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Increase the Brute Damage Scale

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I'm waiting for Tanker players to pop in and say no to buffing Brutes. Especially if it looks to be either damage or armor. They've fought tooth and nail to gimp the hell out of Brutes. That's going to be the fight to watch for depending on what the devs do.


Edit: Also, I'm fine with change. New content? Good change. Needed buffs or nerfs to existing powers? Good change, even if sometimes I'm not happy with it. Taking away an existing power and replacing it with another power that is nothing like the removed power? Very, very bad change, and one I will always oppose.

Edited by Rudra
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Only thing I'm going to say is...


You're comparing something to *issue 6?* Pre-inventions-gone-wild, pre-Incarnates, pre-so-many-other-changes?


As arguments for a change go, that's like saying seatbelt laws should be repealed because we didn't need them in the 1890s.  Sure, we didn't then, BUUUUT...


As far as the suggestion itself? Brutes feel fine to me, personally. I don't feel like I'm not able to do damage, Fury feels right for them. *shrug* So, not for or against it, really.

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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4 minutes ago, twozerofoxtrot said:


Narrator: Little did Rudra know that the profile pic for the OP was of their main, a fully badged, vet level 2500+, Inv/SS TANKER.

*checks notes* Hey, Narrator! I think I have the wrong script here!


Anyway, it doesn't change how Brutes got to be where they are now. Back on Live, I'd 'listen' (read the chat) in Broadcast and Team channels where Tanker players were calling for Brutes to be removed from the game, not just nerfed but full on removed from the game, because we had Tankers. (Those comments led to some rather... uhm... passionate discussions. Especially after I joined in.) I also read the forums when the last few big nerfs to Brutes happened, though I couldn't post anything since I refused to make a forum account at the time, where Tanker players were calling for Brutes to be nerfed to hell. So my statement is founded on experience. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate seeing a Tanker player calling for Brutes to get some love. Thanks for that.

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I consider myself a tanker player before a brute player but on live, yeah tankers were seriously outclassed by brutes. The content just wasn't hard enough so the small amount of extra mitigation that tankers brought wasn't worth the higher damage of the brute.


That's still true today I think but we've swung too far in one direction. I say let tankers keep their AoE niche but their single target damage suffers.

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It's almost as if, I don't know, by "creeping" other AT powers higher, brute powers (which have gotten better in HC overall) have gotten relatively worse.  If only they could "creep" the brute powers higher!


Won't someone please think of the brutes!

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Who run Bartertown?


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I'm pro-tank and pro-brute.  (Really, I like melee, but tend toward those two the most, but my main is a scrapper.  And stalkers have their place as well)


Did Tanks get buffed a little too much?  Maybe?  I know my fully outfitted tanks & brutes are practically interchangeable at this point.

Ok, just looked at my bio/fire tank and fire/fire brute.   Even with my brute upping fury, the tank does nearly the same amount with greater fire sword.  (Well, that's with Bio set to do damage with the tank, it is 100 pts less when defensive mode, and just a tad less when in efficiency mode)

Hard to really compare since they both are fully outfitted, but different set bonuses


Defensively, they both can sit around in +4/x8 council without issues and most other content.


ATO for brutes is definitely not as good as the tankers ones.  Set bonuses are probably fine.

The Procs:

+Regen portion could maybe use a boost, but looks like the end discount seems decent.

+Fury proc.  Not so useful now since Fury generation got boosted without it.



To help brutes have a little power creep, probably upping their damage a tiny bit and maybe start their defenses & resists slightly higher.   Maybe tie it into their fury level.

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was farming on my spines/fire today, and thinking... am I gonna have to make a tank version of this thing now... i do the 'big mobs' tunnel one, with no elite bosses as they just seem to slow things down without providing more munees.


hells bells.


ya, brutes could use a boost, if even to how the dmg scale hops up with the fury thing.  that whole wider cone and more mobs hit thing with tanks, and some say, better atos...  what a trouble.



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