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hard control VS. soft and domination


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SO I started a FIRE/ICE, got him to 50 and really enjoying it.


I have 90% global recharge 160 with hasten


In my build I skipped flashfire, meaning that for the avg mob I use bonfire. That combined with all the slows I can lockdown full mobs, which brings me to my question.


Cinders has a recharge of 58 sec. so can rely on that when I need it.


If most of my control is soft "HOW IMPORTANT IS PERMADOM" 


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If you're not using hard controls Domination becomes a rechargeable Breakfree/Endurance/Damage triple inspiration.  It's a great button that doesn't take a power slot, but if you can get better use of your build slots there's no reason you need to have PermaDom global recharge levels.

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7 minutes ago, arcane said:

Not a thing anymore, IIRC?


Yup yup.  When IOs and such came out it feels like the devs at the time were okay with permadoms being as powerful as they were to justify the investment someone would make in the character.  But they reasonably determined that the damage increase should just be something doms should have at any stage so they made that increased damage natural.

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I would not play a dom without permadom if I had the option.  


The mez protection alone is the best you can get amongst almost all ATs.  The endurance refill is great especially since doms are such end hogs.  There's also a nice 25% tohitt increase for 15s after you reclick domination which helps with all kinds of attacks and controls.  Then yes the better you can control things. 


Bonfire IS a broken power it shouldn't be as good as it is with that gimmick IO but it is, I'd still take an aoe hold since with that longer recharge you can at the very least proc out that hold to contribute some nice aoe damage at times along with being able to instantly control just about everything.  

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On 10/25/2023 at 4:42 PM, Lazarus said:


If most of my control is soft "HOW IMPORTANT IS PERMADOM" 

Better then hard control.  Enough recharge and mag duration increase, you get hard control out of soft control.  With Earth/ you can Flashfire, Fire Cages, Bonfire EZPZ control even without a -knockback in Bonfire. With Domination, you can stun, locked down, and burn a boss with ease.

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"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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It's quite easy to hit perma dom rech levels so there isn't much reason not to do it. Your character will be better for it.


That said, you could run a low recharge build that cycles domination with rune of protection, indom will, or melee core hybrid and have no issues with mez protection. I guess that'd be ok if you were investing all your bonuses in to def/resistance.


I dunno, mag 6 aoe stun is good even with flashfire being kind of slow. Just depends on the content you are facing.

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A question that comes to mind is "if flashfire isn't taken, then with what would you replace it?" You can take flashfire and still have a good attack chain, good utility powers, and good defenses. 

Flashfire holds useful IO sets, in addition to offering close to a perma-stun even against higher level mobs once permadom has been gained. And, there will be times when the controls you're using other than flashfire can't affect the large number of mobs flowing into a battle. Also, flashfire can even be used as a one-slot or two-slot wonder if you have enough global accuracy boosts in a build and it will still fulfill its main function, even if for a shorter duration.

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