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Get Badgemonitor working

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I have no idea how practical this is to implement or enable, but I've seen it working on Rebirth, and /windownames lists badgemonitor as one of the possible windows here. It works similarly to the combat attributes monitor, but allows you to select any in-progress badge(s) using a right-click context menu and display a compressed version of the same progress information you get by hovering over the badge in the regular displays (see attached screen snip). Looks like a handy bit of functionality, and hopefully whoever figured it out is willing to share.

badge monitor display.jpg

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If the code is there and just disabled (as it seems to be)... please!

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:聽 GABS Bindfile聽 路聽 WindowScaler聽 路聽 Teleport Guide聽 路聽 and City of Zeroes聽 all at聽 www.Shenanigunner.com

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HEY! <waves energetically>

No one else (like the rabid badgers?) thinks it would be nice to have a configurable badge-progress window? Especially if it's just a matter of flipping on a code switch?

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:聽 GABS Bindfile聽 路聽 WindowScaler聽 路聽 Teleport Guide聽 路聽 and City of Zeroes聽 all at聽 www.Shenanigunner.com

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Don't some badges have progress bars? No real numbers, but I recall some having bars on live. I've not gone badging in a聽 long time, so not sure what things look like right now.

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2 hours ago, WanderingAries said:

Don't some badges have progress bars? No real numbers, but I recall some having bars on live. I've not gone badging in a聽 long time, so not sure what things look like right now.

They do. You can even get the percentage or whatnot by hovering over the bar.

Primarily on Everlasting. Squid afficionado. Former creator of Copypastas. General smartalec.

I tried to combine Circle and DE, but all I got were garden variety evil mages.

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Many badges do indeed have progress bars. So you can undock the badge window, scroll the badge you're interested in to the middle, and keep an eye on it that way. Doesn't help if you'd like to track multiple badges that don't happen to fall near each other on the lists in the badge window. For some sorts of badges, having a counter up at all times like that would be real handy for taking advantage of the opportune moment when it happens.

As for the time required to implement, perhaps a polite query to the Ourodev folks would speed the process up considerably. Sharing IS kinda their thing as I understand it.聽

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Limiting my already guarded posting both here & discord. Just too toxic for my tastes, & the mods do not seem to care.


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14 hours ago, WanderingAries said:

Don't some badges have progress bars? No real numbers, but I recall some having bars on live. I've not gone badging in a聽 long time, so not sure what things look like right now.

This is a more active alternative, though, instead of having to keep the Badge window open (with all its faults of no-search, no-sorting, no-selectivity). Just as you can look up all your power stats, it's nice to have a little window of the key ones. If you're hunting several long-scope badges, a display you can configure and update would be an asset. However...

12 hours ago, Michiyo said:

This isn't just enabling the context menu, this was only partially implemented before shutdown, and Ourodev just finished the implementation.聽 So, not just a switch to flip in this case.

Ah. Oh, well. No, it's probably not worth a lot of Dev time. If it was just a disabled feature, great, but it's not. I guess if the code/list could be completed in a few hours of time, it would be a balanced request. But if it's basically not complete/truly functional... oh, well.

Props to Hunter for finding and suggesting it, though.

Edited by Shenanigunner

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:聽 GABS Bindfile聽 路聽 WindowScaler聽 路聽 Teleport Guide聽 路聽 and City of Zeroes聽 all at聽 www.Shenanigunner.com

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Don't thank me, thank the people over at Ourodev who got it working. I just noticed what they had done. Rebirth apparently has some talented people working with them, their version of the Halloween event has some fairly nice additions. I especially like the IO set that has a proc to summon Croatoa ghosts. Not amazingly combat effective from what I can see, but definitely fulfills聽the 'rule of cool'.聽

Limiting my already guarded posting both here & discord. Just too toxic for my tastes, & the mods do not seem to care.


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