still believe the primary issue is advertising. Except for an small percentage of hardcore players, everyone else will get bored and take a break. This is true for all games. We just need more people in general, drastic changes to the game mechanics won't necessary help and might just alienate the existing population. CoX is good for playing intensely for a month or two, taking a break, then playing game. The game doesn't really pass you by if you take a month off. It's easy enough to pick up again, once you have gotten over the initial learning curve. That is a strength, not a weakness. Of course, I play all the time, but I am a nut.
  11. For no other reason that the new difficultly modes are restricted to 8 players instead of 16+. It makes a huge difference when you have 16+ players worth of buffs. Also, the new diff mode mobs are equipped with nasty debuffs. I have seen -90% resists, massive -recovery, and -regen on my SR tank on relentless runs. iTrials mobs need an update.
  12. Yes, it is a weird quirk of VEATs. Because there are two exclusive power branches, you have to pick one at level 24.
  13. Gentle, gentle, don't scare him away. We must coax him into the dark... Archnos side. Did anyone remember the cookies?
  14. First question, Night Widow or Fortunata? What is your budget? Widows drink endurance, so if you're on just SOs, make sure and slot endurance reducers. Night Widow you should go for melee. Night Widow AOEs suck, Poison Dart is a decent single target ranged attack. The Epic pool will give you Gloom which is a very good ranged attack. Fortunata - I would go for hybrid melee/ranged.
  15. I am quite handy with ranged cones, but there something about melee cones. It's probably just expectations vs reality. I feel I am lined up well, but miss mobs that seem to me to be obviously in the cone. I have tried practicing on the RWZ dummies and think I got it. Then wiff on mobs in missions. There seems to be a sweet spot a step back from the target mob that works best, but is hard to gauge. Which is why I was asking about where the point of the cone is in relation to the character.
  16. I find melee incredibly cones very frustrating. I feel lucky if I hit two mobs, amazed if I hit three or more. How do you line up your melee cones? Where is the point of the cone in relation to your character? Should I be to the left of the mob or the right? Or dead center? Example melee cones: https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=widow_training.night_widow_training.nw_eviscerate&at=arachnos_widow https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=pool.fighting.cross_punch&at=arachnos_widow
  17. Ninjitsu, works with any primary because you get a clickable endurance re-fill power pretty early.
  18. I am sure this has been said many times in the 13 pages of replies. We just need to advertise the existence of the game. Due to this thread, I posted on reddit.com/r/gaming. It didn't get a lot of upvotes, but it did get 6K+ views. This is a good month to advertise, since it's the third anniversary of Homecoming.
  19. Yes, it's a shame there isn't Null the gull hack to turn a character gold side. An Arachnos Solider would be a very good gold site starting char, lots of attacks, some mez protection, end friendly.
  20. Not to say it doesn't do very good damage. Stack glue arrow and oil slice on a group, then use Umbral and Tenebrous to pin. BBQ time. The single target rotation is decent. You can be very aggressive with your attacks due to the tanky ness.
  21. I was talking about all procs. For instance, some powers need a ton of recharge to highly effective. Storm Summoning for example w/o lot of recharge falls off pretty badly. Though it is still effective due to other powers, so I wouldn't say that it requires procs to be successful.
  22. I wanted to share this build. It was originally created as an 801 build, but has turned into my favorite blaster. Pros: Very tanky lots of -toHit, self heal, good status resists Incredibly speedy Infiltration + Gymnastics + Set bonuses. No need for a travel power. Great for speed runs Good crowd control Tenebrous Tentacles + Net Arrow means you can immobilize anything, except a few exceptions likes wolves Umbral Torrent + Oil Slick lots of knockdown and recharge EDS Arrow for good spawn hold Damage is good, not amazing. I can run a trapdoor between 7:00 and 7:30 Cons: Damage is not top tier blaster You can play entirely at range except for Blackstar. Umbral Torrent's cone is so large you can flatten entire spawns, then keep them down while generating lots of recharge Build:
  23. I know you cannot start a VEAT on gold side, because Emperor Marcus Cole killed Stefan Richter in that timeline. So, Arachnos does not exists. But can you create a VEAT, go to Pocket D, then jump to gold side and start leveling? Do you need to be a particular alignment? Do the gold side contacts talk to you?
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