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I have all of my binds/macros and special information saved on Notepad++ so all I have to do is copy/paste into the chat bar. Here are assorted things that I hope will add to the enjoyment of your gameplay!


First off, THIS...




Since the built in font has identical lower case L's and upper case i's, it was sometimes hard for me to tell the difference. This has made it so much better.


Go to your fonts folder, usually C:\Windows\Fonts or C:\Winnt\Fonts and find the file "tahoma.TTF". Select the font then go to the Edit menu and hit Copy.


Now go to your game folder, such as C:\Program Files\City of Heroes. In here, go into the folder "data"... if you don't have that folder, make it now. Go into that folder and then create a new folder called "fonts" (without the quotes). Right-Click on that folder and hit Paste.


Now go into the folder fonts you just made and right click on "tahoma.TTF" and hit rename. Change the name to "mont_demibold" ,without the quotes.


Now when you launch the game, the default interface font will be replaced with the font tahoma, making it much easier to tell those letters apart. Note that this only applies to the GUI. The text over character heads will not change, that's a bold version of the same font and thus has a different name.







There are times when I enter a mission and the insp box is in the center of the screen and things look wonked..I hate that!


Resize/move all your stuff around so you have it how you want it.

Go to the chat box and type in:




Press enter.

Go to the chat box and type in:



Press enter.


Go to the chat box and type in:


/Macro Fix "optionload$$wdwload"

Press enter.


A macro button named "Fix" will appear in your power tray. Any time you log in/zone/etc and your UI is all messed up...just click the button and everything will be back to how you like it.



/bind [key] nop    (clears a bind from a key)


/stuck  (To get unstuck)


/show_bind <key>  (shows what commands are bound to that key. )


/neterrorcorrection 1


/neterrorcorrection 2  (For better connection to server)


This next command unloads textures and dynamically refreshes your graphics and sometimes helps with lag. Be aware your screen will wonk out for a sec, but don't be alarmed...it's supposed to do that.






A lot of folks have forgotten that there are fly poses that are pretty cool. Here's the way to change the basic one




/bind w "+forward"  (This is BASIC pose that you can always go back to)


/bind w "+forward$$em flypose1"  (1 to 4) (For picking one that's your favorite)


/bind w "+forward$$em flypose1$$e flypose2$$e flypose3$$e flypose4" (This toggles through all four when you hit enter over and over)


flypose1 - Superman style. Arms Forward

flypose2 - Alternate Superman style. Right arm forward. Left Arm curled back. . Right leg bent.

flypose3 - back straight. Arms angle forward and slightly up.

flypose4 - Bach arched up. Arms curled to the side.)



There is a way to create a special custom window to store your macros instead of using trays:



To get started, create a folder called customwindows in your data/ folder, and then create a text file called custom.window in there. Make sure your text editor doesn't add ".txt" at the end or it won't work.


Inside custom.window, add this text:


Code: [select]


Window Macros 0 0 200 100

Open 1



"Macros" is going to be the title of the window; the other numbers are position and size (which you can then alter in game, so they don't matter much). Next time you start the game, this should be in the top left corner:




I always move mine to the right, above my insp window. It will always reset to the left when you log and you'll have to move it back.




Now you can click the "New Command" button, and that will make a new "Edit Me" button appear. Right-click it, and you can select "Edit Name" or "Edit Command" in order to customize the buttons to do whatever you want, as long as you can put it in a command.





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y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!

Back in 2012 on D-day, I zipped up my whole COH folder, kept it all of this time.  I have tons of macros, 7 years worth.  Silly question but will my old macros work with this 'new' CoX?

  • Like 3

Awesome!  I'm having a bit of trouble with them, not as bind-savvy as I was back in the day.  Getting there slowly but surely.


Thanks Again!


Well please, post them here and I will see if I (or others) can help you.


Back on live I had a zom MM and the pets would perform the entire YMCA song complete with emotes. Here are some pet binds for anyone interested


These are macros, but can be changed to binds



/macro EvLAUGH petsay_all <em evillaugh>MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!


(regular laugh)

/macro LOL petsay_all <em laugh>LOL



/macro SERVE petsay_all <em Propose> We exist only to serve you, Mistress! <em praise>  (substitute 'Mistress' with Master or any name)


/macro FEAST petsay_all <em plot>YESSS!!!!! First the killing, then the FEASTING! <em victory>


/macro SLAP petsay_all <em slap><em smack>


/macro SIT petsay_all <em sit on ground>


/macro KILL petsay_all <em cheer>KILL! KILL! KILL!





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y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!


accept or decline teleports, accept or decline trade invites, dismiss mission intro text popups, etc.

/bind Y "dialog_yes$$dialog_answer Accept"

/bind N "dialog_no$$dialog_answer Decline"



Useful for hunts:


/bind alt+g beginchat /bind g target_custom_next enemy alive

{replace g as necessary}

Pressing alt+g will present you with the whole target_custom bind in your chat line.  Then you just need to add the (partial) name of the enemy to complete the bind.  Remember it needs to be an enemy name/type, not a rank/level.

Hunt the specific enemy using the g key.

  • Like 1

Thank you for doing this. Its super helpful.


A couple of questions.


Firstly, im having trouble finding the data folder to put the customwindows into.  Is it supposed to be inside the CoH folder that the game file were dropped into after you ran tequila?


Second, do you have the commands to make costume change macros?

  • Thanks 1

Seems like the costumes panel was once bound to K, but it no longer is and I am unable to find a place to turn it back on in the options panel.  Is there a way we can bind keys to specific panels/windows?


Seems like the costumes panel was once bound to K, but it no longer is and I am unable to find a place to turn it back on in the options panel.  Is there a way we can bind keys to specific panels/windows?


/show costume


also you can use:


/bind K "show costume"


if you want it bound to K again


Here's the other window names from the game:



status (Scalable)
health (Scalable)
target (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
tray (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
power (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
powers (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
chat (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
chat0 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
chat1 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
chat2 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
chat3 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
chat4 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
powerlist (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
group (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
team (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
compass (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
nav (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
map (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
friend (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
friends (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
inspiration (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
inspirations (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
insp (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
insps (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
supergroup (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
super (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
sg (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
email (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
compose (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
contact (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
contacts (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
mission (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
clue (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
clues (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
info (Closable, Scalable)
help (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
actions (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
enhancements (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
costume (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
search (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
badge (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
salvage (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
vault (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
recipes (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
recipe (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
options (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
pet (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
chansearch (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
combatnumbers (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
contactdialog (Closable, Scalable)
quit (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
missionsummary (Closable, Scalable)
store (Closable, Scalable)
petition (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
defeat (Scalable)
costumeselect (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
combatmonitor (Scalable)
auction (Closable, Scalable)
tray1 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
tray2 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
tray3 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
tray4 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
tray5 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
tray6 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
tray7 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
tray8 (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
playernote (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
missionreview (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
badgemonitor (Scalable)
cvg (Closable, Scalable)
incarnate (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
scriptui (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
lfg (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
lfgdialog (Scalable)
razertray (Scalable)
league (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
contactfinder (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
paragonrewards (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
browser (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
mainstoreaccess (Scalable)
loyaltytreeaccess (Scalable)
lwcui (Scalable)
salvageopen (Scalable)
convertenhancement (Closable, Scalable)
newfeatures (Openable, Closable, Scalable)


Regarding the UI save, it's computer specific right?

I play CoH on multiple computers (e.g. laptop when traveling) so it seems like it would help to have a macro to reset it when I change computers.

I'll have to try.


I have all of my binds/macros and special information saved on Notepad++ so all I have to do is copy/paste into the chat bar. Here are assorted things that I hope will add to the enjoyment of your gameplay!


First off, THIS...




Since the built in font has identical lower case L's and upper case i's, it was sometimes hard for me to tell the difference. This has made it so much better.


Go to your fonts folder, usually C:\Windows\Fonts or C:\Winnt\Fonts and find the file "tahoma.TTF". Select the font then go to the Edit menu and hit Copy.


Now go to your game folder, such as C:\Program Files\City of Heroes. In here, go into the folder "data"... if you don't have that folder, make it now. Go into that folder and then create a new folder called "fonts" (without the quotes). Right-Click on that folder and hit Paste.


Now go into the folder fonts you just made and right click on "tahoma.TTF" and hit rename. Change the name to "mont_demibold" ,without the quotes.


Now when you launch the game, the default interface font will be replaced with the font tahoma, making it much easier to tell those letters apart. Note that this only applies to the GUI. The text over character heads will not change, that's a bold version of the same font and thus has a different name.


Is it at all possible to change the color of the chat in the windows? I don't like the default channel colors.



Is it at all possible to change the color of the chat in the windows? I don't like the default channel colors.




That link doesn't show anything for me. It's an empty page without any information.


Does that change only the window color, what about the text in the window?


For some reason the right hand parenthesis of the URL got deleted, try this:

Slash Command

I'm out.

There is a way to create a special custom window to store your macros instead of using trays:



To get started, create a folder called customwindows in your data/ folder, and then create a text file called custom.window in there. Make sure your text editor doesn't add ".txt" at the end or it won't work.


Inside custom.window, add this text:


Code: [select]


Window Macros 0 0 200 100

Open 1



"Macros" is going to be the title of the window; the other numbers are position and size (which you can then alter in game, so they don't matter much). Next time you start the game, this should be in the top left corner:




I always move mine to the right, above my insp window. It will always reset to the left when you log and you'll have to move it back.




Now you can click the "New Command" button, and that will make a new "Edit Me" button appear. Right-click it, and you can select "Edit Name" or "Edit Command" in order to customize the buttons to do whatever you want, as long as you can put it in a command.


I did this but I no new/extra window is showing up. 






Any thoughts?



When you send a remark to the global window, you can let folks know what character you are on, what level and what AT. Easy to copy/paste into the chat bar, enter.


(I chose F10 to bind it, but you can use whatever you wish)


/bind F10 "beginchat /send "Global" [as $Name- $ArchEtype, $level]"




y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!

There is a way to create a special custom window to store your macros instead of using trays:



To get started, create a folder called customwindows in your data/ folder, and then create a text file called custom.window in there. Make sure your text editor doesn't add ".txt" at the end or it won't work.


Inside custom.window, add this text:


Code: [select]


Window Macros 0 0 200 100

Open 1



"Macros" is going to be the title of the window; the other numbers are position and size (which you can then alter in game, so they don't matter much). Next time you start the game, this should be in the top left corner:




I always move mine to the right, above my insp window. It will always reset to the left when you log and you'll have to move it back.




Now you can click the "New Command" button, and that will make a new "Edit Me" button appear. Right-click it, and you can select "Edit Name" or "Edit Command" in order to customize the buttons to do whatever you want, as long as you can put it in a command.


I did this but I no new/extra window is showing up. 






Any thoughts?


Did you check UNDER the map in the upper left corner? this is the default position when you log on. It looks like you did everything correctly.


y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!

Are there keys you can't use for bind? I'm on a Euro keyboard so there are some keys I can't find the name of. Do I just input that key's character after "/bind"?


Can you use /unbind to change default game keys? There are some keys I'd like to change around but I'm not sure if the game's default function for those keys can be replaced.


First off, awesome post Healix!


You touched on this with the "Fix" macro, but could you (or anyone with the knowledge) post how to create the button macros for the action bar? I had many of these back in the day, but have forgotten how the basic format worked.

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