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Make overpaying on the market place fixable.

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Frustration is entirely understandable but .... I'm with Yomo and Redlynne and a few others. 


This is ultimately a user issue. If things are laggy, either don't bid, or be very deliberate in teh exact number of zeros you click instead of holding the button down until it looks right. And wait a bit before clicking Post or Bid. 


It's better than being quick in wood shop and then being a 9 fingered carpenter, you know?  game money is not that big a deal at the end of the day.

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I don't see a need for it. It will end up as just another prompt that is either ignored or...in my case turned off permanently. If people can't be bothered to show a smidge of patience over something that can be; in their minds, so detrimental in the game... then I doubt yet another prompt will solve much. I learned my lesson about lag and the auction house when I bought something for 250 million instead of 25 million. But instead of asking for a volunteer dev team to address a self-imposed problem... I learned from my mistake and adjusted my impatience level. 

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8 hours ago, Burnt Toast said:

But instead of asking for a volunteer dev team to address a self-imposed problem... I learned from my mistake and adjusted my impatience level.

PEBKAC is a thing, agreed.

Unfortunately, modifying the game can't solve it for you.

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Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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On 3/19/2020 at 7:16 AM, Saarthalian2 said:

Try again.

Fine, you got me.  Ignore everything else I said


Lets re-examine the issue.


1. You goof in the auction house. Also, inf easy to come by if you screw up.

2. You know you have lag; which you can solve easily yourself slowing down before bid.

3. Suggest a fix, will most likely not even happen and you will still continue to have the problem youself. See end of #2

4. ???

5. Need a band-aid protective helmet to prevent the issue, which you can solve by looking at #2.


Also, I got time some mornings after work.  If you have a farmer and on Indomitable (or have no issues transferring, working on another farmer soon I won't complain about transferring), send a global to @ Incandesce  (smash them together, someone has a forum handle as my global)


41 minutes ago, Obus Form said:

What if we only have Super Strength and a chainsaw hand?


23 minutes ago, Redlynne said:


Martial arts and Eagle Kick, cutting as fine as a surgeon with a scalpel.  

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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22 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

What I've observed in this thread is people arguing against making the player experience better by eliminating a potentially extremely frustrating pain point.

You can't eliminate PEBKAC errors.  You can't patch out impatient.  There's no mod that adds common sense.

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(Not the owner/operator - just a fan who wants to spread the word.)

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On 3/18/2020 at 6:56 AM, Roderick said:

There's a relatively simple solution: We already have a prompt that asks if you're sure before letting you list an item for a high listing fee. Just (Standard Code Rant applies, of course) add an extra prompt that warns you if bidding over a certain amount. If possible, add a slider, so that people can decide at what threshold to be warned.

My problem with the high listing fee prompt is that the threshold is too low; what is it, something like 200k?  I always disable the warning immediately, because it's a nuisance.  It would be fantastic if we could configure the threshold ourselves, or maybe there could be multiple thresholds out of the box.

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18 minutes ago, Obus Form said:

To the right person it is equally satisfying: Fist or Finger?



(There are a limited number of people who will get this joke, and to those I give 1 Cookie. Properly inspected by the Inspector General.)

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17 hours ago, Obitus said:

My problem with the high listing fee prompt is that the threshold is too low; what is it, something like 200k?  I always disable the warning immediately, because it's a nuisance.  It would be fantastic if we could configure the threshold ourselves, or maybe there could be multiple thresholds out of the box.

That's why I recommended a slider: so that users can decide where they want the warning to be.

Edited by Roderick
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