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Auto_exec more then one power

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Opening up auto exec for more then one power would be great. There's many builds that would greatly benefit from being able to set more than one. For example, set Hasten and Hoarfrost to both auto exec.


I think original development specifically didn't allow this to keep people from just full on automating all their game play to just one or two binds. And as mentioned, didn't want to open the door to bot programming (and thank goodness).


I can't speak for the minds of the Homecoming team, but I would imagine this particular area is one they mean to keep the original spirit of.

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I've always wanted to be able to play the game without actually playing the game.

Didn't know button mashing constituted "playing the game". I feel so enlightened!


I have too wanted a second (and third) auto_exec command  ever since playing an /Energy Blaster who had to constantly refresh Boost Range, mash Power Boost, Aim and Build Up, while wanting Power Thrust to auto-fire in the face of big baddies coming too close, in addition to the usual suspect Hasten and a plethora of attacks all while jumping back and forth like crazy. This suggestion would be a great boon to people, like myself, who has finger rigidity issues...if you may allow us to play your game.

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Considering there's a post about botting/macroing from the admins that specifically says it's OK to do... I don't think that having more than one auto power is going to hurt anything.


There are so many character types that would benefit from this. You may just not have played them. But /Shield Brutes and Scrappers (And Shield/ Tankers) for instance have their mez protection on a click. They're almost forced to use Hasten to get that to perma, so they have two things (Hasten and Active Defense) which are both on relatively long recharges, that they will want to fire as soon as they come off recharge, and missing either of them can be a big problem. Yet they're things that can be easily overlooked in mid-battle because you're busy punching things, and these are things you only have to refresh every two minutes or so.


The same goes for a lot of Defender sets that have a big buff that is often relied upon being "always on" when the character build is developed, but needs to be paired with Hasten and can easily be forgotten. Chrono Shift and Farsight from Time, Overgrowth/Wild Bastion/Wild Growth from Nature, and so on.


Autoing things like those does not in any way constitute creating a "self playing" bot. But not having the tools to do so within the game does push players to third party tools like Autohotkey, which are very much capable of completely automating an entire character, so if anything, you're creating more botters by withholding such tools.

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I wouldn't be averse to allowing multiple use of powexec_auto only on self-buff powers, like Hasten, Rage, Active Defense (using my current SD/SS Tanker for example) and not on attacks, team buffs, etc.


I don't know if it would be possible to restrict which powers it applies to in the code, which might be why it is the way it is.

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I wouldn't be averse to allowing multiple use of powexec_auto only on self-buff powers, like Hasten, Rage, Active Defense (using my current SD/SS Tanker for example) and not on attacks, team buffs, etc.


I don't know if it would be possible to restrict which powers it applies to in the code, which might be why it is the way it is.


I would like it if it converted a power like haste or Practiced Brawler into a toggle if your recharge is fast enough. That would free up powers you would want to auto exec.

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This would be a huge quality of life improvement for every character with a non-toggle mezz protection.


It would be nice if they could exempt specific powers from the rule. Although that's probably not something they can do without breaking the game in horribly nightmarish ways.


"Practiced Brawler" etc, maybe even "Clarion"

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  • 4 weeks later

I wouldn't be averse to allowing multiple use of powexec_auto only on self-buff powers, like Hasten, Rage, Active Defense (using my current SD/SS Tanker for example) and not on attacks, team buffs, etc.


I don't know if it would be possible to restrict which powers it applies to in the code, which might be why it is the way it is.


I would like it if it converted a power like haste or Practiced Brawler into a toggle if your recharge is fast enough. That would free up powers you would want to auto exec.


This would be brilliant.


I could agree to having two Auto Powers, But no more then two. Or 1 "any power you want" and 1 "Only effecting Self" option.

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