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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. Follow up thought. Raise the hold duration and add a similarly long immobilization feature to it. There is precedent for this, Plant Manipulation: Vines, and that is an AOE.
  2. Those are differences without distinction in terms of game play. I have tried many slotting variants of Web Cocoon and it's just not good enough for a capstone power. And at least the Epic version does damage. How many builds have tried using Web Cocoon? I have about a dozen beta builds. This just a repeat of the Wide Area Web Grenade vs Web Envelope issue that was fixed in page 7 by greatly increasing the radius and target cap. Page 7 note: Wide Area Web Grenade: cooldown decreased from 30s to 20s. End cost increased from 7.28 to 15.6. Radius increased from 10 ft to 25 ft. Target cap increased from 10 to 16.
  3. Many AT gets Web Cocoon has an option in their Mace Epic. Defenders, Corruptors, Blasters, Stalkers, and Sentinels. Bane's get their version as their secondary capstone power. One problem, the Epic version is better than the Bane version. Sentinel, all the other AT Epic pool versions are pretty close in stats. The only notable advantage the Bane version has a faster recharge 16 vs 24. The disadvantage is the Bane version does *no* damage and has pretty much the same hold length. The rest have a toxic dot. Sentinel version: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=epic.sentinel_mace_mastery.web_cocoon&at=sentinel Not asking for any changes to the Epic versions, just want the Bane version to be worth being called a capstone power. I would suggest adding damage or increasing the hold time quite a bit. The current hold is less than 2 seconds longer than the Epic versions.
  4. And to follow it up. I formed a PI radio group and that was great fun too. PUG life, is fun life!
  5. Think of the character the "Mountain" on Game of Thrones. Some humans are incredible tall and massive. Also, it's a video game. 😉
  6. I had a PUG experience so good today I had to share. Setup: kill most ITF. Join the team and see that the leader is only level 40, so I offer to lead it. They accept, then I noticed there are only two 50+ on the team. There are a couple of 50s, but the rest are 49 or lower. I ask do we want to start at 3x8 or 4x8 give that fact. The organizer is like let's try 4x8 and see how it goes. It goes great, not the fastest team, but we were pulling every mob we could reach. Everyone stayed together, great teamwork, minimal deaths. Everyone made lots of experience and had a great time. One of the funnest ITFs I have been on in awhile.
  7. I have some good mace/ranged builds. Just finally come up with a Huntsbane support build I really like it. It's awesome at running PI radios. Other mace centric builds:
  8. I have run this through a few TFs and it rocks. A bit of an end hog due the proc'ed powers and all the toggles, but not unmanageable.
  9. I have been trying to come up with a mace centric huntsbane build that is fun. After a few iterations, this is the best so far. Lots of support toggles. Good -resists Good AOE Decent single target, not close to mace attacks, but enough to deal with troublesome mobs quickly. Data chunk and build attached: Ranged Support Bane - Arachnos Bane Spider Soldier.mbd
  10. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Limits If you are looking for a nice balance of offense and defense. Look at the VEAT widows.
  11. Gentle bump, since this is affecting me currently.
  12. Huntsbanes are definitely a bit better due to the changes, but the basic game play hasn't changed. Though Wide Area Web Grenade is rather awesome now, good recharge, nice aoes, and high hit cap. Banes are quite a bit better than before, due mace animation changes, full crits, and quick recharge placate.
  13. Enjoy your god-Fort and thanks for making my day.
  14. Labyrinth of Fog prompted this request. A lot of runs the league leader asks everyone not hunting for fogs to jump to them to fight mobs. Currently this requires manual selection in the league window until you are in the league leader's team, then you can use /team_select. Please, see if it's possible to add a /league_select command that would work like this, /league_select 1 1, meaning select team 1, player 1. If this command existed, then macros likes, league_select 1 1$$powexe_name "Follow Through The Fog", could exist. I think this would be useful in a number of league events.
  15. CDO I got that reference. 😉 Stuff like this can be cleaned up, when everything else is solid. Which is not the case right now. All good.
  16. My sense of order (OCD) requires me to point that these items are not in alphabetical order. Thank you as always.
  17. The latest menu attached to the OP has a typo. It's missing, Menu "Labyrinth" at the top, so it doesn't work. Broken version: // POPMENU file for Labyrinth // /macro Lab popmenu Labyrinth { Title "Labyrinth" Menu "Bovine-Bloodbath" Fixed version: // POPMENU file for Labyrinth // /macro Lab popmenu Labyrinth Menu "Labyrinth" { Title "Labyrinth" Menu "Bovine-Bloodbath"
  18. You're welcome. Next I'll be adding damage per hit to the main power table, plus the option to select mob level to tell how much overkill damage is occurring. Or not.
  19. New release beta 1.1. See first post for details. Thank you in advance for feedback.
  20. I'll see what I can do today.
  21. You run as soon as you see the mino or placate him. Placate does work, unless they changed that recently. Either way you need to beat feet to the nearest door.
  22. I have a fix for the line number issue. This issue though is a bit unclear. Surprised it's failure for all logs. Are you using the command line or browser to select the file? I would, stop the program, delete the output directory entirely. Then try again. Thank you for the bug report.
  23. I guess missed that in the patch notes. It changed a few times. Thanks.
  24. On test run the Mino is usually dead in 30 mins. All players don't need to stick together, just small groups killing the mobs to get the level shifts up. Once +5 or so hits its' game over for the mobs and they start getting destroyed. I actually think this will be a nice area to PL 40+ builds as all players are shifted to 50 in the zone. Just make sure a few folks have Ican slotted to gather on the Mino. And bring 2-3 control type toons for the tornados.
  25. How much DR does that blaster have? I am usually running 50+ s/l and get the others into the 25-30% range? About Mace Beam Blast it's more for keeping mobs CC'ed in place than damage. Since, it's 100% chance for KB.
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