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What's the value of Infiltration?


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Oh my there are a lot of inaccuracies here to digest.... Let's start with this first bit first:


3 hours ago, siolfir said:

Answer: all of them that have a Stealth IO slotted. Because every travel power that takes either Jump, Run, or Teleport sets can be used for stealth. Is it technically a separate power providing stealth because it's through an IO set bonus? Yes. Does it affect how you can use the power? No. Does it align with the pre-existing example of Super Speed? Yes. So that makes more than one data point for, and only a stupid decision that prevents you from using the power with other forms of stealth against.


As @Luminara pointed out, aside from Infiltration and Super Speed, no other TRAVEL POWER has an inherent stealth component. Period. Adding in a unique IO set bonus to a travel power using a strawman argument. Argument aside, these unique Stealth IOs need to be catalyzed beforehand or the player needs to be the appropriate level (+15) to slot them, so no you are incorrect in claiming that is a sufficient data point in comparing available travel powers that have a stealth component.


Just to reiterate my point further, here is your same argument on another power - Cold Domination's Infrigidate is a Ranged, Foe -Rech, -SPD, -DEF, -DMG(Fire) power. It does no damage inherently, it's meant to be a debuff power. Because of Set IO bonuses and procs, players can make this power do a decent amount of damage by adding Impeding Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage proc, Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage proc, and Touch of Lady Grey: Chance for Negative Energy damage proc. But doing this doesn't make the power inherently a damaging attack, just like adding a Stealth IO to a travel power doesn't make the travel power inherently stealthy.


So, again you can say what you want, but I will chime in to tell everyone that what you are espousing is inaccurate. 


3 hours ago, siolfir said:

I'm aware I'm arguing against their definition of what a travel power is, and I'm aware that they could have removed the exclusivity (it was brought up in the focused feedback threads). They made up some excuse about how they didn't know how it should behave when there are clear examples.


Again, you're entitled to arguing - against whatever your perceived injustice stems from, perhaps its the sun rising and setting, but doing so doesn't make it stop happening. It is laughable that you suggest that these volunteers made up an excuse instead - you know what, can you in your infinite wisdom and understanding of how the game's files and coding work, provide the code to make the stealth component not exclusive? Can you go ahead and make that happen? Thanks! [/e sarcasm].


Perhaps let the folks who create things in this awesome community speak for themselves - Page 3, Focused Feedback: Travel Power Updates (Build 1) thread in Homecoming Feedback




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On 8/31/2021 at 12:48 PM, Luminara said:

Infiltration has bonus Defense, above and beyond the standard pool power Defense.  The bonus Defense suppresses.  The standard Defense, which is not suppressed, is identical to the Defense in Hover and CJ.


Where are you seeing that part of the defense doesn't suppress when attacked or attacking, 'cause I'm not seeing it. 



Also, regarding having a threesome with a whale shark and a mountain lion before you go, I have contacted the Make a Wish Foundation and they are working on it.

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I love the Infiltration power.  I love it, love it, love it.  Before it, my MA/SR Scrapper used Ninja Run + Sprint with a Stealth IO as my travel power, and it would eat my endurance quickly.  With the advent of Infiltration I got comparable speed, jumping, and stealth using one power instead of two.  And after two slotting it with Winter's Gift, If i activate Infiltration, I move at roughly 78 mph for both running and jumping, and if I activate Sprint it pushes me to 92 mph running.  So essentially, i get the old speed cap, the old jump speed cap, and invisibility level stealth with Infiltration and Sprint, for less endurance than I was using it for, meaning i can just leave it on now.  So, faster, higher, stealthier, less endurance.  It is an absolute win on every front for me.


It does come with some out of combat Defense, but as a soft capped SR, I tend neither to need nor notice such things.

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