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Star Trek Online uniform and vanity shield


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STO Cryptic being the based fellas they are have seen fit to award players a free uniform and vanity shield (As shown) until June 16th.
Just thought i'd throw that out there if any folks want some freebies.


These are the voyages of the starship Morning Mimosa. Its five-year mission: to drunkenly stumble around strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations and throw gravitational and temporal anomalies around haphazardly. To boldly annoy teammates by tractor beaming enemies away from them.

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I still have (or had) a lifetime STO sub from beta, but it's been a few years (2012?) since I last played.  I was running the Wells-class for my Science officer.  It's still one of my favorite Star Trek ships, even though we only see it in one episode.


I really enjoyed the starship combat in STO, but I never really cared for the ground missions.

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7 hours ago, FrauleinMental said:

I still have (or had) a lifetime STO sub from beta, but it's been a few years (2012?) since I last played.  I was running the Wells-class for my Science officer.  It's still one of my favorite Star Trek ships, even though we only see it in one episode.


I really enjoyed the starship combat in STO, but I never really cared for the ground missions.

The ship shown is the new Verne Temporal, Tier 6 version of the Wells that folks had been screaming for ever since Tier 6 ships came out. It's a solid little ship, just like the Wells.

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I left the game after buying the pre-order and lifetime sub. When I learned that it was absolutely NOTHING like what jack Emmert said it was going to be. He straight up lied about what the game was going to be and left us with a disappointing husk of what it could have been. I know the people who still play it love it, but it could ahve been so much more, especially if it would have ended up what Jack was boosting it up to be.

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On 6/5/2020 at 1:30 PM, Solarverse said:

I left the game after buying the pre-order and lifetime sub. When I learned that it was absolutely NOTHING like what jack Emmert said it was going to be. He straight up lied about what the game was going to be and left us with a disappointing husk of what it could have been. I know the people who still play it love it, but it could ahve been so much more, especially if it would have ended up what Jack was boosting it up to be.

And exactly zero of this has anything to do with me thinking it might be a cool idea to let folks here know there's some free shit available. If you don't like the game that's cool, take your rant elsewhere to another thread.

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Nice of you to bring it up.


As far as people expressing their opinions, well. Public (ish) board, and with a game with a link to COH (Cryptic being the developer) that will get people talking, so... just kind of expect it to show up here.

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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4 hours ago, Greycat said:

Nice of you to bring it up.


As far as people expressing their opinions, well. Public (ish) board, and with a game with a link to COH (Cryptic being the developer) that will get people talking, so... just kind of expect it to show up here.

Yeah but see it has nothing to do with the thread topic. I don't even know who Jack is or why this forum user was mad at him, apart from it seems they pre-ordered a game and were disappointed. I guess the moral of the story is don't pre-order.

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Jack's Jack Emmert, one of the original developers. Statesman? His character. He's one of the ones who left and... carried? Recreated? Cryptic, who made Champions ONline and STO. You'll see a topic about his latest move... two topics down from this as I'm posting. (Going to DCUO.)


There's history. I'll just leave it at that.

Edited by Greycat

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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Greycat is correct. There is history there. A long and bitter history. Don't take it personal, @Fortuneteller, it was not aimed at trashing your thread or even trying to derail your thread.  For what it's worth, it is a cool ship.

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To be fair, in my opinion Cryptic is very good with handing out free stuff in STO from time to time and they have a very generous F2P model.  Simply running events in the game will get you a token toward purchasing a top tier ship. 


STO has come a long way since it first launched and I think credit should be given to Cryptic for releasing it as fast as they did.  A lot of people forget Cryptic was not the original developer for the game.  They were handed a turd and tasked of launching in a very, very short time frame.  They met that deadline.  Given those constraints, people were expecting too much in my opinion.



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1 hour ago, ShardWarrior said:

They were handed a turd and tasked of launching in a very, very short time frame.  They met that deadline.  Given those constraints, people were expecting too much in my opinion.

To be fair, people only expected what Jack Emmert told them it was. In fact, this is what Jack told everyone. After watching this and then seeing what Star Trek Online actually was...you can see where the huge disappointment came from.



I won't discuss it further though, since as the OP pointed out, this was not the intent of their thread. Save this conversation for another thread perhaps.

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  • 2 years later

I played STO a few times but then abandoned it. I don't understand who is still playing it. I've seen that there are even whole forums to discuss the game and updates. Only it seems crazy to me to play a game that cheaters created. I've been a Minecraft fan for a long time. At first, play the free versions shown on minecraftforfreex.com, and then buy the full version. There are practically no cool games about space. People like fantasy, apocalypse, zombies, medieval stories more.  I hope the gaming industry will reconsider its approach and stop making money from its fans.

Edited by Alekismages
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