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Everything posted by catsi563

  1. we need a tf by Radio RADIO RAAAAADDDDIIIIOOOOOOO Free opportunity time to take that talking trashcan TV down a peg
  2. buried alive buried alive
  3. I actually have pulled off the coveted pinball maneuver popped a warrior who hit one wall bounced off it hit the ceiling bounced off it and then bounced off the opposite wall before finally colliding with the floor for the last time
  4. I still love the absolute bugs bunny level of hilarity of my SS brute power uppercutting some council schmoe and the poor guy getting stuck headfirst in the ceiling his legs dangling down like some pinata
  5. PBs are like true Alien superheroes powerful figures akin to angels swooping down to save everyone Warshades are like the dark titans of myth delivering cold justice in the shadows Both are heroes though PBs really do play like a force of nature slamming into a group with heavy hiting melee and ranged atacks then shifing forms to dwarf for the reprisals and then to nova to finiish off any stragglers theyre so versatile you can play what ever role you need in a group and succeed Warshades have to be a bit more cautious as they advance but when they hit certain milestones they become veritable gods and goddesses of the battlefield. a properly placed Eclipse can make them virtually invulnerable a good double mire can push their damage to heights most blasters can barely imagine/ add in that mire and eclipse transcends forms means you can have a nova raining down death from above while laughing off most return fire or a dwarf hitting harder than most scrappers kheldians do have a bit of a learning curve but once you learn their ins and outs you have a powerful force on your side
  6. cant recall if the detective selection was random or based on origin when it was first implemented
  7. Id love to see Rico Fajardo as New Hero and New Heroine played by Lucy Christian basically a pair of brand new heroes right off the bus who get caught up in outbreak together the two form a team of new heroes who begin their careers in Paragon city
  8. the forum is lacking a radio react radio Radio RADIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! RADIO FREE OPPORTUNITY!
  9. yeah you dont have to clear that left mob but is the last mission and its good exp and a chance for drops and inspirations for the final battle so doesnt hurt unless your speed running
  10. beating the ambush in posi is simple first launch the mission from ORO hospital in oro zone so easy to get back in mission first step stay together as you go work as a team Second step DO NOT rescue the last hero, I repeat DO NOT rescue the last hero, rescuing the last hero shifts the mission to defeat incoming COT which triggers the door as soon as you get clost to the stairs leave the last hero until you have cleared the mobs around the stairway first THEN rescue the last hero. Stack melee on the doors and use blaster and controller aoe to clear then waves watch your backs for the third wave which comes in from behind and is larger and more scattered then the initial door waves enter city hall go left stay left clear the mobs on the left first so you dont side agro them, THEN clear the main mob in the lobby stack your Inpirations and clear out the dopples make sure to combine fire and take out problematic dopples such as time controllers, or cold/ice users who can flat out disable your entire team and so on melee tanks and such can go down last because theyll crumble under combined fire cleat out the last mobs surrounding poor azuria and voila TF done profit
  11. Probably shouldnt mention i stuck a rock under snarkys coffin cushion not really important who wants donuts?
  12. Its rare but ive seen it when you use Foot Stomp and it misses EVERYONE but ONE guy so an entire 10 person mob surrounds you, you footstomp and 1 guy goes flying while the other 9 look at him funny Bob flies into the air with wilhem scream what is bob doing ? that stomp didnt do much more than shake the ground a bit. ah thats just bob hes known for over acting you should see him at our weekly basketball games
  13. which is even more hilarious because meteor ALWAYS hits exactly where you aimed it only for some schmuck standing right next to it to look down at the massive impact crater and dust off his shoulder while wondering what happened to bob the guy he was talking to
  14. I have a Mace Regen right now shes fun
  15. Ohai new friend you bring teh donuts? Welcome back to the city. best advice this crazy cat has is just have fun. take your time running through the game as it is avoid the DFBs and such as you can rapd fire out level your zones. take it slow and easy with each mission read the comments and stories the mission giverrs are telling you. Soak in that wonderful music each time you load into a new zone just plain have fun if you ever have any questions or need help call out in gen chat or help channel we have a strong community always willing to lend a hand paw or cybernetic claw to a fellow hero/villain/rogue etc etc have fun and welcome home
  16. Sorry may have been my fault snarky and igot into a heated discussion
  17. Agreed whole heartedly it got so fun that when id driop an aim build up boosted meteor steike on a group id type Boom in the chat before it hit then watch the BOOM folow
  18. Grounds where you want to be anyways its one of the few blaster sets where being on the ground actually benefits you. Seismic blast is devestating and one of the most viscerally satisfying sets out there. MEteror strike alone is one of the most devestating T9s out there
  19. Snarky and me after a TF goes sideways Snarky and Catsi: Gloom Despair and Agony on me Deep dark depression, excessive misery IF it werent for bad luck wed have no luck at all Gloom Despair and agony on me Snarky: We started up a TF and called for heroes for daring do Catsi: and they came to join us in ones and twos Snarky: Half way through the task force the wheel began to come off Catsi: because we didnt know that 1s and 2s were the ages of those we were playing with Snarky and Catsi: Gloom Despair and Agony on me Deep dark depression, excessive misery IF it werent for bad luck wed have no luck at all Gloom Despair and agony on me Snarky and Catsi: WAAAAAAAHHHH 😭😭😭
  20. yeah they shut down the one in Atlas and mercy for the same reason
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