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Melee Time Manipulation

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What it says on the tin. I'd like to see a Time Manipulation-type power made for melee characters. Probably made up of PBAoEs and Self effects, maybe a few melee effects where it makes sense. Just generally an option that lets me pair Time Manipulation with my melee characters that I want to make XD.

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1 hour ago, adran06 said:

What it says on the tin. I'd like to see a Time Manipulation-type power made for melee characters. Probably made up of PBAoEs and Self effects, maybe a few melee effects where it makes sense. Just generally an option that lets me pair Time Manipulation with my melee characters that I want to make XD.


Made such a set in the Epic Powerset thread.  Want a time armor set so much!

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I actually want this because of AE. I can make this exact power combo on a custom mob, and it made me realize Time Manip + Dual Blade would be awesome, and I want it + Teleport to make a terrifying version of Night Crawler XD

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While we don’t have the assets for a full set, what we do have would fit nicely into the formula for a Sentinel APP. Watered down for APP standards as usual - remove or weaken the holds in (2), increase recharges, especially of (5).


1- Aging Touch / Future Pain

2- Distortion Field 

3- Time Stop

4- End of Time

5- Temporal Mending


Edited by arcane
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3 minutes ago, Rudra said:

Ancillary Power Pool. The epic power pools.

Ah. I'd rather have it as a proper power tbh, cause otherwise I'm not gonna be able to get it til way after I would have wanted it XD

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Just now, Rudra said:

Sure. Sounds good. Do you have ideas on how to populate the set? Preferences for way to go with it?

I'm not gonna pretend I'm an expert on this game. I've only ever gotten to level 15 myself, though I've been power leveled to 35 and screwed around a bit at 50 on the test server. In neither case have I actually done CONTENT at those levels mind you.


That being said, what's already in the power set seems really good. I'd definitely put a big focus on the PBAoEs so that wherever the melee fighter is fighting, time is warping. The only parts I'm not sure what to do with are the single-target ranged effects that would have to become either melee, self, or PBAoE. I'm sure people more familiar with the game than I am can come up with better ideas on what specifically to do with that part. I'm just not quite comfortable with the high-end mmo stuff to give specific feedback on those parts.

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You don't need to be an expert. Just throw out some themes/ideas you think would be interesting. Letting everyone know in advance you're just spitballing ideas helps. You giving your impression helps open and guide the discussion though. So just throw out a list of 9 concepts you think would be interesting. Take the 5 already provided as a base. For instance, on another thread, someone mentioned a time armor mechanic. It would reduce the damage by slowing the impact or aging projectiles into uselessness. So what themes are most interesting to you on this?

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Idea makes me think of the melee/debuff archetype I've always wanted. Make the secondary full of PBAoE debuff toggles/clicks that would act as an armor.


In Time's case, honestly it's almost there. Change the ranged powers to pbaoe clicks, time crawl to a toggle, and temporal selection to affect self. Adjust values as needed.


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2 hours ago, Rudra said:

You don't need to be an expert. Just throw out some themes/ideas you think would be interesting. Letting everyone know in advance you're just spitballing ideas helps. You giving your impression helps open and guide the discussion though. So just throw out a list of 9 concepts you think would be interesting. Take the 5 already provided as a base. For instance, on another thread, someone mentioned a time armor mechanic. It would reduce the damage by slowing the impact or aging projectiles into uselessness. So what themes are most interesting to you on this?

I agree on the idea of Time Armor for the tankier classes, but the others maybe instead ways to recover from a fight faster by "speeding time around you up" and things like that? Though I think that's partly covered by some of the powers already in the set's PBAoEs (not sure what all of them do XD)


A super-speed-type power would be really damn useful, but unless it's particularly useful with the design, people'd probably just take Super-Speed. Same with making a "teleport" where you stop time for everyone else and move at high speed. Perhaps an ability that is the only "ranged" option, but it counts as melee for effects, where you target an area, hit everything in that area, and if you have a character targeted by you in that area you appear next to them, and if not, you appear in the center of the targeted area? A sort of "stop time, zap everything with melee attacks, unstop time?

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Maybe something like:


Tier 1: <name?>: Slows close in attacks, provides some damage resistance. (Resist smash/lethal damage. Some melee defense.)

Tier 2: <name?>: Passive slow aura. (Passive resist damage, resist slow effects.)

Tier 3: <name?>: Ages incoming projectiles to past their dissolution. (Resist fire, cold, energy, negative energy. Some ranged defense.)

Tier 4: <name?>: Reverts physical form to prior state, undoing some harm. (Self heal.)

Edit: Tier 5: <name?>: Armor status protection ability.

Tier 6: <name?>: Slows all attacks. (Resist damage <not sure what types>, some AoE defense.)

Tier 7: <name?>: Expanded slow aura. (Slows all enemies within set radius of character.)

Tier 8: <name?>: Briefly accelerates time for the character. (Gain some very short duration boost. Maybe the character gains +?% recharge, regen, and recovery boost?)

Tier 9: <name?>: Temporal regression restores character to life after defeat. (Self-rez.)


I don't know if that is anything like you were imagining, but how is that?


And everyone else? I know this post is nothing like I've asked others to provide, but I really can't come up with anything right now. Sorry.


Edit again: The tier 8 would be a time expansion version of the author's time stop attack ability. The tier 9 could be a nuke attack instead of a self-rez with a really long recharge to mimic stopping time and attacking frantically before restoring temporal flow.

Edited by Rudra
Edited to add the tier 5, change prior tier 5-7 to 6-8, and delete the empty tier 8.
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Time Manipulation is a great set on Blaster. And Controller, Corruptor, Defender, and Mastermind. I'd love to try out a Melee ported version, either as an armor set or as a melee set. 

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Might be a bit much in terms of purely passive stuff in there. Certainly passives should be in there, but I've always liked more active power sets, and Time seems like something that should be active.

Tier 1 - Slows close in attacks, provides some damage resistance. (Resist smash/lethal damage. Some melee defense.) (having relooked at Rudra's effects, I agree with this one entirely now)

Tier 2 - Aging Touch from Blaster on offensive-oriented characters; On others, Chronolock - Passive Resist slows of all types (movement and attack), something else? Actually looking at it this is basically what Rudra already was suggesting and I hadn't looked at that again til just now, so I guess I agree on that one XD

Tier 3 - Time Dilation: Toggle PBAoE. Reduces enemy speed much like Time Crawl (probably lower numbers because AoE?). Some amount of Resist damage types and/or melee defense (that part of your idea I definitely agreed with XD) to allies in the field. Probably a relatively small AoE though, not one of the larger ones.


I'll probably come back and edit this more in the future when I come up with more ideas. Time Dilation specifically was something I really want though, along with a PBAoE speed+recharge effect for yourself and allies.

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18 hours ago, adran06 said:

I actually want this because of AE. I can make this exact power combo on a custom mob, and it made me realize Time Manip + Dual Blade would be awesome, and I want it + Teleport to make a terrifying version of Night Crawler XD


Powers tend to lag pretty far behind in AE. Depends on dev time.


Just in general, I'd like AE updated to match existing powersets, as an aside.


And, yeah. Time Melee paired with a Time Armor would be interesting. (By "paired," honestly, I mean more "released at the same time," not so much "need to have the two together.")

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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1 hour ago, Greycat said:


Powers tend to lag pretty far behind in AE. Depends on dev time.


Just in general, I'd like AE updated to match existing powersets, as an aside.


And, yeah. Time Melee paired with a Time Armor would be interesting. (By "paired," honestly, I mean more "released at the same time," not so much "need to have the two together.")

This isn't a matter of AE lagging though. The option is already doable in AE, it's just not doable on real characters.

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1 hour ago, adran06 said:

This isn't a matter of AE lagging though. The option is already doable in AE, it's just not doable on real characters.


Yeah, it's just not being able to make *other* characters the set's missing on in there.  :)

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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