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Not sure if this has anything to do with the update that I think was just rolled out, but my saved costumes are suddenly in alphabetical order (great) but also most of them are missing (not great). Any ideas for a fix?

  • Retired Game Master

Depends what this is...


Login Screen - playerslot.txt might be corrupted or not writeable in your user folder in Tequila (if your forum name is your login name, it would be /liability for example).  This is a common error when users see multiple characters in the same slot (move a toon, a new one is in the place you left it.)


Costume Creator - Load Costume screen - The costume directory is in your Tequila Directory under /costumes.  Any files deleted there will disappear from that list.  Doesn't help now, but you can back up costumes you saved in there (*.costume) wherever you want.  (Got 10 slots and free tailor tokens?  Cycle out seasonal costumes or older ones you don't like using as much anymore but save them as costume files so you can recall them back someday.)






Saved costumes are on the local computer. It's possible the saved folder was changed? I think I've done this.


Changing paths can also result in the game not seeing a file like 'playerslot.txt' and recreating it (which would possibly result in a resort).

  • Retired Game Master

There's a medical saying, "When you hear hoofbeats, you think horses, not zebras."  (Unless you live in Africa, then maybe the other way around.)  Hard drive failure would cause bigger issues in other applications: files missing across the board, apps not working, Windows booting sometimes and not others.  There's too little info to go on to consider hardware failure.




Search your hard drive for "*.costume" without the quotes. That should find all unique costume files and help identify if you now have two locations. Unless you reinstalled Tequila recently, then they should be in the same place. Also, I'm pretty sure they've always been in alphabetical order for me both in the OS and In-Game.

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16 hours ago, GM Tahquitz said:

There's a medical saying, "When you hear hoofbeats, you think horses, not zebras."  (Unless you live in Africa, then maybe the other way around.)  Hard drive failure would cause bigger issues in other applications: files missing across the board, apps not working, Windows booting sometimes and not others.  There's too little info to go on to consider hardware failure.

Totally agreed, but I have had it happen a few times where only a few files were affected at first, then it kept getting worse and worse.  It's never a bad idea to run diagnostics when something like this occurs.  You might uncover a bigger issue that you were unaware of.


I've been given laptops before with fan/heat issues only to diagnose them with a failing HDD on "instinct" and very QUICKLY found to be correct upon testing. Odd behavior can be hard to detect/diagnose, but ANYTHING to do with files you have to watch as it could be an app, RAM (rare), OS, or the HDD.

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

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Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)



If you have lost those costume saves you can always go to an Icon rep and re-save any costume from that screen...



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