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Strongest solo brute ever?


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To make a blood-wielder, maybe try Dark powers colored red / darker red (especially the soul noir versions, which have some lovely drippy and fluid effects)?  A lot of concepts can be made to work if you get extra creative with the power customizations and/or costume.

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Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55.


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The rough idea was they would use there blood and the blood of people around them as blades and such for weapons. Also being able e to drink the blood of people to gain there power while looking like them until the blood would run out and finally be able to enter people's body to make them a meat suit. If you think that works as dark I'll try it. But I figured as this was a power not really supported in coh I would just pick something crazy strong and fun to run tf and such in when not rping.

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It's not so much that the question is too hard, it's that it sounds like you're really after something else and are settling for "uber-br00t".  We're trying to help you make the "something else" work.

As for the title question:  I've rarely gotten a brute to 50+incarnates that couldn't solo at least +3x8 against most enemy groups.  The two most fun I've made so far are probably my rad/bio (although I haven't played her since the rad melee updates) and my elec/WP: 


/Bio is a pretty active secondary, but it's very flexible and you can adjust your toughness as needed with the different adaptations.  I generally leave mine in Aggressive for more dmg, and have tweaked her build for this.  She's ever so slightly squishier this way, but between /bio's debuffs and dmg aura and rad melee's Irradiated Ground, things tend to die too fast for it to make much of a difference (also, Destiny Barrier helps a ton).  I'm not sure about her as much as I used to be since IG got tweaked, and I tend to play her more against large groups than AVs or GMs, so I'm not sure how she'd do there.  I have a spines/bio in progress as a potential replacement/alternate, but haven't gotten her to 50+ yet, so I can't really compare them yet. I've heard that that's a good combo, too, though, and it's similar to rad melee in that you do toxic damage and have a damage aura.


My elec/WP is my namesake character and my badger (1573 badges and counting!).  /WP is basically "set and forget" which means you can spend all your time attacking things.  Elec melee has the most multi-target powers of any melee set.  Again, I tend to focus on large mobs with her, but she's soloed a couple GMs as well as some task forces and strike forces (including Aeon when it first came out and no one knew the tricks yet, although admittedly at a much lower difficulty level).

Edited by Shocktacular
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Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55.


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6 hours ago, Shocktacular said:

rad/bio (although I haven't played her since the rad melee updates)


I'd endorse this pick for concept and fun.


Recently took a Bio/Rad tanker to 50 and currently incarning them. Even with the changes this feels strong, just don't proc-slot IG. 


At 50 she's a beast and able to tank +4/8 anything in Offensive Mode.


But leveling her up I ran mostly in Efficiency Mode and wondered if I hadn't made a mistake not going Brute instead,  since the Fury would have really helped amp the damage while I was still working slotting. 

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I started with a bio/rad tanker and just had to make the corresponding brute for exactly this reason.  She's a lot of fun!
(I'll probably want to re-slot IG now, though; I did have it super procced).

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Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55.


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On 12/30/2022 at 6:38 PM, Shocktacular said:

It's not so much that the question is too hard, it's that it sounds like you're really after something else and are settling for "uber-br00t".  We're trying to help you make the "something else" work.

I asked the Question of pleas send me a Brute Build, I gave info on why I want a brute build. they ignored my question to say no, I should not do what I want to do I can do X to make powers look like blood. when you ignore the Question, (its also the title of the thread) to answer info I left It must be to hard.  I guess yes I should have just said Brute build plz.  no way people would then say Well why would you want one? I could be wrong I mean they did so well answering this question. as far as the make something else work. If i wanted to make it work I would prob have posted in a different Thread. but what do I know, why should I bother.


As I said they can delete the Thread. I moved on.


Edited by kito
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Oof - sorry but the OP’s inquiry was answered. Talk about shooting the messenger. BTW, OP did not ask for a build… 


Happy New Year’s everyone and beautiful wishes that this thread stays here into perpetuity.




Edit: (were I more of a brute player) I recommend a Katana/Rad for the “overpowered” … at least of the 3 I played! This thread has certainly made me curious about bio though.

Edited by Nyghtmaire
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The Splintered Soul Project: (Nyght****) 21 and counting (18 max). 


DSorrow: “Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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43 minutes ago, Thrax said:

Savage/Bio would be my reco. Does make people bleed and you get blood stacks. 

This has been my favorite Brute combo as well. The DOTS are just so synergistic. I’ve liked it so much, I’m thinking of running a similar combo of Savage/Elec.

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3 hours ago, Nyghtmaire said:

Oof - sorry but the OP’s inquiry was answered. Talk about shooting the messenger. BTW, OP did not ask for a build… 


Happy New Year’s everyone and beautiful wishes that this thread stays here into perpetuity.




Edit: (were I more of a brute player) I recommend a Katana/Rad for the “overpowered” … at least of the 3 I played! This thread has certainly made me curious about bio though.

Making a new villen for the new year and there powers do not really work with anything in COH so ( blood control and manipulation).  I would just like the strongest solo build anyone has. I prefer to play at +4/8 and solo av and Gm. But anything that can solo high level content would be nice. I often play scrappers over brutes or I would play around with builds myself. And still might. But figured I would ask here first. Cost is not a issue so feel free to post anything. 

I'll edit the post I guess.


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If you play around with builds yourself, then go play around with builds. You've had multiple suggestions here for combinations, and even how to play them, from people far nicer than myself.


Maybe if you didn't have such an air of entitlement people would be more willing to help you. Just some not so friendly advice for a not so friendly person. 



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Dark Invul, in my opinion, is the hardest rock in the Brute heap.   Dark provides a few tools to round out Invulnerability with a chef's kiss.   


Here is my build for solo play:



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^This would be my vote as well.  No build mostly because no internet therefore no Mids.

But in the also very strong category I'd place Shield, Energy Aura,and SR if by strong you mean take on any foe in any quantity at any time.  There several (like a whole ATs worth) that can be even stronger in particular situations or against certain foes (see a Fire farmer vs a Fire Farm, for example)  but if you want to just spin the wheel on all possible situations I'd start with one of the ones I mention at the beginning of this post.  And the driver behind the build ultimately makes the who's best an individual thing.

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TLDR:  EnA, ... SD, Inv, SR, ... RadA, Bio, ... with probably EnM ... or Mace, Axe, Kat, ...


Define Strong. If you mean durable, that's one answer, if you mean 700+ dps, that's another almost opposite answer (and probably isn't a brute).  If you mean both, that's a completely different third answer.  If you want to solo a 3-star hardmode ITF, that's yet another fourth answer (and probably isn't a brute).

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AE 801 (link) is a variety of missions for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates.  Just search '801' in AE.

     801 Difficulty Varies: 801.0 Easy, ..., 801.2 Standard*, ..., 801.5 Moderate**, ..., 801.6 Hard***, ..., 801.7 Four Star****, ... 801.F Death.

I may be AFK IRL, But CoH is my Forever Home.

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