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Bounties - player generated

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I had a fun idea where players post up Bounties for the rest of the player base to take a shot at completing.

It would be up to the person offering the bounty as to what conditions would need to be met to satisfy it.

Reward would be whatever the issuer thinks is incentive enough (Inf, IO's, Merits, etc).


The first person to upload proof of completion would get the reward (video, screens, or whatever is appropriate)


For example:


Jack of Irons + Eochai
Reward: $50,000,000
Bonus: $10,000,000


Eligible AT's


Dominators and Blasters

These two behemoths have been interfering with local pumpkin farming. Jack squishes entire fields and Eochai keeps turning them into his minions. Times are tough and the populace needs the food production!

The city has offered a sizable bounty for the individual that brings them down.



Croatoa is veiled by magic that prevents the use of inspirations/temps/amps/click accolades/lore pets.

Defeat Jack+Eochai in the same encounter in less than 13 minutes
Bonus: defeat them within 1 minute of each other



My idea was to provide incentive to see players tackle challenges that they might otherwise not bother with and have fun doing it.


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And then to claim the bounty you'd upload suitable proof:

Dominator - meeting constraints of the bounty


I would earn the bounty, but not the bonus.


I don't farm or play the market, so I don't have much inf to offer, but I could put up a few bounties if people think it is fun. I'd love to see other players offering up bounties.

Edited by Frosticus
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2 minutes ago, Snarky said:

In open world I think you would find too much motivation to cheat.  Example: hidden friend on a Corr Debuffing the crap out of GM.  that is just off the top of my head.  Sure there are a ton more.

Ya that is true. I guess it just depends on how tasty the reward being offered is. I imagine if you heard the crackle of benumb, or the big cloud of lingering radiation coming from offscreen someone would notice it.


I wouldn't feel compelled to cheat for $50M inf and I'm dirt poor, but I hear what you are saying.

For the most part you don't see too much shenanigans going on the the scrapper pylon thread and that has potential to be a major ego measuring contest.


In mission bounties/challenges would certainly be easier to police as you can disable game elements and it is harder to hide a friend.



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2 hours ago, Frosticus said:

For the most part you don't see too much shenanigans going on the the scrapper pylon thread and that has potential to be a major ego measuring contest.


it is because it is all ego and no cash that people are scrupulously honest.


For instance, I get called out every week or so to talk about Dark Armor when people ask questions.  People know I know it and will (grumpily) explain my take on it.


People (those that been around) have a pretty good idea I do not do PvP and am not a speed runner.  So.... If I start bragging and posting I did the Kessel run in 2 parsecs.... Not gonna pass the smell test.  Meanwhile people that have been running scrappers for almost 2 decades know exactly who they are and relatively what can be done, and by who.


The point behind the following two items.  We know Hafthor is in the same strength range as Eddie.  But Eddie beat him at a World Strongest Man.  Hafthor is pissed.  Hafthor "should" have lifted in a regulated competition.  Everyone knows that for a world record.  Hell, at least have Guinness book on hand.  But he just does it at his home gym.  Maybe he did it.  Hell, he probably? did?  But that is not the way it is done.  Eddie lifted in a verified event in front of a crowd with judges and verified weights.  (judges are important for lockout...)  This is especially important since Hafthor has tried and missed 501 in competition...


Eddie Hall, 500 Kilo deadlift in competetion:


Hafthor Bjornsson 501 Kilo deadlift, not in competion, plates verified by his DAD!!!!



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2 hours ago, Frosticus said:


For example:


Jack of Irons + Eochai
Reward: $50,000,000
Bonus: $10,000,000





Dollars? So we'll be playing for real money?  I can get behind that. Wait, is that US, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, East Caribbean, Bahamian, Bermuda, ...


Joking aside, I wonder if we ought not develop an INF currency icon.     

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15 hours ago, Frosticus said:

I had a fun idea where players post up Bounties for the rest of the player base to take a shot at completing.

It would be up to the person offering the bounty as to what conditions would need to be met to satisfy it.

Reward would be whatever the issuer thinks is incentive enough (Inf, IO's, Merits, etc).


What about making the reward what the player issuing the reward is willing to pay to have the bounty completed?


When the bounty is set up the reward is withdrawn from their goods (influence, IOs, and anything else that is normally transferable to other players) and held in storage by the game (like the auction house) until the bounty is completed and the reward is collected.


The more complicated you make the bounty, the harder it will be to program.


For tracking purpose, it would probably work best if a character took the bounty as a mission from a contact. That would set the goals. Once those goals are completed, then the bounty could be turned in. First one to turn it in would get a reward that had been placed in storage.

(if you make it global, you have to track that accomplishment on all characters. Making them contact/mission based would hem it in a bit and make it more manageable)


Would that player completing it trigger a "bounty claimed" message sent to all players that had the mission?

Would that bounty simply be removed from their mission list?

Or would they have to return to the contact, "I'm sorry to say, but you are a bit too late. This bounty has already been turned in by a quickery bounty hunter than you, my friend. Care to take a look at the other bounties I'm offering?" 


Adding the handicap options might make it harder to program. Some of those things are already in the game for task forces, etc. so that mechanic might be able to be assigned to the bounty when it is setup. When they player takes that bounty, they fall under those handicaps until they no longer have that bounty as a mission.



Edited by UltraAlt

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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First off- when I first saw the thread I was thinking oooo we get to talk about Siren's Call pvp bounties.


Then I realized it wasn't pvp related and was about player generated feats to test other players for a prize. Well....that could be done as is now albeit with a degree of trust...


You could use the forums as a place to issue the bounty, but then would need someone as an intermediary with overall pretty good trust that would be responsible for holding the bounty prize until the bounty has been completed with proof. Probably not the best way about going about it as it would be a lot of work for someone to track the open bounties and that a reward had been deposited and then have to watch the evidence to determine whether the bounty had been met. 


That might be too much responsibility for one person.


Alternatively they could use the forums to open the bounty and the person completing it with proof could get paid directly from the person who placed the bounty but then again we arrive at a problem of someone reneging on a deal.


Otherwise could have a system similar to Eve's bounty system (but then again that's mostly for PvP).

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2 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

First off- when I first saw the thread I was thinking oooo we get to talk about Siren's Call pvp bounties.


Then I realized it wasn't pvp related and was about player generated feats to test other players for a prize. Well....that could be done as is now albeit with a degree of trust...


You could use the forums as a place to issue the bounty, but then would need someone as an intermediary with overall pretty good trust that would be responsible for holding the bounty prize until the bounty has been completed with proof. Probably not the best way about going about it as it would be a lot of work for someone to track the open bounties and that a reward had been deposited and then have to watch the evidence to determine whether the bounty had been met. 


That might be too much responsibility for one person.


Alternatively they could use the forums to open the bounty and the person completing it with proof could get paid directly from the person who placed the bounty but then again we arrive at a problem of someone reneging on a deal.


Otherwise could have a system similar to Eve's bounty system (but then again that's mostly for PvP).


Yes this is more or less what I was envisioning. A community driven initiative that would encourage players to explore some different content and/or tackle it in a unique way.

Not entirely different than what we have seen with Pylons and Trapdoor testing, but differentiated content. 


Are there issues around players collecting their inf/reward when they win player hosted costume contests? I don't see any reason why someone would reneg on the bounty unless they were posting something really outlandish that they didn't believe anyone could pull off haha.


Edit: I miss old sirens call. Lots of fun had there 

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15 hours ago, Techwright said:

Joking aside, I wonder if we ought not develop an INF currency icon.     


5 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

C'mon, it's not like I'm not secretly funding everything.




*Psst...guys, hide it!  I got a feeling it's not the right time for the reveal.*



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                image.png.8dc7c21cc0f48cff57e37d11be435f4c.png                image.png.b2a9d92801d6048a62e6f7047ad6c40c.png


*Noooo...HIDE it!  Don't push it to a corner!*


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5 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


C'mon, it's not like I'm not secretly funding everything.

if it was anyone but you Yomo i would assume that you were joking.  since it is you....remember an old vampire when you are rich.

Edited by Snarky
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