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Add a fun RP/PvP Zone Event!

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On 5/27/2022 at 1:57 PM, PeregrineFalcon said:

I've been doing a lot of thinking and I've finally come up with a brilliant idea that will spice the game up for everyone, and get a lot of players to come back to the game.


An RP/PvP zone event!


Here's how it would work. In a random zone, players would hear the warning siren, like they do when a Rikti invasion is about to start. About a minute later everyone still in the zone would get a big message "PvP has been ENABLED!" This would give players plenty of time to opt out by leaving the zone.


As an incentive to participate, they'll be a certain spot in the zone -like one of those banner events- with a bunch of Nemesis soldiers guarding a device. If the device is found and destroyed before the event ends then everyone gets a badge and a Super Pack as a reward.


The wording of the badge should explain that Nemesis was testing his prototype mass mind control device, which is why the heroes started fighting each other. So the event will not only be fun and rewarding, but also fit in with the lore and be great for role playing.


Ok, I know that some of you really don't like PvP, so to avoid that event you'd just have to stay out of that zone for 15 or 20 minutes.


No thank you.  This is what PvP zones are for.  There are zone wide events and players can earn badges in them.  No reason for PvP to bleed over into PvE zones. 

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Do an Arena match. Arachnos Soldiers and Widows against Longbow-style AR blasters or Warden-style whatevers in Longbow uniforms.

Edit: Pocket D even lets them be in the same zone to launch or coordinate. Or pre-plan the match in Bloody Bay, Siren's Call, Warburg, or Recluse's Victory so they can hosp and try to get back to the fight before the rest of their team wipes.

Edited by Rudra
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So if a Rikti zone invasion, or zombie zone invasion, occurs, and I don't want to be a part of it then "just leave the zone for 20 minutes" is an answer that people have given and is generally viewed as acceptable.


But when it's PvP and the answer is "just leave the zone for 20 minutes" then (to quote a certain joker) "Everyone loses their minds."


Doesn't that seem just a tad bit hypocritical?

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"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire posts, the posts become warning points. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."


Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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9 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

So if a Rikti zone invasion, or zombie zone invasion, occurs, and I don't want to be a part of it then "just leave the zone for 20 minutes" is an answer that people have given and is generally viewed as acceptable.


But when it's PvP and the answer is "just leave the zone for 20 minutes" then (to quote a certain joker) "Everyone loses their minds."


Doesn't that seem just a tad bit hypocritical?


I don't think people want more reasons to have to leave a zone, especially for an aspect of the game most people tend to actively avoid already.

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When an invasion happens, you don't have to leave the zone. You can stand under an overhang and nothing will spawn at your location. If you have to get to a mission door, in the time it takes mobs to spawn near you, you're already safely beyond their aggro range and still safely moving to your mission. Rikti dropships are the only actual complication to that, and they follow a set path that is easy to avoid. (Edit: Them being big targets in the sky and announcing their approach by blasting the mobs along the dropships' path.)


None of what I just posted applies to a PvPer. So no, I don't view it as hypocritical.

Edited by Rudra
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3 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

So if a Rikti zone invasion, or zombie zone invasion, occurs, and I don't want to be a part of it then "just leave the zone for 20 minutes" is an answer that people have given and is generally viewed as acceptable.


But when it's PvP and the answer is "just leave the zone for 20 minutes" then (to quote a certain joker) "Everyone loses their minds."


Doesn't that seem just a tad bit hypocritical?


If you want to make an argument that relates to inconvenience, I think a better example is badging (which was also a major factor in stoking up anti-pvp sentiment). I have absolutely no interest in badges, apart from the ones that are necessary for accolades. Yet it's very common to have to spend time in pve doing things more slowly and in a manner that involves more hassle in order to help a group get a badge. Certainly I could not join teams that are doing badge runs, or I could be the lone person that objects when a group decides to pursue a badge on the fly, but that means I lose the opportunity to run that content and would have to wait for another group that doesn't care about badging to come along. The overall cost of waiting is probably more than just sucking it up and having to deal with the hassle of getting the badges. Obviously, badgers don't give a damn about that because--who doesn't want badges? Amiright?


Having said that, I don't see this idea working out for a number of reasons:


1. If people who didn't want to pvp actually left the area for 20 minutes--the zones would probably be empty for the duration of the event, more or less defeating the purpose.

2. If anti-pvpers did not leave the zone when this happened--some of them would die. Sooner or later a competent person would show up and people would die. Not only that, but competent pvpers might show up and actually clear out the zone. And these anti-pvpers would lose there minds. They would be raging on these forums about getting defeated, and they would likely then avoid these events which would return us to #1.

3. Best case scenario is if individuals or groups take it upon themselves to try to police these events. So for example people could just bring a bunch of unkillable tanks to the zone and have them hang out taunting aggressive players. The problem with this outcome is that, if it's successful, it kind of defeats the purpose of this being a pvp event. 


My SG had a saying back on live "I squashed your pixels, I didn't slap yer mama." Dedicated pve-ers in this game are built different. Some of them would still be complaining about this on their deathbed. While I derive a certain schadenfreude from this, I don't think this plan would pay off. If it was gonna work, I think the existing zones would've had more appeal for more players. If you want to mix it up, offer some sort of non-deathmatch option. A huge racetrack appears, an easter egg hunt, etc.

Edited by battlewraith
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The 4 or 5 PVPers left in this game are bored trying to trick newbies into PVP zones.  
So what’s the answer?  I know, bring PVP to all the zones that way they can run around killing unsuspecting/unprepared players and brag about how great they are.  
Yeah, totally sounds like an improvement that this game needs.

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I adoooooore this idea. It'd be so easy to opt out of if we didn't want to participate. I'd also love having the pvp event somehow face heroes against villains. But this mind control episode would also be great. Fun mass pvp, no negative consequences, pleeeeeeeeeease.

Edited by AxerJ
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1 hour ago, AxerJ said:

I adoooooore this idea. It'd be so easy to opt out of if we didn't want to participate. I'd also love having the pvp event somehow face heroes against villains. But this mind control episode would also be great. Fun mass pvp, no negative consequences, pleeeeeeeeeease.

Tell you what. When PvE'ers can go into PvP zones and not be subject to PvP, then PvP can go to PvE zones. Sound good? No? Then please stop trying to bring PvP into zones not meant for it.

Edited by Rudra
Edited to correct "them" to "it".
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Having thought about this some more, there might be a workable solution. Implement any PvP overworld events with combat phasing tech.


Either via an opt-in prompt that appears when the event starts/when a player enters the zone afterword, or just have it appear via getting close enough to the 'PvP site' like how it works in Atlas/Mercy. That'd not only flag the character for the event but would effectively make it its own pseudo-instance within the zone. Allows room for overworld PvP events to actually happen, still keeps them in-line with the 'opt-in' nature of PvP in-game and seems like it would void a lot of the issues folks had (mine in-particular). Players who just want to PvE can keep doing it, players who want to PvP for the event are free do so, nobody feels like they're getting kicked out of a zone (since neither side would have to leave), and due to the phasing there's no possibility of either side feeling harassed for 'just playing the game.' Well, outside of the players who, given these constraints, would have to blatantly go out of their way to harass anyone - and in that case, decidedly earn themselves a report button.


This is different than how the zone-wide PvE events are done, but given the nature of PvP it seems like it'd require it. When you want to PvP, you want to actually joust and fight and interact with someone who wants to be there, and when you want to PvE you don't want to feel like you're getting targeted by another player - both of which are fully understandable, and would be pretty much totally avoidable via combat phasing.

Edited by El D
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Global is @El D, Everlasting Player, Recovering Altaholic.

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4 hours ago, El D said:

Having thought about this some more, there might be a workable solution. Implement any PvP overworld events with combat phasing tech.


Either via an opt-in prompt that appears when the event starts/when a player enters the zone afterword, or just have it appear via getting close enough to the 'PvP site' like how it works in Atlas/Mercy. That'd not only flag the character for the event but would effectively make it its own pseudo-instance within the zone. Allows room for overworld PvP events to actually happen, still keeps them in-line with the 'opt-in' nature of PvP in-game and seems like it would void a lot of the issues folks had (mine in-particular). Players who just want to PvE can keep doing it, players who want to PvP for the event are free do so, nobody feels like they're getting kicked out of a zone (since neither side would have to leave), and due to the phasing there's no possibility of either side feeling harassed for 'just playing the game.' Well, outside of the players who, given these constraints, would have to blatantly go out of their way to harass anyone - and in that case, decidedly earn themselves a report button.


This is different than how the zone-wide PvE events are done, but given the nature of PvP it seems like it'd require it. When you want to PvP, you want to actually joust and fight and interact with someone who wants to be there, and when you want to PvE you don't want to feel like you're getting targeted by another player - both of which are fully understandable, and would be pretty much totally avoidable via combat phasing.

Interesting idea. Sorry, but now it's time to blow some holes in it.


The point of the OP is to get PvE'ers to PvP, or at least give it a try. In as much as I understand the OP. (Or at least to make it possible to hunt PvE'ers outside of PvP zones if you're of a more cynical mind.) Implementing an opt-out system nullifies the purpose of the OP. I won't guarantee that PvE'ers will all opt out, but if they were interested in even trying PvP, they would already be in the PvP zones trying it. Or more likely, at one of the arenas trying it.


If the OP is implemented and any opt-out method is implemented to alleviate PvE'er concerns, you know the request for it to be expanded into the PvP zones themselves is going to be made. And I don't see any arguments that can stand up to scrutiny as to why that should not happen. Firstly because now such an option would already exist. Secondly, if every zone is now subject to being a PvP zone, even if only for 20 minutes at a time in a random PvE zone, then the question as to why PvP zones are not also opt-out is going to come up. Over and over and over and... you get the idea. If everywhere is subject to PvP considerations at all and you have to opt-out to not be involved, then everywhere should have that option. It's only logical and fair.


So again, keep PvP out of the PvE zones. I understand why PvP'ers don't want an opt-out method for PvP zones. It's only fair that PvE'ers get the same consideration for the PvE zones. PvP zones are for PvP even if you're just going for explore and lore badges. Be quick, be careful, and be lucky. PvE zones are for PvE. Use the arenas if you want PvP in a PvE zone. That is why they are there. And that preempts the need for new coding to implement a system that will inevitably be called on to be expanded to the detriment of the PvP'ers.

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7 minutes ago, battlewraith said:

I'm kind of surprised that nobody has pointed out that something like this actually happened, lol:



"3 people got a 72 hour suspention from doing this. In RV a controller was confused, and then zoned into atlas park. He then confused another waiting controller, who did the same. They went around slaughtering noobs. The GMs were not happy with their actions."


You should include the referencing data too.

(Edit: It also serves to highlight why PvE'ers are so against this suggestion.)

Edited by Rudra
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59 minutes ago, Rudra said:

"3 people got a 72 hour suspention from doing this. In RV a controller was confused, and then zoned into atlas park. He then confused another waiting controller, who did the same. They went around slaughtering noobs. The GMs were not happy with their actions."


You should include the referencing data too.

Is it too much to assume that people can read? 

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1 hour ago, Rudra said:

When the linked video does not include the comments, yes.

It says it right in the description that you copied. You are literally that guy for which every little detail needs to be spelled out.

If you got it, I'm confident that others can figure it out as well. It's a joke anyway FFS.

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On 5/31/2022 at 1:44 PM, krj12 said:

The number of players interested in pvp is small.  Spending dev time on something that the majority have no interest in is wasted time.


While I don't like the suggestion in the OP at all, our devs are volunteers who work on this game in their spare time. They can work on whatever they want. None of it is "wasted time" because we're not their customers and they don't answer to us. Being a dev for this game is literally their hobby.

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My Stuff:

fite.gif.ce19610126405e6ea9b52b4cfa50e02b.gif Fightclub PvP Discord (Melee PvP tournaments, builds, and beta testing)

Clipboard01.gif.9d6ba27a7be03b73a450be0965263fd2.gif Influence Farming Guide (General guide to farming, with maps and builds)

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42 minutes ago, Rudra said:

"3 people got a 72 hour suspention from doing this. In RV a controller was confused, and then zoned into atlas park. He then confused another waiting controller, who did the same. They went around slaughtering noobs. The GMs were not happy with their actions."


You should include the referencing data too.

(Edit: It also serves to highlight why PvE'ers are so against this suggestion.)


simply beautiful, inspirational

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47 minutes ago, battlewraith said:

It says it right in the description that you copied. You are literally that guy for which every little detail needs to be spelled out.

If you got it, I'm confident that others can figure it out as well. It's a joke anyway FFS.

I found the comments because I went looking for them. All you provided was a video of players doing PvP in AP without reference. (Edit: The Youtube video in your forum post is just the video. No comments or links if you just click play.) Also, thank you for commenting that it was a joke. I took your comment as meaning you wanted it until you said it was a joke.

Edited by Rudra
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1 hour ago, Rudra said:

I found the comments because I went looking for them. All you provided was a video of players doing PvP in AP without reference. (Edit: The Youtube video in your forum post is just the video. No comments or links if you just click play.) Also, thank you for commenting that it was a joke. I took your comment as meaning you wanted it until you said it was a joke.

If you'd actually paid attention, I had a long post on the previous page explaining why this proposal is a bad idea. So no, a video of people using an exploit to attack lowbies training up in Atlas Park is not me suddenly changing my mind. You are beyond tedious.


Regarding the embedded video, people can simply click on the title to go to youtube and see the description. Or if they don't understand that, they could ask questions in the thread about that incident. It's moot because tone deaf Sherlock was on the job to preemptively belabor the obvious.

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17 hours ago, America's Angel said:


While I don't like the suggestion in the OP at all, our devs are volunteers who work on this game in their spare time. They can work on whatever they want. None of it is "wasted time" because we're not their customers and they don't answer to us. Being a dev for this game is literally their hobby.


Though I agree the have the right to work on whatever they want since it's their shard/server . . .


I don't think they should spend time on this at all since it's a terrible idea that will get 0 usage (for all the reasons multiple people have said) and (as someone else said) would pretty open up the pvp zones to the argument of allowing an opt-out of pvp in those zones, so to me, yes this would be a waste of dev time, from the perspective of a person that plays the game and would want the to work on something else, and sees all the negatives this would bring to the community overall if this were implemented.


Nothing wrong with saying that.

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59 minutes ago, golstat2003 said:

and (as someone else said) would pretty open up the pvp zones to the argument of allowing an opt-out of pvp in those zones,

... which would be followed by requests to make the choice to opt out of PvP a single choice for all zones (i.e., opt out once and never be affected by PvP on that character regardless of zone), followed by requests to make PvP off by default at character creation, essentially making PvP in its entirety an opt-in state.

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