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Everything posted by Starhammer
Exactly. You have precisely described what's wrong with it.
If you're just going to be rude, you can see yourself out.
Lovely game. This aspect of how it works is what I'd love to see here. Unfortunately, as much as I also love ESO, City of Heroes is many other things I love that ESO doesn't do.
There's that mission for Burke in the "new" introductory story arc where you disguise yourself as an Arachnos to find out about [REDACTED]. That seems like it would be a good place in Mercy to add a SG registrar. I don't think the old one should be removed since many folks might be confused if it wasn't there, and there's no value in that.
See, that's the thing... I find grays boring. Yet, there's still things I need to do from time to time in places that are populated solely with grays. Gotta spawn Death Surge? go park afk at a power station with a damage aura running while you make dinner, surely no threat you should need to be paying attention to the game for... For many level 50's white cons are "boring" but at least you can't casually pretend they aren't there. Similarly, a lowbie may find an area populated exclusively with purples "boring" since there's still "nothing to do" game wise in what might be an important area for something unrelated to combat. But then the point was, start this off with certain factions that are to some extent, omnipresent. A Longbow Lieutenant is a Longbow Lieutenant is a Longbow Lieutenant, whether you find them in Mercy, Cap, or Nerva... I get it. We're not going to agree. We're not going to change each other's minds.
Dev Diary - Spring Flings & Wedding Things
Starhammer replied to Cobalt Arachne's topic in Developer's Corner
Love the bow tie on Black Scorpion and Mako. Hope we see them available for players as more generalized chest details or shoulder options soon 🙂 -
You're right of course. And that sucks. And I have over 600 alts, many of whom have 3 or more costumes I would have to edit. And I'd still rather have to start over with something significantly better and vastly more options and have to re-edit each and every one of them.
My personal preference for additional auras would be to have each costume location have it's own aura option. Yeah, I know that's a lot of UI to overhaul. Of course if the UI were to be overhauled, each costume location could also have an option to overlay a second costume piece, so we could do things like make new hairstyles by combining two existing hair styles, Or have barbarian bracers combined with fingerless gloves. Frankly, I'd love to see the entire costume creator UI get a complete overhaul and re-sort. Too many options that are locked out of compatibility with other options, like putting hats on Lizard heads, or goat horns on lion heads, or ear muffs as ear options. [EDIT:] In relation to the Prismatic Aether prices, I wholeheartedly agree the advanced tiers cost vastly too much. I don't want to grind Dr Aeon SFs on 5 star over and over and over. I knpow that's some people's cup o' tea, but not mine. But at 250 PAs for a mini-mode or a Spines aura (for a non Spines character), even at 1.6 million for PAs on the AH, that's still around 400 million inf (a 5th of the cap) for a purely cosmetic effect. I have hungry alts to feed. I don't have that kind of game money sitting around.
Yes, the topic has been broached before, but I'd like to try framing the suggestion again in a more limited yet thematically appropriate scope. I like enemies who are automatically matched to my character's level, whatever that may be. Such as the support minions for the War of the Veil in Croatoa, or clockwork building or following the Paladin in King's Row. I would like to see more of this in the game. I like the idea of enemies maintaining relevance and not having entire zones "go gray." I think the two factions that could most safely and justifiably have all members replaced with this type would be Longbow and Arachnos. They're staples of the "enemies" faced, regardless of what level zone you're in. To have them hold onto that relevance regardless of what zone you travel to I believe would be great for immersion. If it works as I believe it would, it would set a good standard to follow with other omnipresent factions in time, such as 5th/Council, Circle of Thorns, and so on. If it works as detractors have claimed it would, it's only a limited slice of the content and not a catastrophe for anyone's game experience. The other place I would want to see this applied is ambushes. It seems to be the case for some ambushes already (Clockwork ambush for Synapse come to mind) But I think there's still some missions that may cause ambushes of inappropriately high level enemies in low level zones (I recall high level 5th/Council ambushes in Steel Canyon being a problem at one point, though in all fairness, I don't see that ambush very often anymore since we have a lot fewer players than live, and most seem to bypass the mid levels using AE farms or PI radios). Nonetheless, I think making sure it applies to all ambushes should be a quality standard. {EDIT:} Ultimately of course, this would be my preference for most if not all content in the game. I dislike having to "turn off XP" or risk missing content just because I want to team up with friends who are doing a lot of high XP content. Having to go back to do something through Orouboros is insufficient, especially since flashbacks function as a sort of TF, and we can't add folks on the fly.
I agree with many points above (and before). I'd love to see travel between Red/Blue simply opened to everyone, and as time goes on, add the occasional blue contact to red zones and vice/versa. As it is, I just make every character a Vigilante or Rogue so I can access either when I want to join a team or TF/SF, but it would be nice to have that be unnecessary so I could pick faction based more on character development than Interfaction Multipass. Moving the Black Helicopter over by Dollface would be much more useful. As is, if we have to go to that part of the zone, we might as well just take the Ferry/TUNNEL. Then the current Black Helicopter could be used as a transit to RWZ... a bit out of the way, but not a different zone at least. I'd like to see more semi-interactive *stuff* around the zone too. Ruined labs, basement hideouts, a vendor or three... just stuff to see and do besides most of the zone being an open hunting ground (which is of course a problem for most of the zones in the game, but if we're talking about Mercy here...). I want more things to explore, and more reason to do so. I love places like the Arachnos tunnel in Faultline, the Council bunker in RWZ, more stuff like that. Of course, such places should have exploration badges. Now that we no longer require a full zone of exploration badges to unlock Long Range Transport, perhaps we could set aside the standardization that each zone have exactly 8 badges.
At least in the case of [Kick] I'm confident it wouldn't require new animation, merely adding options for alternatives that could be pulled from existing kick animations in other powersets. the thunder kick from Blaster /MA and the spinning leg sweep would both be awesome options.
Caretaker's Plot Discussion Tunnel to Oblivion
Starhammer replied to The Caretaker's topic in Developer's Corner
It has been my opinion for some time that the universe of City of Heroes (like many other MMOs) exists within a temporal anomaly that prevents standardized entropy, and as such, the perception of the forward movement of time. Certain powerful beings are partially immune to this, progressing forward themselves (gaining levels, acquiring badges, etc), and their immunity even extends outwards from them to a limited extent, allowing for the defeat of enemies in the nearby vicinity, yet also explaining how the same enemies will soon once again be trying to steal the same purses from the same civilians as if noting had happened. And even these powerful beings are only able to break through to forward movement in time for short periods, often remaining unknowingly static for short or even very long periods of time (among the lesser powered among them, they may remain dormant for so long they forget who they are, and when they become active again, may start going by a similar but different name (or even a very different name). Certain events seem to come and go, often coinciding with their thematic counterparts in real life, though rarely for the same precise amount of time. But even as they come and go and even return the following year, they are usually just a repeat of the previous year, soon to end and be forgotten by the world at large until they return yet again, likely with few changes, if any at all. -
Sooo... was this delayed?
A Mark/Recall-type teleportation power
Starhammer replied to temnix's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Mark/Recall spells were one of my favorite fast travel formats (From the good ol' Ultima Online days), especially when you factored in Runebooks that would hold a selection of runestones you could Recall off of. Basically custom /loc beacons. Unfortunately, as cool as they were in UO, where we often had to travel to rare spawns or specific vendors in people's homes, CoH just doesn't have a lot of that stuff. Yeah, S.T.A.R.T. vendors, trainers, quartermasters and the like, but most of those are highly accessible via existing fast travel abilities and hub bases. I like the idea, but I don't think we have enough usage for them to justify them. I suppose I could see runebooks for each zone's exploration badges, short-circuiting the minimal effort that is currently required for those to even less... (Even that I'd rather just see exploration badges turn into account rather than character badges once you gotten them 10 times). Give us content that creates a significant need for these please, then give us Mark and Recall to meet that need. -
I like your idea. Except I'd replace the melee attack with something akin to [Active Defense] from various sets. Obviously reflecting the "Bat-(fill-in-the-blank)-Counteragent"
Similarly, I'd love to see the "High Collar" options but with a "none" option for the cape part itself, just to create that shoulder/collar bit, which would look awesome on top of a trench coat among other things.
While this can apply to many pool powers, I specifically would love to see a couple alternate animations for [Kick].
Could we get Ram Horns added to Minotaur heads? Maybe a few other horn styles too
Unfortunately, the biggest problem with asking Devs to fix it is they kinda have to change it for everyone. When they did so with that one Trick Arrow power, that's not such a big deal, because a power effect for that power doesn't *have* to look like it used to. Helicopter blades though, they really look great the way they are, and turning them all off for everyone else doesn't feel like something that should be inflicted on others just because they're troublesome for me. Same with the lights in Pocket D & PDP (and that Skuls mission). They're pretty cool, they look appropriate. They're a viable graphic addition to the setting, and there's not really an alternative way to do them that would work better for me. A client side off switch feels like the only appropriate solution. Anyway, like I said, I don't have high expectations. Just hoping someone reads these (maybe even a dev) who has an idea how that might be done.
Conceptually, this is pretty neat. Mechanically, I just don't see it being feasible in the foreseeable future.
I'm in the camp of preferring less powerful, less punishing, faster activating T9s. I'll occasionally take One with the Shield or Strength of Will. I won't even bother with the others. I don't have the coordination to cycle a variety of powers to counteract another power's drawbacks. I just need powers I can use when I need them that don't make me regret using them. Maybe the power level of those or the Sorc one (already forgot the name. Stroke brain sucks) isn't amazing, but they're good enough to usually make the difference I need when things get hairy. I wish the high tier buffs in the other pool sets would be rebuilt to more closely match Sorcery. I'd use those pools more often. And the T9s in armor sets feel the same but more. I hate skipping powers, but not as much as I hate taking powers that I'll never use because they're bad for me.
Force of Will feels like it's tailor made for making "Jedi" types. Unfortunately, the animation time on the basic blast is so freakin long it ruins any sense of usefulness, at least for me. I would love to see a sword based "Assault" set for Dominators though. Mind or Gravity feel wonderful for throwing things or people with "The Force" Even with the shortcomings of power selection, A 'Star Warsy' character made on CoH feels better than a character made in a Star Wars MMO (now if we could just get some starfighters to costume change into 😜 )
Theoretically, if they managed to code in a second hair slot to do this, they could then use the technique to add a 2nd(1st) hair slot to the Hats category and add a variety of hair styles that don't interfere with the hat (or maybe look like they could fit anyway, such as sticking a mohawk on top of the hat, as if it's part of the hat itself) Obviously that list would be heavily truncated, but even then a few such new options would be wonderful.
Love this idea. I've requested it as well. I don't care so much about the email part, or tells, because there's other ways as mentioned. But in the heat of combat, I'd love to be able to just click someone's name in chat when they ask for help with whatever, like a port or a wakie, rather than trying to find their name in the wall of text of the League Window, if they're even in the League... or scan Next Friend over and over and Hope I'm looking the right direction and find them withing a minute or three. This would be a massive QoL improvement during raids and events. And I'm not talking about a click menu option, but simply automatically targeting them when I click their name (presuming they're in range of course), then the normal click menu can open as it already is.