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Everything posted by Starhammer

  1. The set needs a net gun, thematically. I don't care if it's single target or aoe, immobilize or hold. It just needs one.
  2. Because of the control set nature, I really wish we got the M32 (or similar) grenade launcher as a weapon option in costuming. Yes, I know the default "all in one" assault rifle thing has that as part of it, but there's an NPC weapon model that's pretty close to the M32 that would be especially fitting. The shoulder fired rocket launchers Crey and Council (among others) use would also be extremely welcome (for Munitions Mastery too... LRM)
  3. Anyone able to post an image on the Canister Gun and Malta Launcher? I have no idea which alt might have these unlocked, and Google doesn't seem helpful in finding images for this specific context... Also, is the "Shotgun" option mentioned the same as used for the temp power [Shotgun]? Man, I wish that was available for Assault Rifle and Arachnos Soldier...
  4. uh yeah... preventing combinations is the total antithesis of my desires in costuming 😞
  5. So it's not a huge deal, but the Lusca mini pet is disappointing. Coming out of an airborne globe of water just doesn't feel right. I would have vastly preferred if it was a ground based puddle 😞 I can understand the choice, since the puddle is nonsensical if summoned by a flying character, but it just doesn't look right... it's like the globe of water just highlights that there's part of the body there's no art for, rather than hiding it. Maybe literally splitting the difference would work better? A lower hemisphere of water, flat water fx on top, with Lusca rising from it, but set at a hover height low enough that if we're at ground level, all but the upper plane is hidden... then if we elevate, it floats upward and has the bottom half of the globe to maintain the illusion that Lusca isn't rising from nothing but a flat plane. Ok, so aside from the Lusca thing, it would be lovely if we could set these pets to start fighting each other if another is nearby. No combat mechanics, just shooting and brawling with each other.
  6. Like many others, my thoughts largely echo what Dispari posted. I'm not really fond of sleep, but a single gas grenade AOE would be fine for when you want to bypass a group or something. Combining sleep gas with a smoke grenade might be interesting. I'm not a massive fan of Immobilize either, but it definitely has it's uses, especially if you need to keep a bunch of folks in another AOE. And thematically, this set really needs a big ol' anti-dinosaur net gun. The one from Trick Arrow would fit well. I don't really like the Cryo Freeze Ray thematically. I don't hate it, but I'd rather see bolas or a glue grenade. It'd be really wonderful if we could choose from a few very different effects for the hold... small net grenade, glue grenade, fire patch, force field, ice block... just pick whatever element/effect suits our character concept best, without impairing the options for other players to go with their own preference... like Swap Ammo, except we can only change it out in the armory (costume creator). That would also be a nice experiment to set precedent for further power customization to many other powers in the future.
  7. So I love having skulls (and other stuff) available inside the think tank head. The only real shortcoming is when you scale Physique and Chest (most egregiously on Huge bodies), it can drastically alter the size of the tank and base. The tank size is mostly ok, but it does get a bit tight around the skull on minimum physique. Worse though is if Physique and Chest are maxed out on Huge (and to a lesser extent on Male, and much lesser extent on Female), the upper "base" of the tank clips upward into the lower jaw, potentially completely engulfing it. I don't know how difficult it might be to do, but if there's any way to make the mounting height of the skull (or eyeball, or whatever) scale slightly along with those sliders so as to prevent the jaw being engulfed, that would be wonderful. Speaking of the jaw on the Skulls... having the skull affected by head sliders would be really nice. That's a very wide jaw. *************************************** In regard to the Rusted Clockwork pieces, I love them. That added bit of texture really helps them blend with various other pieces that don't have that crisp, shiny look. I'd love to see this rustification extend to other pieces, like Tech Knight and Cyborg. ****************************************** The new Plague Doctor Hat and Modern Beret helmet are neat. I hope this is a first step towards having Hair/No Hair options on other hats/helmets (Or dare I dream, more hair options, like mullets, corn rows, & pony tails sticking out of the back of hats/helmets). That said, there's an obvious issue with the Beret. The helmet details not designed specifically for it clip/mesh terribly. And you know what? I'm absolutely fine with that. Even if we never find a mix of parts that makes them look good together, there's nothing forcing us to use them together. And here's why that matters to me... Many times in the past, the excuse to not unlock various NPC costume parts has been given as "They don't clip properly with some options" or "They don't live up to what other new parts should look like" (I still don't see how that applies to IDF gauntlets like those worn by Grant Creston in 1st Ward and a lot of generic IDF forces). If this is now an acceptable standard, can we please revisit a lot of existing pieces (Crey & Sky Raiders have a lot of desirable parts too, all of which should fit fine, unlike Arachnos boots and such) that are withheld from us?
  8. Having the picture is a great improvement, especially for some similar costumes. That said, I'd still love to see a "Preview" option next to "Buy" that gives you a version with a 1 minute duration or so. That would be especially useful for the higher tier (more expensive) options that may merely alter an effect. Obviously we can still workaround by looking at the effect on Beta, which is worth it before dropping 250 PAs (or more) on what may or may not be as desirable an effect as we hope... but a lot of folks aren't sufficiently familiar with using Beta, and it is a few more steps than would be optimal.
  9. I would quickly find this mandatory in most builds that don't have their own status protection. I think I would drop the Hold protection, as that can already be found in Acrobatics. Whether or not it's kept, I think, based on the theme of reasoning your way out of things better, resistance might be more appropriate than protection anyway. Also a nice container for +Perception and Build Up procs.
  10. That's pretty epic in controlled circumstances... but how well does it sound when spamming attacks in a ToT? especially with potentially many others using the same powers?
  11. Never tried it with O-portal, but with all other powexeclocation summoning, you should be able to use 0:12 for the same effect as forward:12 but with fewer characters (which may be relevant if combined with other commands in a long bind/macro)
  12. I'd love to see a dual holster Goldbricker belt. The dual police belt is nice, but the Goldbricker holster allows for the implication of a wider variety of handguns... (Also, the police version isn't available with jackets). I know that *any* graphics work is more than what most people want to do, but I can't imagine this would require more effort than the police belt did... so hopefully it's a viable request.
  13. I will give it a try, but I think I'm going to wait on messing with anything until after Halloween. Don't want to risk downtime during "ToT till my eyes bleed" season 🙂
  14. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong. I even reinstalled the game from scratch. Can't get this to work. 😞 Fortunately I was able to paste the old Data folder back in and at least get the outdated mods working again.
  15. Heh, I wish I could move some things into this for long term storage of stuff I might want available to other characters across the account without cluttering standard email.
  16. It would be nice to have the neck chain from shoulder options also available in head detail 2, and wouldn't require new art. Similarly, some of the cape brooches could be repurposed as jewelry. FWIW, my goto for anyone I think needs a wristwatch is the barbarian iron band on just right or left glove.
  17. I do that already. It's just a hassle to wait around for the timer if I just needed a short jump, and I'm not going to add in a secondary bind just to use a temp situationally.
  18. Yeah, temp powers are great for some characters where it's just for practical use or the particular temp happens to fit well with the costume. But they aren't enhanceable, so they can be a bit sluggish for a character that's supposed to be flight oriented.
  19. I'd love if we had a "None" option for the cape under the High Collar option. The collar & shoulder covering would look excellent on many trenchcoat costumes without having the cape itself hanging below them.
  20. I'd like if the Costume Change cooldown were to be shortened a bit more. One of the things I like using it for is switching a jetpack or wings on/off on an otherwise same costume with the same bind that activates/deactivates Flight. Optimally, it'd be preferable to have some sort of checkbox on "Back Options" to only display while airborne instead, because that'd make it easier to enable/disable jetpacks or wings across different costumes without having to make different binds for each, but that's a lot more work for not much more effect. The limit isn't too bad currently, but it's still too easy for the pattern to become desynchronized and end up running with a jetpack and flying without 😕
  21. Super Strength is definitely among my least favorite melee sets, because of the Rage crash and the activation time on Hurl, but I'm curious how it is "unplayable"?
  22. I can't really speak to Dominators, as they're not really my thing. I have some, even at 50, but they don't come naturally to me. What I can say is that if I'm filling out a level 50 character with 50+5 enhancements, I'm usually not dependent on set bonuses to handle 46- content. I'll admit, I don't like losing my global Endredux from Unbreakable Guard on toggle heavy characters, but if I'm doing low-level content with these characters, it's for a badge or a sense of completionism, or experiencing a story line... in any of those cases, I probably also don't need to be playing at +4x8.
  23. "Themes" may not have been the best term, but I couldn't think of a better one and you seem to have understood what I meant. And as for the difficulty/unlikelihood of making one for all the different "themes" at once, I did specifically address that right in the same paragraph... As for how it would be implemented in the unlikely event that it was? Yeah, probably best to create new categories altogether for such things. A "Fire" set would thereby act as a Universal Damage set in regard to positional damage, but be limited to only powers that cause fire damage inherently (Not counting other powers or procs that add fire damage to a non-fire power).
  24. So if you want to play a Shield Wielder without using the Shield powerset, so as to have something in that off hand, it's not perfect but on the Left Glove only, use a Black Knight gauntlet, it's almost a spiked shield in it's own right, and helps with that off hand emptiness on single handed weapon sets. It also shows that it wouldn't "break the animation" to have Shield available to Two-Handed weapon sets. What it would do is create clipping issues with some combinations of shields and weapons. Some of the devs seem allergic to potentially sub-optimal clipping, but if they could move past that, we could add many of the shield options as a Left Glove choice (or even mirrored for Right Glove... I'd love to make a dual shields Super Strength/Shield brute )
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