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Roleplay Events


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There has been some private discussion about this already, and I apologize to certain people who asked me to be patient . . . but I just can't take it any more.

I want Roleplay Events.


I want to participate in them.

I want to organize them.

I want to run them.

I want them to receive the same level of importance, impact, and activity which the monthly costume contests get.


I know that roleplay isn't for everyone.  I know that styles of roleplay, ESPECIALLY in this game, can be wildly different and incompatible.  I know that hosting such events can be a massive undertaking for the GM(s) (I've been GMing various tabletop roleplaying games for the past 15 years, having learnt a lot of hard lessons about scope, scale, and engagement).  I know that there are a whole pack of other issues to contend with which could negatively impact events of this nature.


I still want 'em, though.  Please.  Pretty please.


I've drafted up an assortment of methodologies for implementation, but I'm having a hell of a time finding someone with authority on this server who actually wants to take a look at them.

What will it take?  What do I need to do?  Who do I need to sit down with?

Please.  Let me know.

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I don't think you're the only one wanting to do everything you said you want to do. I would also LOVE to take part in something that gets all the players on the server involved with some large event in character. We've worked on/loved these characters for so long- some of us, since before the sunset. To have server wide events going down, sanctified by the people running the servers and officialized as things that happened in the actual universe? That would be FANTASTIC! 

It would help those cherished characters become even more immortalized.

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just go on Everlasting server, there's always some RP happening somewhere. IC teams, meetups, task forces, custom AE arcs, its all there. 😊


just keep an eye on the LFT tab or make a callout yourself and there's usually people wanting to join in!

Edited by Tyrannical
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Thanks for the support, but point of clarity:  Shard-wide events are just one idea.  There are an assortment of other implementations which could have a much more personal impact for participating players.  Closer in scale to the present costume contests.  Shard-wide roleplay events, while absolutely a compelling and enticing idea, would be the "Cherries On Top" for most of my plans.  The grand finales of extended storylines.

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And for further clarity, I want to emphasize the sanctioned aspect of what I'm proposing.  

General, interpersonal roleplay does happen.  All the time.  And it's absolutely terrific! 

What I'm proposing is on a much grander scale, though.  A more structured approach, with build up, climax, and pay off with in-game GMs GMing the events.

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Regardless of the scale, to have my character's involvement in something actually impact a narrative arching over the lifetime of the game is something I dream of. I have this concept in my head that it's like our characters would become actual comic-book characters, lol. A little naive, I know. But it's CoH - Homecoming. This game is literally in our hands, so why not let dreams flourish?

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I think the best place to find that sort of stuff is to look on the Everlasting Server and Roleplay threads here on the forums, that's where most big organised events are posted up.


Other than that? I'd consider joining one of the various RP supergroups, they usually run events like that regularly for their members.

Edited by Tyrannical
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21 hours ago, Tyrannical said:

I think the best place to find that sort of stuff is to look on the Everlasting Server and Roleplay threads here on the forums, that's where most big organised events are posted up.


Other than that? I'd consider joining one of the various RP supergroups, they usually run events like that regularly for their members.

Hi there--

I think the OP was trying to say they would like a GM/Dev-sponsored RP event. An "official" monthly event, as it were. I happen to know that the OP runs a RP SG, and I think they run a RP VG as well.

Anyhoo, just hoping to clarify.

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1 hour ago, Ximmy42 said:

Hi there--

I think the OP was trying to say they would like a GM/Dev-sponsored RP event. An "official" monthly event, as it were. I happen to know that the OP runs a RP SG, and I think they run a RP VG as well.

Anyhoo, just hoping to clarify.

It entirely depends on if there is a GM/Dev with interest in running RP events at all. They could certainly promote things on the GMOTD on Everlasting for people willing to run a large scale event themselves.

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  • 2 weeks later

I'd be up for more structured RP events. While not everyone's jazz or cup of tea, I imagine it'd help roleplayers interact just that bit more with the community at whole. Would still depend on a GM or Dev. to have interest though. Here's hoping all works out though!

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What a beautiful proposal!


Yes, roleplay is not for everyone, and I am fully aware of that, and do not wish it to be forced on anyone who does not like it.


That said, the same can be said about costume contents, raids, seasonal missions or many other things that have enjoyed dedicated events. Not everybody enjoyes them, but they are part of the game as well.


I do not believe roleplay is not as much a part of the game as those, and I believe it is a very important part. At least it is so for me and it is so apparently for a good part of players I have interacted with on Everlasting, so I think having some roleplay events, at least on that server, would be extremely positive and enriching for the community.

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Funny enough, we have a discord for roleplay stuff. Including planning events, etc. We've been running some server-wide story arcs via here as well.

Join the Discord, connect with people, etc.

Edited by Shadeknight


alright buddy, it's time to shit yourself
casts earthquake, activates dispersion bubble

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  • 4 months later

I think one thing we all have to accept is that "roleplaying" is a term each of us defines for themselves.

I play every one of my characters "in character", even falling back on my years in voice over, and my teammates (usually) enjoy it, though sometimes it even creeps out my wife how villainous my villains can be ('It's just acting, honey"... "Well stop being so good at it!" -- best review I ever got!).

But I don't mind breaking character now and then and we're generally pretty casual about it.

That said, I would like to ask: Which of the new Homecoming servers is the most dedicated to roleplaying?

Is that "Everlasting"? Because I asked over there and got conflicting answers.

I enjoy the server I'm on now and have great friends there, but I am looking for a slightly more "character immersive" experience.

For example, I'd like to find or start a couple of themed SGs (standard uniforms, common SG background, etc.), like the one we had Back in the Days of Live, (Paragon City S.W.O.R.D.) but my current server seems more popular with "systems intensive" players.

For example, I really enjoy designing AE missions, but nobody on my current server wants to use AE for anything but farming.

Am I just dreaming, or is there a server/community in Homecoming that might find ideas like that interesting?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by DarionLeonidas
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Everlasting is definitely the Shard you're looking for:


And there's also the dedicated Roleplaying message board here in the forums:



This thread was an attempt to encourage the Homecoming Team to put a level of support in to roleplay that was on par with the monthly costume contests and the (at the time) PvP events.

Some further discussions were had after this thread's initial run, and . . . well, some things haven't changed, but there's a slightly different "air" to the proceedings. 

We'll see if anything -does- change after the Spiderling Scouts Event, assuming that gets off the ground.

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Add light roleplay to your ordinary game play.  I do this for every character I take a shine to.  The number one in game expression is banter binds, which I always send to local so they don't clutter team chat.  My numpad is typically filled with these.  Example:


/bind numpad1 l "The power of Cheese compels you, $target!"


If you have, say, Lord Recluse targeted, this will call forth a local chat and chat bubble that says "The power of Cheese compels you, Lord Recluse!"


These serve gameplay purposes, too.  They call out your target, letting the team know you've got your sights on a milestone mob, name boss, AV, or problem like quantums or sappers. 


TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291

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I'm trying to think if any were done live. Not "parties" (which I know we had GMs and devs in for giant dance parties on anniversaries and such.) The only one I can think of *right* offhand that was "official, sanctioned in-the-world RP event" was the Manti/Psyche wedding.

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I haven't done much interactive roleplaying since my tabletop pen-and-paper gaming days. 1990-ish.


I'd at least be interested to get my feet wet with it, test the waters, <insert metaphor here>.

I don't know if I'd enjoy it on a recurring basis. I guess it depends how it all works, what others players are expecting of me during such an event.



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