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Everything posted by catsi563

  1. bloody hell 19 so sorry for the loss all my warmest thoughts and feelings for the family and friends
  2. Adam Black my first ever PC made in COH so long ago Invuln SS tank and fun to play as they come i also have homages to Star Fire, Mockingbird, Hawkgirl as well
  3. So at least my basic understanding of the principle here is it works as such hero A fires attack at Villain B matching accuracy against villains bs defenses A rolls to hit and if it hits damage is applied villain b resists with whatever resistance they have available which removes any and or all up to the total resistance A throws a debuff on B Bs resistances under that debuff are dropped by the debuffs percentage meaning B takes more damage per hit from each source now A goes against C an Archvillain who has resistances and the AV resistance to debuffs A throws the same debuff at C C has a chance based on their resistance to RESIST the debuff and cause it to not affect them as i recall or if affecrted have it reduced in effectiveness by the resistance amount (I may be incorrect about that not enitrely sure what the priority is for AV monster Debuff resistance) So essentially the AV can either resist the debuff entirely or reduce its effectiveness by a specific amount making them tougher to control and debuff unless a high tier one like Howling twilight is stacked on or a number of controls are thrown onto them at once
  4. yeah AVs and giant monsters do have resistance to Debuffs but not immunity which is why Rad is still to this day known as the AV killer. its combination of stacked Debuffs can wreck an AV in fairly short order especially if backed up by Sonics and or Darkness or other debuffs
  5. Yes thank you so much for all the hard work in keeping this game we love aline and kicking
  6. It does and with the coolest sound effect in the game power wise 😸
  7. I maintain to this day that Panda my D4 holds the record --unofficially-- for the most people rezzed in one shot by Howling Twilight it was back before they capped AOEs during a fight with the Kraken in perez. big boy took out around 24+ poeple this back when Monsters were MONSTERS I popped HT and up came pretty much the entire group of people 20+ easy in one shot
  8. yeah as others have said there really isnt any gain from adding more than 2 addiitonal slots to heakth and stamina that you cant get from other powers even with certain set bonuses 4-6 slot bonuses 3 slots max in each is usually always th best bet
  9. Sure thing one door at a time clean up your spawns share the doors its an open city call out if you see jack or eochai people might need them for the badge call out if you get one of the malleus missions people need those for the 6-7 achievements as well If a zombie invasion occurs joining or starting a league is always a good thing be courteous its a holiday activity for fun Both are considered bad manners you should be participating not just leeching Sure it is but youd have a better chance in a large group of getting badges and drops if you want to solo there are many good locations all over the city if you are soloing with friends and dont want to invite anyone else that is fine a simple and POLITE denial of the asking party would be acceptable but if you are with a friend and have room the more the merrier i say Yes it is BM to just leave the spawn its like littering always clean up your trash Nope Bad manners is Ban manners everywhere you go and good manners are encouraged everywhere as well be polite, share. and help where you can
  10. Ive been waiting for fourth wall break myself
  11. Does seem that way with the protectors sometimes doesnt it
  12. because its MOMENT of glory not ongoing gloty
  13. Meh I stand on the one and only real fix Regen needs which is to make Instant healing a toggle again do that and regen will be fine
  14. you have to see that froma cats perspective its usually a distaction for something ffar more sinister and a lot more fun
  15. But weve got the biggest Balls of them all
  16. issa nezz! =O_O= *pounce tackle Huggle glomp*
  17. exactly this led to what effectively could be called suicide brutes which would just kamikaze through entire maps either clearing out or getting finally overwhelmed just to keep their fury bar maxed out. where as a scrapper or MM could just take a moment rest get some fresh pets out and move on between encounters I still think brutes have a place mind you they just arent the dps bulldozers they used to be but backed up by a team that can move with them they can roll a good ways into a map and smash their hearts content
  18. This is a long held debate that started back when brutes were first introduced the key is that brutes were not actually intended to be the tanks of the villain side that was actually the job of Masterminds who would use their expandable pets to take the alpha strike and use their healing and area control abilities to either heal their pets or slow and debuff the enemy Brutes were designed to be bulldozers bigger tougher scrapper who the longer the fight went on would hit harder and harder tanks at the time had an issue in that they were doing as much damage and while tough didnt have as much crowd control as they do now so brutes were basically more offensive tanks at that time Tanks would eventually get a big QOL change where they were not only tougher but could now deal a bit more damage and EVERY attack they fired off was a mini taunt combined with taunt auras and taunt being an auto hit aoe now tanks had their niche as crowd control agro magnets brutes were still the offesnive bulldozers they were always intended to be with the philosophy of the best defense is SMASH SMASH and more SMASH So in conclusion tanks are meant to stand up to the hardest of hits and just keep coming tanks are the juggernaut Nothing stops the Juggernaut' Brutes are like the Hulk the angrier Brute gets the stronger brute gets and the longer brute fights the stronger brute gets
  19. Blappers are interesting because while they dont have the take the hit survivability of a scrapper they are fully capable of dishing out every bit of punishment the scrapper can and often at all ranges unlike the scrapper who has to close the distance from short to point blank interestingly enough with the additions of ninja and martial combat blappers became even more viable my own DP MC blapper is a near whirlwind in combat and is effective at every ranger short of long ranger where other buids with sniper shots excell A blapper really just needs to make sure to utilize their ranged advantage and be ready to use their melee when people get close also dont be afraid to hit someone with a total focus or burn patch at need it can be devestating
  20. well it does say all your fire attacks for a while and non fire attacks for a short period so it may not have been active for your other attacks =>_>= *FIREBALLS snarky*
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