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Question about Gaussian Proc


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It depends on how often you're able to cast Rage. But most likely, Focused Accuracy is the way to go. It should have a 16.7% chance to fire every 10 seconds and average 1 proc per minute. In Rage, you would need to have it on cooldown every 54 seconds to achieve a 90% chance to fire at an average of 1 proc per minute. To achieve 54 second recharge would mean you have 444.4% recharge baked into Rage (240/54=4.444, which is +314% added to base). So I would probably go Focused Accuracy if you always have it on. If you have Tactics and team a lot, then that might be the actual preferred option as it will have a chance to trigger from each teammate/pet in your aura.

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9 minutes ago, Bopper said:

It depends on how often you're able to cast Rage. But most likely, Focused Accuracy is the way to go. It should have a 16.7% chance to fire every 10 seconds and average 1 proc per minute. In Rage, you would need to have it on cooldown every 54 seconds to achieve a 90% chance to fire at an average of 1 proc per minute. To achieve 54 second recharge would mean you have 444.4% recharge baked into Rage (240/54=4.444, which is +314% added to base). So I would probably go Focused Accuracy if you always have it on. If you have Tactics and team a lot, then that might be the actual preferred option as it will have a chance to trigger from each teammate/pet in your aura.

Thats what i thought, so basically it only has chance to proc on initial cast of rage, right?

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@Infinitumyou are correct. You can achieve 90% chance to from with Buildup while being able to still fire it every 30 seconds (with enough global recharge and not too much recharge slotted, of course). Rage is like Buildup, it will only have a chance to proc when you cast it.

Edited by Bopper

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Just now, Bopper said:

@Infinitumyou are correct. You can achieve 90% chance to fire while being able to still fire it every 30 seconds (with enough global recharge and not too much recharge slotted, of course). Rage is like Buildup, it will only have a chance to proc when you cast it.

daaang been doin it wrong  lol   learn something new every day... much appreciated.

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Just now, Infinitum said:

daaang been doin it wrong  lol   learn something new every day... much appreciated.

Haha, same here. This weekend alone I learned Hami-Os work while exemplared. I've been frankenslotting wrong all this time. And I learned the Tanker ATO proc doesn't proc multiple times in AoEs. Despite being able to stack, it works like Force Feedback, only 1 proc per cast but you get multiple proc chances in AoEs.

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3 hours ago, Bopper said:

But most likely, Focused Accuracy is the way to go. It should have a 16.7% chance to fire every 10 seconds and average 1 proc per minute.

If Focused Accuracy is a toggle that affects self (and I'm pretty sure it is) then the proc chance will be 6.5% every 10 seconds.  NOT good odds.

So if it's a choice between a click power like Rage and a toggle power like Focused Accuracy ... pick Rage to put it into.


However, if you've got Tactics put it there where it will get 1 proc chance per ally getting buffed within the 60 ft PBAoE around you ... which in a Team-8 configuration results in a 41.5% aggregated proc chance every 10s ... and in League play can have the proc chance zoom up towards (and beyond?) 90% chance every 10s, simply due to how many people are being buffed by the Tactics aura.  It's still a 6.5% chance per ally buffed (including yourself), but chuck enough dice and those small odds start getting some pretty routine hits ... and that's not even including the possibility of multi-proc per activation due to how many allies are being buffed (one 6.5% proc chance per each).


There's a reason why I like putting the Build Up proc into Tactics on my builds so much ... 😎

Edited by Redlynne


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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5 minutes ago, Redlynne said:

If Focused Accuracy is a toggle that affects self (and I'm pretty sure it is) then the proc chance will be 6.5% every 10 seconds.  NOT good odds.

So if it's a choice between a click power like Rage and a toggle power like Focused Accuracy ... pick Rage to put it into

Not sure how you got 6.5%, but Focused Accuracy is a Toggle that affects self, with no Radius. So the probability to proc is:


Prob = PPM*10s/60s = 1/6 = 16.67%

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4 minutes ago, Bopper said:

Not sure how you got 6.5%, but Focused Accuracy is a Toggle that affects self, with no Radius. So the probability to proc is:


Prob = PPM*10s/60s = 1/6 = 16.67%

Derp.  Forgot to pull out the Area Factor that's used on Tactics.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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I've taken to 6-slotting the Gaussian set in Build Up type clicky powers for a while now, at least on toons where the damage boost is regularly desired. With the natural power recharge time on the order of 90 seconds, my high Global Recharge builds have the power ready just over every 20 seconds: The Boost lasts half of that time and the Build-Up proc is good for the first half of that. The recharge from the Gaussian set doesn't appear to diminish to the proc chances for build up. If you are tight for slots and don't want the full set of IO bonuses you certainly aren't required to 6-slot such powers.


Some minor brain hemorrhaging was caused in the Blaster forum when I mentioned having Chronos (Time secondary) slotted this way and having put it on Auto. Personally: I'd rather have the short-recharge power I want triggered all the time on Auto than something with a longer recharge like Hasten... which is a better fit for a 'direction bind' IMO. I was accused of wasting the Build Up, but I feel that anytime I'm not doing damage as a blaster to be wasted time.

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On 4/27/2020 at 7:50 AM, tidge said:

I've taken to 6-slotting the Gaussian set in Build Up type clicky powers for a while now, at least on toons where the damage boost is regularly desired. With the natural power recharge time on the order of 90 seconds, my high Global Recharge builds have the power ready just over every 20 seconds:

Yeah I do this as well, but I wasnt sure how it interacted with rage.


I switched it to focused accuracy.

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1 minute ago, RobotLove said:

Secret Sauce: Try popping that bad boy in Invincibility next time you roll Invuln. Has a chance to proc for each enemy in range.

Can you tell if it is behaving like it does in Tactics for Masterminds/Crabberminds? While levelling, I think I had it slotted but really couldn't see much effect (this was pre-Homecoming update). If so, this would be a good place for folks to try it.


In my Invuln/EM case, Invincibility is where I have Reactive Defenses 6-slotted, and I'd hate to break both 6-slot sets. Reactive Defenses is a hefty recharge bonus (not strictly necessary for a Tank) but Gaussian's final set bonus are defensive bumps.

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With a very basic test (standing around at aggro cap) I saw it fire 4 times in 1 minute with full target saturation.


Tank should be able to pull off a single end/def/tohit Hami-O, Gauss proc, and LoTG-gRecharge. Saves some slots. Plenty of other places to jam Reactive Defense.


6 slots for 1.25% type defense. Worth agonizing over? Only if it's what's keeping you from the soft cap. Plus if you need more than the unenhanced tohit values from Tactics to land attacks you've got other problems.

Edited by RobotLove
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15 minutes ago, RobotLove said:

Plus if you need more than the unenhanced tohit values from Tactics to land attacks you've got other problems.

The toon I referenced in Invuln/EM, with the Gaussian's set in Energy Melee's Build Up, not Tactics. The 70-ish ToHit is nice, but its the 80% Damage buff I crave. On pure DPS builds I'd love to have a pink handshake from the Build Up proc every 15 secs!


I don't disagree that Invulnerability's primaries can hit effective caps using fewer slots... but in my build's case I don't have any other powers which I could 6-slot this defensive set without essentially wasting the extra Defense (because of Enhancement Diversification), sacrificing IO choices in those other primaries, or stealing slots from other powers to make it work. My build doesn't use Weave (HERESY!) so the only other Primary option is Tough Hide which is holding Shield Wall (2 pieces, boosted) and a LotG or I have to do something crazy like 6-slot a Defense mule.... which would require 5 more slots from somewhere.


I like the idea of boosting To Hit with Invincibility, and I am excited that the Build Up proc is working well... I used it myself when the mission pace was slower... but with faster moving content (i.e. most lvl 30+ teams) the proc-Build Up from the aura, while great, isn't as exciting as an on-demand Build Up from a single-target secondary like Energy Melee.


Please don't misunderstand: I sincerely appreciate the suggestion for reducing slots in powers. I use multiple builds on most of my toons (and burn a lot of Inf doing so) so I will look at what else I can do with your suggestion... but for the current build it would force a radical change in more than just a couple of powers.


Now if only there were a way to get more (and more reliable) -Res into the build...

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