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Binds, Macros and useful info.


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Second: Go inside the game and type the command "/customwindow name" This will create a custom macro window titled with whatever you input instead of "name", which will appear in the upper left area of the screen, sometimes can be covered by the "target" window



That did it!


After creating the macro window using Healix's way, I lost it again (I think because I moved the install file).  I could not get it back no matter what I did.


The command fixed the problem again and now I find that when I log in the macro window is where I had it positioned since logging off before.


Many thanks for this, Albion!  If I had influence to give, I'd give it to you.


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Thank you for this post.


The Windows reset will be awesome!


Unfortunately, I don't think flypose works with Mystic Flight :(


Flypose does indeed work with Mystic Flight. I use Flypose2 for my main.


I should have come back to say that it does work. The bind /bind w "+forward$$e flypose2" didn't SEEM to work because I kept holding the W key... but then I realized it works AFTER I release the W. So now, I start forward and then press R and the pose works fine.

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Second: Go inside the game and type the command "/customwindow name" This will create a custom macro window titled with whatever you input instead of "name", which will appear in the upper left area of the screen, sometimes can be covered by the "target" window



That did it!


After creating the macro window using Healix's way, I lost it again (I think because I moved the install file).  I could not get it back no matter what I did.


The command fixed the problem again and now I find that when I log in the macro window is where I had it positioned since logging off before.


Many thanks for this, Albion!  If I had influence to give, I'd give it to you.


You don't have to have inf to give inf...Just click the "Give Inf" under his name...

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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There's no way to macro or bind dropping a pin on the minimap, is there? Like, I'd like to highlight the monorail or maybe one of the stores.


I suspect you can't get there from here.


Sadly, no

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Second: Go inside the game and type the command "/customwindow name" This will create a custom macro window titled with whatever you input instead of "name", which will appear in the upper left area of the screen, sometimes can be covered by the "target" window



That did it!


After creating the macro window using Healix's way, I lost it again (I think because I moved the install file).  I could not get it back no matter what I did.


The command fixed the problem again and now I find that when I log in the macro window is where I had it positioned since logging off before.


Many thanks for this, Albion!  If I had influence to give, I'd give it to you.


You don't have to have inf to give inf...Just click the "Give Inf" under his name...


Yeah, that confused me at first actually. The whole "Give Inf" when I didn't have any to start. It's essentially just a karma system, and I'm SO glad that they decided to only allow positive karma... otherwise, my score would be like those on SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy... -501,023!

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I'm out.
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Second: Go inside the game and type the command "/customwindow name" This will create a custom macro window titled with whatever you input instead of "name", which will appear in the upper left area of the screen, sometimes can be covered by the "target" window



That did it!


After creating the macro window using Healix's way, I lost it again (I think because I moved the install file).  I could not get it back no matter what I did.


The command fixed the problem again and now I find that when I log in the macro window is where I had it positioned since logging off before.


Many thanks for this, Albion!  If I had influence to give, I'd give it to you.


You don't have to have inf to give inf...Just click the "Give Inf" under his name...


Yeah, that confused me at first actually. The whole "Give Inf" when I didn't have any to start. It's essentially just a karma system, and I'm SO glad that they decided to only allow positive karma... otherwise, my score would be like those on SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy... -501,023!


No doubt - I give far more than I get, and I am often mercurial in deciding who and when...In fact +1 Inf for everyone in this quote pyramid! (except me, since you can't [and shouln't] give to yourself)

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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That did it!


After creating the macro window using Healix's way, I lost it again (I think because I moved the install file).  I could not get it back no matter what I did.


The command fixed the problem again and now I find that when I log in the macro window is where I had it positioned since logging off before.


Many thanks for this, Albion!  If I had influence to give, I'd give it to you.


You don't have to have inf to give inf...Just click the "Give Inf" under his name...


Wow, thanks.  I obviously didn't know that.  I'm new to this whole "Give Inf" thing, but have read posts where it was given out to helpful forum posters and sadly assumed that you needed to have it to give it. 


Thanks for setting me straight.


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For all of those who have been trying and obtain the macros window, issue here is that Healix did a sort of reverse engineering approach (that is how awesome Healix is ;D ), for the rest of us mortals this is the way to do it:


First: If you don't have it already, create a "data" folder in your CoH installation folder, inside of it create a "customwindows" folder, the reason you do this is because the macros window will only persist if your installation folder contains a /data/customwindows path.


Second: Go inside the game and type the command "/customwindow name" This will create a custom macro window titled with whatever you input instead of "name", which will appear in the upper left area of the screen, sometimes can be covered by the "target" window


Now that you used this command, the "custom.window" file will be created by the game itself, trying to create one ourselves as per the original post 9 out of 10 times result in failure because windows way of creating files.


The macros that you add to this window, either through using its own edit option or by dragging those that appear in your skill bars,are from then on available across all characters (I recommend doing the macros the old way then dragging them onto it, sometimes the edit tool of the window itself gets weird).


Also note that once the macros are in the macros window, you can edit the name of the buttons with a much larger amount of characters than you were able when it was merely a button (I went from fly1/2/3/4 in the buttons to two words in each for example, good for proper identifying).


Hope this has been helpful and if you feel still a bit confused let me know and I can add pics of the process, many thanks to Healix for the original post which lead me to try it and ultimately research how to make it happen for me. \o/


+1 inf to Albion.  Thanks again!

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Question! I'm a returning Mastermind player, and for the life of me I can't recall one of the main strings of code I often used!

Essentially, I had several Macros linking to various notepad documents to load up a command list for dialogue and emotes. Do you happen to know the exact line of code that would load something like that up?

An example of one of the notepad file's code is as follows:

$$petsay_pow "battle drones"<em fancybow>We were sailing along...<em ><em point>On Moonlight Bay! <em ><em victory>We could hear the voices singing!<em ><em explain>They seem to say...<em ><em point>You have stolen my heart...<em ><em grief> and gone away!<em ><em ><em explain>As we sing our moonlit song...<em ><em fancybow>on Moonlight Bay!


The reason for doing this is that there is a letter limit if you simply slap that into the standard macro, but I could circumvent that in the past via loading from the notepad, but once again, forgot the main code required to load from that notepad doc using a macro...  :'(

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Thank you for doing this. Its super helpful.


A couple of questions.


Firstly, im having trouble finding the data folder to put the customwindows into.  Is it supposed to be inside the CoH folder that the game file were dropped into after you ran tequila?


Second, do you have the commands to make costume change macros?


Very straight forward to do:


/macro cce 0 CCDimensionShift

/macro cce 2 CCEnergyMorph

/macro cce 4 CCLightning


The first command is costume change, number indicates the costume slot you wish to choose from, and the final portion is the animation for the costume change.  Give it shot

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  • 3 weeks later
  • 4 weeks later
On 5/9/2019 at 4:06 AM, Healix said:

I have all of my binds/macros and special information saved on Notepad++ so all I have to do is copy/paste into the chat bar. Here are assorted things that I hope will add to the enjoyment of your gameplay!


First off, THIS...




Since the built in font has identical lower case L's and upper case i's, it was sometimes hard for me to tell the difference. This has made it so much better.


Go to your fonts folder, usually C:\Windows\Fonts or C:\Winnt\Fonts and find the file "tahoma.TTF". Select the font then go to the Edit menu and hit Copy.


Now go to your game folder, such as C:\Program Files\City of Heroes. In here, go into the folder "data"... if you don't have that folder, make it now. Go into that folder and then create a new folder called "fonts" (without the quotes). Right-Click on that folder and hit Paste.


Now go into the folder fonts you just made and right click on "tahoma.TTF" and hit rename. Change the name to "mont_demibold" ,without the quotes.


Now when you launch the game, the default interface font will be replaced with the font tahoma, making it much easier to tell those letters apart. Note that this only applies to the GUI. The text over character heads will not change, that's a bold version of the same font and thus has a different name.







There are times when I enter a mission and the insp box is in the center of the screen and things look wonked..I hate that!


Resize/move all your stuff around so you have it how you want it.

Go to the chat box and type in:




Press enter.

Go to the chat box and type in:



Press enter.


Go to the chat box and type in:


/Macro Fix "optionload$$wdwload"

Press enter.


A macro button named "Fix" will appear in your power tray. Any time you log in/zone/etc and your UI is all messed up...just click the button and everything will be back to how you like it.



/bind [key] nop    (clears a bind from a key)


/stuck  (To get unstuck)


/show_bind <key>  (shows what commands are bound to that key. )


/neterrorcorrection 1


/neterrorcorrection 2  (For better connection to server)


This next command unloads textures and dynamically refreshes your graphics and sometimes helps with lag. Be aware your screen will wonk out for a sec, but don't be alarmed...it's supposed to do that.






A lot of folks have forgotten that there are fly poses that are pretty cool. Here's the way to change the basic one




/bind w "+forward"  (This is BASIC pose that you can always go back to)


/bind w "+forward$$em flypose1"  (1 to 4) (For picking one that's your favorite)


/bind w "+forward$$em flypose1$$e flypose2$$e flypose3$$e flypose4" (This toggles through all four when you hit enter over and over)


flypose1 - Superman style. Arms Forward

flypose2 - Alternate Superman style. Right arm forward. Left Arm curled back. . Right leg bent.

flypose3 - back straight. Arms angle forward and slightly up.

flypose4 - Bach arched up. Arms curled to the side.)



There is a way to create a special custom window to store your macros instead of using trays:



To get started, create a folder called customwindows in your data/ folder, and then create a text file called custom.window in there. Make sure your text editor doesn't add ".txt" at the end or it won't work.


Inside custom.window, add this text:


Code: [select]


Window Macros 0 0 200 100

Open 1



"Macros" is going to be the title of the window; the other numbers are position and size (which you can then alter in game, so they don't matter much). Next time you start the game, this should be in the top left corner:




I always move mine to the right, above my insp window. It will always reset to the left when you log and you'll have to move it back.




Now you can click the "New Command" button, and that will make a new "Edit Me" button appear. Right-click it, and you can select "Edit Name" or "Edit Command" in order to customize the buttons to do whatever you want, as long as you can put it in a command.






I am assuming that with this "Window Macros 0 0 200 100", the 200 is the width and 100 is the height as well as the 0,0 is the location on the screen?

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  • 1 month later

Just to throw it out there because I use it a lot.


One of the macros I created was for personal invites. Usually people who don't look at LFG chat might still be interested in teaming so i used to use a macro to invite people to my team. Basically it's a simple /macro Invite "t $Target, Hi, we are doing level 20 something papers in shark" (Or whatever you are forming a team for)


So then when I was on a team, I would open the search window, click a name, and then click the macro. Move on to the next name that I saw. Being able to invite say 10 people who will know why you are inviting them in 5 seconds is so awesome. Just a helpful learning experience tip.

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On 6/13/2019 at 4:21 PM, goblinite said:

Healix,got one for you.  Or whomever, I'm not picky.


I'm playing a toggle heavy tank (Dark/Staff) and looking to make a macro that will hit multiple toggles.

I know that CoH won't let you fire multiple powers with a single macro.

What I can't find is a pause or timer function in the macro/command list.


Is it possible to set up a macro that is essentially toggle1$$pause$$toggle2$$pause$$toggle3 and so on?

You can only do it with multiple presses of the macro/button.

/bind <key> "powexec_toggle_on <power 5>$$powexec_toggle_on <power 4>$$powexec_toggle_on <power 3>$$powexec_toggle_on <power 2>$$powexec_toggle_on <power 1>"


It will load non-mutually exclusive toggles up from right to left (1 -5). You can do similar with Combat Jumping & Super Jump or Fly & Hover, but due to the exclusivity launching one will cancel the other. If you want to de-toggle quickly, I find /bind <key> powexec_name walk" is great for that.



Another good place to look for information and ideas, expecially about things not covered by ParagonWiki (etc) is: http://www.shenanigunner.com


Also wouldn't this be better in guides?

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On 10/10/2019 at 6:09 PM, Lost Ninja said:

You can only do it with multiple presses of the macro/button.

/bind <key> "powexec_toggle_on <power 5>$$powexec_toggle_on <power 4>$$powexec_toggle_on <power 3>$$powexec_toggle_on <power 2>$$powexec_toggle_on <power 1>"


It will load non-mutually exclusive toggles up from right to left (1 -5). You can do similar with Combat Jumping & Super Jump or Fly & Hover, but due to the exclusivity launching one will cancel the other. If you want to de-toggle quickly, I find /bind <key> powexec_name walk" is great for that.



Another good place to look for information and ideas, expecially about things not covered by ParagonWiki (etc) is: http://www.shenanigunner.com


Also wouldn't this be better in guides?

The way I turn stuff off is /bind <key> "powexec_toggleoff <power 5>$$powexec_toggleoff <power 4>$$powexec_toggleoff <power 3>$$powexec_toggleoff <power 2>$$powexec_toggleoff <power 1>"

All the toggleoff commands will run on one key press, so just the quick press and I'm done. I keep my travel powers on F, with alt+F as the shut off for everything.

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10 hours ago, Justice Blues said:

The way I turn stuff off is /bind <key> "powexec_toggleoff <power 5>$$powexec_toggleoff <power 4>$$powexec_toggleoff <power 3>$$powexec_toggleoff <power 2>$$powexec_toggleoff <power 1>"

All the toggleoff commands will run on one key press, so just the quick press and I'm done. I keep my travel powers on F, with alt+F as the shut off for everything.

I do that for things like PBAoE damage auras, but I have Walk bound to Alt+numpad7 on all characters and it turns everything off on all characters I don't need to rewrite my Toggle On Macro as a Toggle Off Macro on each character. (There are a couple of the other "temp" travel powers that knock off all powers but walk is free.)

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On 10/12/2019 at 11:00 AM, Lost Ninja said:

I do that for things like PBAoE damage auras, but I have Walk bound to Alt+numpad7 on all characters and it turns everything off on all characters I don't need to rewrite my Toggle On Macro as a Toggle Off Macro on each character. (There are a couple of the other "temp" travel powers that knock off all powers but walk is free.)

I use mostly binds. I have a generic file that I load from a custom window macro, then I have character binds for specific powers that I load from that file. I like to be able to work on the binds at any time, then just hitting a key and updating. I always find macros a pain to edit or update. But they are certainly useful at times, especially with the custom window set up.

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1 hour ago, Justice Blues said:

I use mostly binds. I have a generic file that I load from a custom window macro, then I have character binds for specific powers that I load from that file. I like to be able to work on the binds at any time, then just hitting a key and updating. I always find macros a pain to edit or update. But they are certainly useful at times, especially with the custom window set up.

I agree to be honest, but I haven't found a good way to automate loading character specific binds. Ideally I want $name to work in file names so I could just have a generic /bindloadfile $name.txt and it would always load that characters specific binds. I'd always prefer to make commands/macros as generic as possible, so they work with as many characters as possible.

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On 10/13/2019 at 6:43 PM, Lost Ninja said:

I agree to be honest, but I haven't found a good way to automate loading character specific binds. Ideally I want $name to work in file names so I could just have a generic /bindloadfile $name.txt and it would always load that characters specific binds. I'd always prefer to make commands/macros as generic as possible, so they work with as many characters as possible.

I don't try for that level of generic. I use the macro in the custom window to load my generic bind file, which has my keys set the way I like them, and I have a key set for each of my characters to load there specific binds, for different travel powers or to set up their toggles and such. I put those on the F keys, like this:

F1 "inspexec_name uncanny insight$$inspexec_name keen insight$$inspexec_name insight$$inspexec_name Sight Beyond Sight"
ctrl+F1 "bindloadfile .\binds\generic.txt"
shift+F1 "nop"
alt+F1 "nop"
F10 "say $battlecry $$ emote attack"
F2 "inspexec_name resurgence$$inspexec_name dramatic improvement$$inspexec_name respite"
CTRL+F2 "bindloadfile .\binds\JB.txt"
shift+F2 "bindloadfile .\binds\FlameShadow.txt"
alt+F2 "bindloadfile .\binds\LMan.txt"

If I add or change something for a particular character, I can easily edit the file while playing, then go back to the game and load the file by hitting the key. I had about 60 alts on Live using this. Was probably a bit crazy, but it worked for me.

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Here's one I was never able to replicate since live.


On live I remember making special binds for point-and-click powers. IE: You select a power (IE: something like teleport or shield bash) and then you have to click on a patch of ground to engage it. I used to have binds where it just either immediately targeted myself or whatever I had targeted, turning my shield bash into a sort of 'launch' towards my target, or a PBAOE or something.


Does anyone recall how to make this bind?

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On 10/15/2019 at 3:14 PM, MakoMako said:

Here's one I was never able to replicate since live.


On live I remember making special binds for point-and-click powers. IE: You select a power (IE: something like teleport or shield bash) and then you have to click on a patch of ground to engage it. I used to have binds where it just either immediately targeted myself or whatever I had targeted, turning my shield bash into a sort of 'launch' towards my target, or a PBAOE or something.


Does anyone recall how to make this bind?

Two choices:

  • Old style: /bind ctrl+lbutton "powexecname teleport"
    Can use any click location power, like Tar Patch, Bonfire, Fire Imps, etc. On live I had ctrl+mbutton bound to pet_com_all goto, don't have a MM on HC yet but I'll probably do something similar if I make one. ((I'm guessing this is what you wanted to do.))
  • New Style: /macro TP "powexec_location 0:max spring_attack".
    Powexec_location was added in, I think, i25 so post Live and once again works with click location powers like Tar Patch et al, syntax is:
    /powexec_location <target> <power>
    target can be:
    me / self / target
    up, down, left, right, forwards, backwards or a numeric value by degrees 0-360
    and if used with a colon can be given a range, so up:20 will target 20' above your head. You can also use :Max which will place the click at the max range.

I personally use the powexec_location for summoning pets both Fire Imps and Lore pets, placing Bonfire and have used it for Spring Attack (0:0 does it on the spot). And I use the ctrl+click with teleport or Translocation (from sorcery).

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On 5/9/2019 at 3:06 AM, Healix said:



Since the built in font has identical lower case L's and upper case i's, it was sometimes hard for me to tell the difference. This has made it so much better.


Go to your fonts folder, usually C:\Windows\Fonts or C:\Winnt\Fonts and find the file "tahoma.TTF". Select the font then go to the Edit menu and hit Copy.


Now go to your game folder, such as C:\Program Files\City of Heroes. In here, go into the folder "data"... if you don't have that folder, make it now. Go into that folder and then create a new folder called "fonts" (without the quotes). Right-Click on that folder and hit Paste.


Now go into the folder fonts you just made and right click on "tahoma.TTF" and hit rename. Change the name to "mont_demibold" ,without the quotes.


Now when you launch the game, the default interface font will be replaced with the font tahoma, making it much easier to tell those letters apart. Note that this only applies to the GUI. The text over character heads will not change, that's a bold version of the same font and thus has a different name.




It gets a bit tricky: since Windows 10 has adopted variable fonts, it's difficult to get a specific typeface in with this trick.  For example, the new "Bahnschrift" fonts have some very readable light weights, but the font file bahnschrift.ttf is an 'all in one' package.  You open the one file in font viewer, and all of the weights, styles and variants are in the same file.  So when using the variable font file in this trick, there's only one font that's picked: Bahnschrift Semibold.


I've resorted to using older fonts that aren't variable.  The ones I snaked off of my Palm Pre for example.


(And I have the opposite problem: I wanted a font I can do that's condensed so I can see more chat in a smaller window.  Hello, Prelude Condensed. 😄 )

Formerly a bunch of things that didn't work out.  Inactive account.  Not likely to return.

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Here's a curious little bug with the custom window.


If I log in to the regular game it goes where I last placed it. For me, this it he top left corner. It goes there. It stays there.


If I log in to the 64-bit version, the custom window pops to where the top left corner would be in a 4:3 ratio monitor. I can't even drag it further left or further right than where a 4:3 ratio edge would be. No other windows move by themselves. On top of that, the custom window likes to move around if I open other windows.

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