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Looking for a group

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There are a number of varied groups on various Shards.  Would you happen to have any additional information to help us offer some suggestions?

Are you looking for a "raid group?"

A general content group?

A conversational/chatty group?

A roleplay group?

A group with some other unifying theme or demographic?

Any particular Shard, or are you open to playing on any Shard?

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10 hours ago, SaltyGoddess said:

I am looking for a group that are not judgemental pricks. Do those exist?

Hm interesting first post. what kind of group are you looking for? Role players, meta gamers, casuals, raiders, etc.


I run a casual RPSG( as in sometimes we do take weeks or months off no biggie to us) The Midnight Club has a few rules like no shaming or dissing each other over costumes, kinks, etc. I think most SGs likely have that kind of basic rule hopefully. IMO most folks are pretty good natured in CoH, cept like a few specific RPSGs on everlasting that wear their politics openly and seem to live to use so called RP to harass others.

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On 6/19/2020 at 11:56 PM, ImpousVileTerror said:

There are a number of varied groups on various Shards.  Would you happen to have any additional information to help us offer some suggestions?

Are you looking for a "raid group?"

A general content group?

A conversational/chatty group?

A roleplay group?

A group with some other unifying theme or demographic?

Any particular Shard, or are you open to playing on any Shard?

I am still really new to COH and I don't have a preference.  I am looking for a group that doen't kick you while you're down. A group that does not ghost you. A group that is willing to help a newb. A group of "friends" on steam introduced me to this game and then pretty much ghosted me. Now I don't really know what I am doing. I do enjoy the game but I don't enjoy always playing alone.

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So, what might actually be ideal for you is a Global Channel community.  Those tend to be more far-reaching and allow you to stay in touch with people even when they're switching the characters they're playing as.


In game there is a Global Channel Search function.


(chat redacted for privacy of other players)

Right-click in your Chat Window:


(private channel names redacted)

Select the "Channel Search" Option


You can then view some default Global Channels, or search for a specific type of Global Channel in the "Name:" bar (also searches Description for keywords).

This also shows how many members a Global Channel has, and how many of them are online at this moment (note:  Hidden players will show up in the Online tally, but not in the User List window).


Once you find a Channel that you like the looks of, you can join it!


This is where things get a little tricky and annoying, though.  

A Global Channel will only be added to the currently active Chat Tab on the one specific character you joined the Channel on.  Even though your Global Account is registered to that Channel, you will have to manually add it to each subsequent character you log in to after that point.

It's annoying as hell, but there's at least a way to make it a smidge easier!





These two commands will be your best friend if you are an active Global Channel user like I am.

The first will save your Chat Tab configuration, including Global Channels.

The second will then load those exactly Chat Tab configurations on any other character.

(Note:  It's possible to accidentally re-join a Global Channel which you quit by using the Load command without first updating the Save command.)


So, to do the optimal play, once you join a Global Channel, right-click on your Chat Tab(s) of choice, and "Edit Tab"


Brings up:


(private channels redacted again)

Global Channels will always be listed at the top of this window, making it easy to track them down.

So, if I want to add "Homecoming" Global Channel to my "Global" Chat Tab, I click on "Homecoming" on the right-hand side and then click "<< Add" in the middle, then "OK" to confirm.


You may also notice that you can customize the colours of your Global Chat Channels! (but not the regular game channels)


Left-click on the name of the channel itself (you'll have to receive a message in that channel first, before you can do this).


Then select "Set Colour."

And then you can choose what colour your Global Channel becomes!



You can have a maximum of 14 Global Channels with custom colours, or 15 with a bug which "forgets" the custom colour of one of your Global Channels (very annoying, but not game breaking).


At this point, remember to /chatsave

That way, on your other characters, you can /chatload

And retain all the wonderful colours you've customized!


I hope this helps.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask here, or reach out to me in-game at @VileTerror


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In-game you can also utilize the LFG chat channel to find a team to join or people to join your team, the Help chat channel to get information and help, and the General chat channel to shoot the breeze.  


I am mostly found on the general channel and unless you act like an ass you can make decent friends to team with now and later.  Hell I act like an ass sometimes and they still talk to me so its all good.  Just ease yourself into making friends and then add them as a global friend and y'all can team up in the future.  It may or may not lead to supergroup-dom.  My SG is just my son and I and all our alts but I still have global friends I team with even though we're in different SGs.


Good luck and happy hunting!

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The secret to being an ass is to be the kind of ass that other asses like.

But, usually, I recommend just not being an ass if one can help it in the first place.


By the way, if someone wants to make a prettier version of my instructions up there, and then post it to the Guides Section, that may be wise.

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3 hours ago, SaltyGoddess said:

I am still really new to COH and I don't have a preference.  I am looking for a group that doen't kick you while you're down. A group that does not ghost you. A group that is willing to help a newb. A group of "friends" on steam introduced me to this game and then pretty much ghosted me. Now I don't really know what I am doing. I do enjoy the game but I don't enjoy always playing alone.

There's some level of irony in your situation. While you do not know it yet, your "friends" have left you on the doorstep of the greatest community ever to be birthed from the gaming world.


The server you're playing on will be the most relevantly useful info to start as each has their own chat channel you can talk to others on across the entirety of the server (and not just in local, team, etc). Many servers have large Super Groups active which are always open to new players. SG's are a way for a collective of folks in particular mindset to team and play together. There are corresponding forums here, but poking about in your chat channels will help you get a bigger picture of who's out there as well since only a portion of the player base regularly check the forums.

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The various Shards ("servers") also have different themes.
Everlasting ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/40-everlasting/ ) is the Roleplaying Shard.
Indomitable ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/41-indomitable/ ) is the PvP Shard.
Excelsior ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/39-excelsior/ ) is the most populous Shard.
Torchbearer ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/38-torchbearer/ ) is the original Homecoming Shard.
and Reunion ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/42-reunion-eu/ ) is the European Shard.

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