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Everything posted by Starhammer

  1. I'm not disheartened about posting because someone disagrees with me. Lots of people disagree with me about lots of things, that's fine. The world would probably be even more messed up if everyone agreed with me about everything. It's the way that disagreement comes up that makes me question if posting about anything in this community is worth it anymore. Not just disagreeing, but how the threat gets turned into a diatribe about how this is just a tool for stalking and hate crimes. It feels like the environment has been lost to echo chambers I don't want to be a part of. I don't feel welcome here.
  2. And this is why I'm loathe to speak up about stuff or propose ideas on the forums. Maybe this whole thread should be deleted.
  3. So some time back we got the new subcategory in Back Options, which contains all of one option... I don't know if any work is being actively done on this or if it's one of those "maybe someday" plans. I'd like to suggest further development for it though: Copy the colorable Gold Bricker pack into the Backpacks subcategory. Make all packs (current and future) in the Jet Packs category default to being hidden when there is no flight power turned on. As new jetpack models are made colorable (please make more jetpack models colorable) they get put into Jet Packs and replace the original in Backpacks. That way, everyone has the option to have it always on in costume if that's appropriate (Backpacks) or only visible when flying (Jet Packs). Yes, this can be accomplished through keybinding by switching costumes automatically when activating or deactivating a flight power, but with the cooldown on costume changes, it often gets desynchronized, especially with short boosts or when the costume changes but the power doesn't completely turn on because you did something else at about the same time. And obviously, just using the temp power misses not only the value of color coordination with your costume, but flight enhancements too.
  4. So a lot of players have a lot of alts. A few of them are variations on a theme (I have a lot of versions of Starhammer) but a lot of them aren't (I also have hundreds of other things). I know we have a 'notes' function, but it's really only functional for deeper stuff than basic recognition (like if you know their birthday and want to be able to wish them a Happy Birthday no matter who they're playing). I wish we could just be able to see their @Global in chat alongside their character name, so if it's someone we recognize on a new alt, we know who we're dealing with. Obviously, I'm only asking for it to be an option, because this would not interest some people, and maybe even undermine immersiveness for some of them. Some just might prefer not taking up the extra space in a chat window. My preferred format would be how CO does it, 'Character Name@Global Name' or maybe better, 'Character Name(@Global Name)' If they wanted to avoid the implication of copying CO, maybe '[@Global]Character Name' (mimicking the keybind used for SG chat in some groups) There's also the possibility of mimicking @Global channels and using just @Global Name in all Chat Channels, though that's my least favorite idea, since often the character name is more descriptive of a character than just the @Global, and I'd hate to lose visibility of character names altogether just to get visibility of @Global. EDIT: Yes, I'm aware I can add a bind to do this for my own name in chat. But this neither helps me with what I'm looking for (The ability to see other's @Globals in chat... and it's not like it's going to convince everyone else to do it too) and it actively undermines those who don't want to see this in chat without having to block me completely.
  5. I love the idea of more variations on the Crabpack. One with 1-2 'Predator' style shoulder cannons would be sufficient for the blast animations... not that I even worry about that in the heat of combat. I think most 'coding' difficulties for getting rid of the Crabpack could be eliminated by making one that's just invisible, or legless, or just the cape. It would still be in the way of getting other backpacks, which is suboptimal, but wouldn't interfere anymore than it already does if/when they ever develop a workaround for that, and it would still be a vast improvement for people who want Crab powers without Crab legs 😕 Sadly, I don't think it'll ever happen. I think too many people with any 'authority' either just don't care, or actively desire that Spiders have the mandatory costume nerf 😞
  6. My first inclination was 100 tokens, but 25 as suggested above would be reasonable too. I'm not attached to the price so much as the concept.
  7. So if anyone among the devs, or dev-adjacent is any good at programming animations, I'd love to see a bellydance sequence added... some hips, some shakes, some twirls... IYKYK. Similarly, the "Naatu Naatu" from the end of RRR would be an awesome addition to play with in AP or while waiting on the Hami Raid to begin...
  8. So it's not fleshed out, but I'd like to see a support set based on Cloning. [Replicated Flesh] as a heal and/or +regen, a cloning resurrect, a summon where you make a duplicate of an ally (uncontrolled pet)(This would likely be the 'signature' power of the set)... I'm sure folks can add some useful ideas to this. But it'd be a neat theme to play with in this genre
  9. It's obviously a little late this year, but I'd like to see Luna give the option of buying Anniversary Badges with Anniversary tokens as well. It'd be a nice way to use them up when you have a lot left over after getting everything just by clicking capsules, and it'd be nice to have something else to do with leftovers besides dumping on the AH.
  10. I have one currently that I take seriously, kind of a cross between Indiana Jones and Ash from Evil Dead. I love the whip, but don't like the demons. He works ok, is more about buffs (sonic defense) than combat, but 'thrive' is not a word I would apply to him. Back on Live, I did one with Dual Pistols right when that came out. He was a lot of fun, but again, tough to really get anywhere with him after the 20s. It's easier on HC, but I still get more use out of [Throwing Knives] at level 50 than I should...
  11. I love this idea. With hundreds of alts (and a tendency to make a lot more), there are some things I want to make universal across all my characters, like the UI placement. This would mesh perfectly with that, and make it easier to set up new characters and "fix" older ones when something changes.
  12. It was a disappointing change to be sure. I finally liked having Suppressive as a standard part of my attack chain, even without taking Swap Ammo. A power should never be dependent on taking another power to be "good" Of course that said, I wish I could rebuild Suppressive Fire completely, make it more like something from real life tactics. Make it target a location and give about a 25 foot radius area of effect (if I had a code genie working for me, it would also affect a cone leading to that radius). Inside the aoe, it would cause a fear effect (Somebody's shooting, I better duck!) maybe some -recharge, and have a 10%ish chance of doing actual damage comparable to Pistols. Obviously that'll never happen, but Birthday/Anniversary wishes and all that...
  13. So I have wdwload in a convenient bind (along with some other utilitarian stuff on my joypad. Normally, it works great to reset the UI in lieu of individually closing various windows that have been opened, like email, auctions, and more. The one instance where it is problematic however is the queue window for joining trials, like DFB, etc. Should I accidentally hit the button that triggers it, the queue window disappears, making it impossible to hit the green button to join a trial. Attempting to wdwsave with the queue window open does not fix this (My initial hope was that if I am in a queue, the window would open upon wdwload... this is not how it works though). So, my suggestion/request, is could we have the queue window made to ignore loading saved window files, and stay on screen until you press either the join or quit button? I'm not certain, but I believe the "Go to hospital" window works in this manner, and may be a place to salvage working code from for this.
  14. I'm curious to see how the UnbindAll ends up functioning. All of my binds are pretty extensive, and I overwrote the commands that are necessary to do some of the base item manipulation long ago, and don't seem to be able to reset them without creating a brand new character with all my bind files moved so they can't be loaded. Hopefully this will allow me to fix those... though I can't help but wonder if it will actually work, since base edit mode and normal play mode don't seem to store binds the same way...
  15. Can we revisit the damage % requirements to qualify for badges? It seems lately teaming for GMs is less common. I've even seen folks met with outright hostility for requesting to join a team for GMs. There's a disconnect it seems. Because you can qualify so easily for the merit rewards (which is all some seem to care about), a lot of folks seem unaware that badge requirements are steeper than just getting a hit in. I can understand if it's desirable to maintain more difficulty than just getting a hit in, in order to compel active participation, but could we maybe see something like scaling the requirements to match how many are in your team, or to be met by doing other things that may contribute but don't cause actual damage (like taunt, force fields, or healing)... maybe calculated through the agro mechanics? It just kinda sucks missing out on a badge because others who either already have it or don't care about it aren't interested in anything but the "loot."
  16. Something I just noticed the other night... Arsenal Control > Sleep Grenade shows as accepting Ranged AOE sets, but does not accept them. (I tried placing a damage proc) Obviously it would be nice if it accepted the sets, but at least having the text updated to match what it does would be acceptable.
  17. So I have "Monitor Influence" from Combat Attributes enabled on every toon. Just something I set at creation. Since the patch, each one has had it disabled. if other attributes are also being monitored, those are unaffected. In some cases it's been replaced with a blank line, that does not go away even if I stop monitoring everything to clear the window and monitor inf once again. Not game breaking or anything, but indicates something isn't working quite right.
  18. Personally, I think an outright name change will just add confusion, and impair practical communication between players who have been used to the existing names, and players new to the game after the change. Ad "S.T.A.R.T." as something like a title or SG name. Update the lore on their info accordingly, but even with the change, I don't see myself (or many other players) calling the vendors by anything other than "P2W" even if it's entirely scrubbed. Also, update Keister in the Breakout tutorial with the title. It was years before I noticed he was a P2W, and even then only because of a misclick.
  19. It's not so easy as you seem to think. It's highly counterintuitive to not buff allies in this game (especially if on an AT whose primary purpose is buffing allies, and even more so with a buff that is so commonly requested because of its other effects). The fact that increased movement speed is not universally appreciated (I don't like it either, I get hung up on terrain bad enough even without it) is bad power design, not something you should be blaming on players who may not understand why it doesn't work well for some others. Frankly, I think we should be pushing for a change to be made to the base power itself. While "thematically" there may be sense to "Speed Boost" giving both a movement boost and a recharge boost (plus the end boost that everyone really wants), in practice those effects are very different, and maybe shouldn't be in the same power... or maybe better yet, should give the receiving player more control over how they're used. I think the best way to do this would be to make use of the travel power popup tray, and when you apply Speed Boost to someone (or Group Fly for that matter, or anything that alters the receiving character's movement performance), give them a toggle power covering the movement performance aspects in the popup tray that allows them to turn it on if they choose. And if none of that is sufficient, perhaps the terms of use should be updated to include acknowledgement that by playing the game, you are consenting for your character's appearance and performance to be potentially affected by other player and non-player entities 😞
  20. So it seems really odd to me that some of the ATs don't qualify for some of the roles, like Corrupter not being in Support or Brute not being Melee Damage. I know they may not be FOTM level best at these things, but they are roles they fill in practice. When you get a Speed Boost, you don't care if it came from a Defender, Corrupter, or Mastermind. Aside from that, this feels like something it would be neat to see a couple accolade powers associated with. For instance, sure, the first time you succeed you get the badge, but have the game keep count behind the scenes, and once you've qualified 10 times, or a hundred, or whatever, you get an accolade associated with it, and if you have the accolade, and you join a TF that would qualify for the associated badge, you have an auto team buff appropriate to the badge during any qualifying mission for the duration of the TF. Nothing that would dramatically shift team power for any one character having it, but maybe something that would be significant if most/all had it. Sure, I get it, having some quantitative benefit might potentially encourage the elitist behavior some are concerned about, but from the other end of the spectrum, such behavior is a good indicator of who isn't worth playing with... at least for me.
  21. This response strikes me as especially petty, a way of saying you don't really want feedback that isn't congratulatory adoration, and that we should take it as you doing us a favor by dumping it in File 13. 😞 Of course, my feedback to this response is probably exactly more of the feedback you don't want to hear, and I will not be surprised to find myself somehow punished for giving it 😞
  22. Ironically, I somehow never really got around to those. It's an error I must fix sooner or later.
  23. Want to exit, or clear the towers after the mission ends? As for the latter, just the other night was the last one I did. As to the former, many of the folks I find myself playing with are pretty enthusiastic about hunting GMs. If that's not you, that's fine, you're under no obligation, but we really don't need you implying it's the ghost town equivalent of a game experience either. Do what you love, let others do what they love.
  24. I haven't seen much in this thread to justify prestige having an actual use going forward... That said, I'd prefer the developers find an acceptable use for it, or find a way to clean it off the SG interface.
  25. I think they're following the same physics rules as the coyote who runs off the cliff but doesn't start falling till he looks down...
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