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Yomo Kimyata

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Nice one. That's a good AH 101.


I found the bit that begins "Now Person C enters the AH.  She also owns a lvl 53 Ribosome but can’t decide if she wants to buy it or sell it." a little confusing to read. I know what you mean but I'd probably be a bit lost if I was new to the market. I think the confusing bit was "can’t decide if she wants to buy it or sell it" because we always know which we want to do. Of course, this could just be me. 🙂


IMHO fungible is not a very common word outside of finance. The guide may be a little easier for people if you use "pooled items" a bit more and fungible a bit less. For example, the heading could be "Pooled Items and Seeding".


I like the way you explain how the last 5 is built up, the last 5 bug and how they interact.

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One thing: "One other important thing to know about fungibility is that crafted IOs and attuned IOs all share the same bucket.  If you want an attuned IO, one way to get it is to buy a crafted IO, buy a catalyst, and attune the IO yourself.  Or, you can buy an attuned IO directly from the pool for the same price and save yourself the price of a catalyst.  You can actually even sell a crafted IO and buy it back from the pool as an attuned at the same price. "

This is not always the case. I can place a set IO for a price, say 2M. I can than try to repurchase it attuned at 2M - but I have found that I can't always repurchase it for 2M. Sometimes I have to go up to 2.2, 2.5 or even 4M to get it. 

I don't know why, but despite my trying to buy for the same price I posted it to sell at, this has NEVER worked for me.  It always costs me a little more to buy it back. I've even tried it the other way around, when trying to boost IOs for a character - it always costs me more - and I'm not forgetting about the AH fee, either. 

Sell for 2m, have to spend 3m to get it back. It could be someone has beaten me to the punch every time. Or it could be the server is so slow, it hasn't even processed the one I posted for sale yet. 

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2 hours ago, Ukase said:

One thing: "One other important thing to know about fungibility is that crafted IOs and attuned IOs all share the same bucket.  If you want an attuned IO, one way to get it is to buy a crafted IO, buy a catalyst, and attune the IO yourself.  Or, you can buy an attuned IO directly from the pool for the same price and save yourself the price of a catalyst.  You can actually even sell a crafted IO and buy it back from the pool as an attuned at the same price. "

This is not always the case. I can place a set IO for a price, say 2M. I can than try to repurchase it attuned at 2M - but I have found that I can't always repurchase it for 2M. Sometimes I have to go up to 2.2, 2.5 or even 4M to get it. 

I don't know why, but despite my trying to buy for the same price I posted it to sell at, this has NEVER worked for me.  It always costs me a little more to buy it back. I've even tried it the other way around, when trying to boost IOs for a character - it always costs me more - and I'm not forgetting about the AH fee, either. 

Sell for 2m, have to spend 3m to get it back. It could be someone has beaten me to the punch every time. Or it could be the server is so slow, it hasn't even processed the one I posted for sale yet. 

I hate to suggest this, but chances are really good that this is some sort of user error.  I do this occasionally (although what I usually do is to sell the unattuned version higher than where I buy the attuned version), but during Live I did this all the time in order to transfer funds before the email system was cobbled together.


To use the goalpost metaphor in my guide, you want to pick a price that is firmly between the goalposts, and you want to execute quickly enough that no one hops in.


In your example, I would log in with the character who wants to sell the unattuned item and list it at a strange price that seems to be between the goalposts, something like 3,030,123.  I suggest a strange price so that you know that it is the one you posted, and so you can verify that this process works.


Log out, and log in with the character who wants to buy the attuned item (this is important!  The same character cannot sell to herself!  But other characters on the same account can.)  Bid 3,030,122 on the attuned version.  If you buy one, congrats, but you bought someone else's.  In the grand scheme of things, you saved yourself 1 inf.  If you don't, bid 3,010,123.  You should buy your own there, unless someone has sniped in the time it took you to log and bid.


Or, it is possible that I've been lucky in doing this and that there is something else screwy with the system!

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2 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

Or, it is possible that I've been lucky in doing this and that there is something else screwy with the system!

Something is screwy with the system. I've done this - and as you state, either someone has hopped in and bought it while I was switching, or there's something screwy. 

I even posted one on my primary account and tabbed out to my second account to purchase it - mere seconds and still had to pay more. Multiple times, just to try and see. Never works, at least, not for me. 

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One thing I have noticed when quickly changing characters: certain UI elements are preserved across characters. For example, if I was searching for an IO in the AH on character 1, then switch to character 2 the AH interface 'remembers' what I was looking for.  There may be some similar 'memory' on the server side that is interfering with the purchase?

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You might want to include a link to the wiki, which is still mostly good info, and contains about 80% of the same info: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Auction_House.  I'd prefer a guide that offered the delta information (such as bucketing), and other usage tips and tricks, which are not already covered by the wiki.



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Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer

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5 hours ago, Ukase said:

Something is screwy with the system. I've done this - and as you state, either someone has hopped in and bought it while I was switching, or there's something screwy. 

I even posted one on my primary account and tabbed out to my second account to purchase it - mere seconds and still had to pay more. Multiple times, just to try and see. Never works, at least, not for me. 

Edited until resolved

Edited by Yomo Kimyata

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