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Gravity Control swap


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12 hours ago, Vanden said:

Hm, I could see it happening. But Gravity Distortion deals ~10% more damage than other single-target holds besides Char, I'm guessing because it's a t3 power instead of a t2. It would probably lose that bonus damage.

Looking at all the other ST Holds, it looks like it's more because it's a DoT. Char, Strangler and Gravity Distortion all have the bonus base damage and they're the only three Holds with DoT.

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

Some day, the prophecy will be fulfilled; Trick Arrows will be buffed and I will finally be allowed to diehttps://twitter.com/trickshootah

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  • 1 month later

I’m quite happy with Gravity as it is.


At the lowest levels immobilize and rag-doll knockup on short timers reduces your incoming damage significantly while you still have enough health relative to damage dealt at those levels for that to be significant.


Lift, particularly with your level 3 slots and the prestige damage/recharge enhancements, does significant damage at those levels and recharges in 4s so you’ve got an attack every 2s even before any P2W powers at level 3.


Gravity Distortion with its 8s timer doesn’t do enough to mitigate incoming damage on its own. You need lift or crush (or both) with it to juggle and defeat a typical spawn and the occasional over-aggro without face planting (plus crush, grav distortion and lift are a reasonable attack chain you can have in place by level 4).


They also are low enough on Endurance cost to be manageable when you have virtually no slots.


Not every set has to be a cookie cutter with different graphic FX on top. Gravity is a set that skews more towards damage with its hold doing more damage and lift/propel as heavy hitters (particularly with containment/impact) with mitigation via knockdown (using grav distortion first cancels the knockback).


I am rediscovering my love for the set as I rebuild my “chaostroller” (grav/storm), the synergy between hurricane and crush/crushing field in just disabling all ability of enemies to retaliate is fantastic. Throw in wormhole to throw them all in a corner with singularity, tornado and lightning storm while you hold them there with crushing field and hurricane... I almost pity the poor mobs.



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Mine is Gravity/Storm and i dont even have enough slots to make lift or propel useful. I ended up skipping propel (i want it but cant make use of it). Wormhole with Sudden Acceleration conversion and thunderclap is stupid awesome. Lift is 1 slotted and took O2 Boost 1 slotted. couldnt afford slots for them and Lift is just wasted slot vs other control sets having T2 power as a useful control power. I would love to skip lift and get gravity distortion and propel without needing Lift.


Anyways. that my complaint 😛 just going to deal with it and delete it off the tray

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