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Allow movement to interrupt an attack


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It would be nice...


There are times, especially when I am suffering from server lag, that I may press the button several times for an attack in the heat of battle.


Of course attacking, produces a very naughty form of self hold, I have to watch the wind up of the attack, then I see the attack go off, then I see the attack fly to target, then I see it hit the target, and then I see the target do something as a result of the attack, and after all that I finally get to move. I feel after my rifle fired (for instance), I should no longer be forced to watch all the animations and remain unable of moving and doing anything else. Wish the self paralysis would be cut short or go away, perhaps give me a -25% to hit penalty if I shoot while moving?


But going back to my double tapping a power, so I eventually are released from attacking and the mobs swarm me, time to get out of dodge, and I begin to get away, when the attack activates, stops me dead and sets me up for a beating. Would be nice, if I am moving, to automatically cancel the attack and let me get away.


Only a suggestion, but it would be so cool to be able to fight like in the marvel or dc movies, and be able to fight on the go.





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Have you tried jumpcasting, or flightcasting and coasting on the inertia? This game really doesn't leave characters as immobile as it may look at first glance.


You can even queue up a melee attack, hover down into range above an enemy's head, and quickly hit the spacebar to rise up out of range again while your animation plays. If you're fast enough on the draw, you can do so with relative safety, and get the added amusement of watching enemies jump up to try to catch you. They look like popcorns in a popper, lel


Please don't make silly suggestions like adding interrupt to every power.


Edited by Aida LaCanthe
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Jump-firing is great! Want to pull a mob without getting everything with him? Line up your shot and jump behind cover as you attack! Half the time, enemies are left looking around in confusion while your target races to you alone. Once you are already in motion, the attack animation happens without locking you in place.

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12 hours ago, Rudra said:

Jump-firing is great! Want to pull a mob without getting everything with him? Line up your shot and jump behind cover as you attack! Half the time, enemies are left looking around in confusion while your target races to you alone. Once you are already in motion, the attack animation happens without locking you in place.

My Fire/Energy (and me) learned to love Combat Jumping + Hurdle doing just this.  Leaping back and around a corner, firing mid-leap to land around the corner under total cover.

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6 minutes ago, Doomguide2005 said:

My Fire/Energy (and me) learned to love Combat Jumping + Hurdle doing just this.  Leaping back and around a corner, firing mid-leap to land around the corner under total cover.

And if you're up against a melee heavy AV with a ranged character? Jumping around like a methamphetamine over-dosed frog launching a hail of ranged attacks keeps the AV from doing anything more than turning in circles and screaming for you to stand still! 😆


(Edit: Just make sure you fire after launching yourself....)

Edited by Rudra
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I'll say no.  Currently running around on a stalker, and if I slightly twitch wrong, I interrupt my AS.  Not a fan of that, sorry.  😃

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On 9/8/2022 at 7:32 PM, MsSmart said:

It would be nice...



Wish the self paralysis would be cut short or go away, perhaps give me a -25% to hit penalty if I shoot while moving?



Would be nice, if I am moving, to automatically cancel the attack and let me get away.

Oh HEEEEECK no!  My main character is really good with doing acrobatic backflips while throwing her fire and lightning evocation spells at her enemies.  Sometimes even a mid-air flyby [Inferno] and then landing down under cover of some ledge while the surprised enemies get hit with the nuke a faction of a second later.  It's all about good timing and mid-air maneuvering, it's a lot of fun.

Also having attacks getting cancelled because I got repelled or something would make things like enemies with hurricane even worse, especially if you're a melee character like a Stalker.

Perhaps a better way to have made this suggestion would be to ask to have the self-root removed or reduced, or even better simply have the activation times of many powers reduced (with the animation sped up).  Those might be good suggestions TBH, especially if they're slight enough to not break things but allow for a faster action-packed combat experience (especially for melee).

Edited by agentx5
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  • 3 weeks later
On 9/11/2022 at 8:41 PM, agentx5 said:

Oh HEEEEECK no!  My main character is really good with doing acrobatic backflips while throwing her fire and lightning evocation spells at her enemies.  Sometimes even a mid-air flyby [Inferno] and then landing down under cover of some ledge while the surprised enemies get hit with the nuke a faction of a second later.  It's all about good timing and mid-air maneuvering, it's a lot of fun.

Also having attacks getting cancelled because I got repelled or something would make things like enemies with hurricane even worse, especially if you're a melee character like a Stalker.

Perhaps a better way to have made this suggestion would be to ask to have the self-root removed or reduced, or even better simply have the activation times of many powers reduced (with the animation sped up).  Those might be good suggestions TBH, especially if they're slight enough to not break things but allow for a faster action-packed combat experience (especially for melee).

The whole idea of my making a suggestion is to have a basis for others to work out of, such as your later suggestion which goes to the root of the problem I am seeking relief of, thankyou!



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On 9/9/2022 at 7:32 AM, MsSmart said:

I have to watch the wind up of the attack, then I see the attack go off, then I see the attack fly to target, then I see it hit the target, and then I see the target do something as a result of the attack, and after all that I finally get to move. I feel after my rifle fired (for instance), I should no longer be forced to watch all the animations and remain unable of moving and doing anything else.

I suspect a big factor in your complaint is the lag. I get what you're describing and I don't think it's an accurate account. Most attack powers only pin you down for a brief moment, but as soon as the attack leaves your hands (or rifle barrel) you're free to move. I can attest to this because I usually fire off a snipe (with it's long animation) then queue Combat Teleport to target. As soon as the shot fires, I TP... and funny enough, I sometimes arrive at my target before my shot. I have however also experienced what you described (having to watch the attack hit and the enemy's reaction), but only on really bad connection days. And yes, I have also been pummelled shortly after.

As the others above have chimed in, executing an attack while in motion (jumping/flying/running) is possible, and the rooting is barely noticeable, depending on the power and its animation time. Some powers have excruciatingly looooong animations, and sometimes those are deal breakers for me. 

In the meantime, I would suggest you take a quick look at your internet upload + download speed AND ping. I won't go full geek on you, but this is a fairly old game, so upload and download speed requirements are not that high. However a really high ping (anything above 400) can really ruin a good gaming experience. There are a lot of free speed testers out there (I use testmy.net). you can also monitor your speeds in-game. Just type /netgraph 1 in your chat box. This will show you your throughput and stuff in the lower right corner of your screen. What you want to see is an even green bar, the lower (closer to the bottom) the better. If you're seeing yellow or red spikes or even all green but really jagged, then the wifi gods are not happy with you. (just type /netgraph 0 to get rid of it). try recreating the situation you mentioned above, but with netgraph visible to see if lag is really the culprit.

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