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Mastermind Minions :: Hero-side

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I would like to see Hero-side Minion types.

Some of the current minions are fine for Hero-side (in my opinion) Beast mastery, Robots and Ninja.


I understand the complication of creating new power sets to fully integrate more Heroic type minion powers/SFX, so perhaps only a minion cosmetic change for a start.


Examples :

Demon :: Celestial/Angel

Mercenary :: Law Enforcement/Longbow

Thugs :: Sidekick/Mirror Character (with size body build variance)

Necromancy :: (no hero like option I can think of, but perhaps a Hydra and/or Devouring Earth variant)


At some point, it would be cool to see these conceptions fleshed out, but I do think it would suffice to have the same power sets only with different minion appearances would go a long way in the kind of character/power customization that CoH if famous for.

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Lots of MM ideas are floating around.  I played a MM to 50 live and I'm leveling a different one now for fun, and I'm remembering a lot of the issues that MMs have for customization.


For starters, each MM model is actually three models.  You need the base model for before they are upgraded.  You need a model for the tier 1 upgrade and one for the tier 2 upgrade.  If those models are not "compatible" somehow, then you'll need to have a fourth model with the proper look for both upgrades.


Likewise, if you're adding new models, you may need new sound effects for each one.


On top of that, some MMs may have additional requirements.  Thugs spawn with a random model out of a set of three or so possible.  This adds to the verisimilitude of actually having a gang that you call up random members from.  Then there's gang war which might need its own set of random models.  Etc.  Each one is a small detail but it adds up.


I'll add:


Robots: there are enough "robot" parts in the character creator to make a couple of decent themed sets for another robot set or two.


Beasts: likewise there's enough animals as pets and travel powers now (coyote, liger, puma, lion, dark wolf, etc.) where you could probably get one or two additional looks for Beasts without a ton of trouble.


Ninjas: these could be spiffed up with some of the "warrior" themed costume parts for a new look.


These would all be great to do, but it's going to be a hefty amount of work to get something "simple" done for all the MM sets!


(Also Thugs totally needs a "pirate" themed set.)



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1 hour ago, UltraAlt said:

I would like to see Hero-side Minion types.

Some of the current minions are fine for Hero-side (in my opinion) Beast mastery, Robots and Ninja.


I understand the complication of creating new power sets to fully integrate more Heroic type minion powers/SFX, so perhaps only a minion cosmetic change for a start.


Examples :

Demon :: Celestial/Angel

Mercenary :: Law Enforcement/Longbow

Thugs :: Sidekick/Mirror Character (with size body build variance)

Necromancy :: (no hero like option I can think of, but perhaps a Hydra and/or Devouring Earth variant)


At some point, it would be cool to see these conceptions fleshed out, but I do think it would suffice to have the same power sets only with different minion appearances would go a long way in the kind of character/power customization that CoH if famous for.


I do not think any MM set should be forbidden from appearing on either side.

I do not think any MM should have their choice of pets limited by their current alignment.


Example:  Desdemona.  in-game NPC.   Demon-Binding-Witch who forsook evil to be a hero.  Still summons demons.  Keeps them on a tight leash, doesn't let them go on a rampage. But um... yea, she summons demons. Not angels.  And if she can summon demons, why COULDN'T a villain bind Angels into acting against their will to further their villainous plans?   After all, some angels/devas/seraphs are pictured as forces of light, mercy, and forgivenss, and some angels are depicted as overbearingly righteous and merciless avengers who seek to scourge all that is impure.  


"Law Enforcement" as Mastermind Minions absolutely need not imply "Hero".  It certainly can.  There are many many selfless cops who devote and even GIVE their lives to protect the public.  There are also some who are little more than gang members with a badge.  If a "Law Enforcement" minion set were added, I think you can reasonably expect players to view it through either lens.

Edited by MTeague
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I won't argue against more customization.


I will argue against calling certain minions "not heroic." We had this argument when side switching first came out on live. I've got a heroic necro MM. Thugs? Part of a gang who split off because they did not like what their buddies were doing and decided to protect people instead. Demons? Why not? Mercs? Private security.


And MTeague covered how things could go the other way.


So yeah. Customization - yes. As for what's heroic or not - that's a question of imagination.

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Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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Any pet customization at all would be great.. Even if was only one pet type to start. 


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