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Two suggestions


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5 hours ago, Lerch2000 said:

As far as the forums suggestions, suggestions in all game forums are for suggestions only, the feedback part is for feedback about the game only, and most people already know this. The reason is if you allow people's suggestions open for attack by cowards (such as these) you'll show others that their suggestions are unwelcome. As for the feedback issue, Games don't normally allow feedback on suggestions because of the attacks (bullies) they love to show themselves because of a lack of a spine.

Star of copy


Suggestions are broad and varied in scope, difficulty (in both discussing as well as the work in carrying it out) and form.  And the players making suggestions have all sorts of backgrounds and perspectives.  With that in mind, to keep talk in here productive:


It’s the oldest rule on Wikipedia, and it does work: ASSUME GOOD WILL. 

What that means is that when someone makes a suggestion, assume that they do play the game, they enjoy it for the most part, and they want to help make it a better experience for everyone.  Keep those things in mind when you write a reply, or ask clarifying questions if a suggestion or parts of it are unclear to you.


“Don’t leave your child unattended.” 

In short, any suggestion made in this forum will be thoroughly examined by all of us, changed, ripped up, and added-on to until it’s possible that the resulting idea doesn’t resemble what you suggested in the first place.  You need to allow others to add more consideration to your idea.  If you find yourself having a problem with this, a good idea may be running your initial idea by friends first for feedback before sharing it here.


A good player IS ALLOWED TO HAVE A BAD IDEA, and that’s okay. 

That doesn’t change anything about who they are.  And if that good player I mentioned happens to be you, please understand that people not liking your idea DOES NOT mean you should take their replies personally.  There may be other possibilities you didn’t account for initially, which is normal.


You have the right to respond CONSTRUCTIVELY to an idea.

If you don’t like it, no problem.  Just say “I don’t like it”.  You don't have to say why if you don’t want to.  If you have a reason why you don’t like it, please tell us why.  Focus your response on the idea, not the person. 

End of copy


All this is from the Concerning This Forum link I provided you that is pinned 6 entries down on the 1st page of the Suggestions and Feedback page. As has been pointed out by other posters already, this is the Suggestions and Feedback forum. The devs are asking for feedback on the game, yes. However, they are also asking for feedback on players' suggestions. If you were actually being attacked or bullied by the posters on this thread, you could have called out to a moderator and the moderator would have taken care of the problem. That's why we have the report thread function.


Here is the problem I have with this thread. In the OP, you showed that you didn't bother to read the Beta FAQ, Read This To Get Started thread which was provided to us by the devs/site moderators so the questions you had about the Beta server would be answered. Nor did you do any searching for how to use the added options like instant max Inf' or instant max level which came up as the very first thing on my list when I did a search. Then you went on to comment about a power pool only having travel powers except for "2 skills". And anyone even looking at the power pool while playing the game, or while looking in Mids, or while looking on the wiki knows better. You have exhibited an amazing lack of desire to do any research or figure things out. And when people pointed that out? You got upset.



5 hours ago, Lerch2000 said:
6 hours ago, Cybersbe said:

You’ve never actually used the Sorcery pool, or taken the time to look up what it has, have you? There’s only one travel power in it!

Actually, I have but I will admit I did get the sorcery pool confused with travel (since travel is the one I usually do), you can blame that on age, and if you all find it necessary to attack that it will be funny when it happens to you. But you can continue showing bravery by riding on other people's coattails.

However, when it was pointed out to you, instead of admitting you made a mistake, which everyone does and will again, you doubled down and accused the other posters on this thread as attacking you, trolling you, and bullying you.

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2 hours ago, Cybersbe said:

(The “instant max level” option is available via the “Temporal Warrior” option in character creation, though your character is limited to PVP and Pocket D if you pick it.)

The author was actually asking how to get instant max level on the beta server which can be done with a slash command and maybe the dialogue cheats menu.



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1 hour ago, A.I.D.A. said:

Yep, Sorcery got a massive buff lately. And it provides an elemental power to contribute to the "fire/ice/lighting" perception that wizards have had since Final Fantasy did it that way.


Electric/Cold blaster with Sorcery (enflame) and the Fire ancillary, does all three of those elements in respectable quantities, and gets to cast Magic Missile at the darkness.


The only thing that's really missing is the ability to use a staff visual with your elemental blast sets. It's a shame the Blackwand and Nemesis Staff get sheathed when you activate primary powers.

I could get behind the option to have your character retain those in hand when using other powers. Just not with the requirement.


7 hours ago, Lerch2000 said:

What I was mainly suggesting is a more arcane-friendly skill set (animation mainly),

There have been multiple requests for alternate animation options for players including wands, staves, and gestures that can be construed as arcane in nature. (Edit: Until such time, you can use the Runes aura to make your character look more mage-y for power use. [Edit again: From the Auras menu, select Runes. Then on the effects menu, you can select "Fists - Combat", "Fist - Left - Combat", "Fist - Right - Combat", "Fist and Hair - Combat" and more so the runes only appear while you are in combat to show you are using magic to use your abilities.]) No one on these forums that I know of (or can remember at least) is opposed to more alternate animations. However, the dev team only has 1 animator and animations are a lot of work. So don't expect it any time soon.

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19 hours ago, Greycat said:

Which in its way cycles back to the OP in "what kind of arcane do you have in mind?" Would something that could be recycled from existing assets work? Power customization that (say) uses the various "magic circles" that show up now at the foot of targets? Or is it a "no, I really need to be waving a wand/crystal ball/skull around for the right feel" thing?

id settle for 9 new wand waving animations and your customization can be arcane, fire, ice or lightning per power.  so 38 alternate effects to go with the 9 new animations

plus will need some new costume outfits

and wand textures..

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47 minutes ago, kelika2 said:

id settle for 9 new wand waving animations and your customization can be arcane, fire, ice or lightning per power.  so 38 alternate effects to go with the 9 new animations

plus will need some new costume outfits

and wand textures..

Why not just get the animations and have them be alternates for each of the ranged power sets?

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On 12/10/2023 at 6:22 AM, Lerch2000 said:

Actually, I have but I will admit I did get the sorcery pool confused with travel (since travel is the one I usually do), you can blame that on age, and if you all find it necessary to attack that it will be funny when it happens to you. But you can continue showing bravery by riding on other people's coattails.


As far as the forums suggestions, suggestions in all game forums are for suggestions only, the feedback part is for feedback about the game only, and most people already know this. The reason is if you allow people's suggestions open for attack by cowards (such as these) you'll show others that their suggestions are unwelcome. As for the feedback issue, Games don't normally allow feedback on suggestions because of the attacks (bullies) they love to show themselves because of a lack of a spine.


As people have pointed out in nearly every section of the forums, CoH is not like other games, never has been. Back during Legacy, players had an unequaled window and access to the Devs, both in the forums, in the game and in person for those of us that were fortunate enough to attend the HeroCons, something that most other games don't do. I don't expect Homecoming to adhere to that level of interaction with the players nowadays, because CoH is a passion project not a job for them.


Posting in the 'Suggestions & Feedback section, posters should to allow for players to provide feedback whether they want it or not.


Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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On 12/9/2023 at 7:44 PM, kelika2 said:

Being an omni-wizard is hard to do or does not work at low levels.

Sure you can be a fire wizard or lightning wizard but nothing captures the feel of a harry potter game or a generic fantasy wizard in other mmos.


Yeah, this.  Most of the power sets in game right now are elemental. They have only one type of SFX. Most wizards have a variety of effects available.  Fireball, lightning bolt, prismatic spray, turning people into frogs (or statues), summon a pet dragon, simple illusions, maybe something like "mage hand", mind control/Confuse, etc.  It's the combination of several powers that make it seem more magic ish.  Maybe the animations too, give the wizard a wand or staff to wave around, it might help.

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2 hours ago, gameboy1234 said:


Yeah, this.  Most of the power sets in game right now are elemental. They have only one type of SFX. Most wizards have a variety of effects available.  Fireball, lightning bolt, prismatic spray, turning people into frogs (or statues), summon a pet dragon, simple illusions, maybe something like "mage hand", mind control/Confuse, etc.  It's the combination of several powers that make it seem more magic ish.  Maybe the animations too, give the wizard a wand or staff to wave around, it might help.

Make a Dominator. Including the APP, you can have 3 different elements. So you'll have ranged attacks with all three elements, buffs/debuffs with all three elements, pets from up to 2 of the elements, (edit: controls like holds from your primary element,) and when you add in the Sorcery pool, you get Magic Missile and non-elemental magic buffs. Classic fantasy wizard if you use ice, fire, and electric for your 3 sets. (Edit again: Go Dark and you have your typical dark/negative plane/shadow wizard. Go Energy secondary and you have someone that uses light or celestial wizardry as well. Illusion for your Illusionists. Gravity for rift/void/spelljammer wizards. So on and so forth. Include the Leadership pool, and now you have Mass Cat's Grace and Mass Bull's Strength. Take the Concealment pool for Grant Invisibility/Infiltration, and now you have Invisibility.)


Edit yet again: Or make a MM. Beast Mastery/Nature Affinity? You have a druid. Thugs or Mercenaries/Pain Domination? You have a cleric of Loviatar or other pain deity with your cultist followers. (You're using more effective modern weapons instead of a scourge, but that just makes you a more effective priest(ess) of your deity. Even followers of the Norse pantheon are willing to use modern firearms. [Yes, there are actually groups that venerate the gods most people have relegated to story and myth. And while they follow the ancient rites to the best of my knowledge, they also avail themselves of available technology.]) Ninja/Dark? You have a Shinobi Lord or Clan sorcerer (whatever they were actually called, I can't remember the specific name). Demon/anything? You have a demon binder wizard or cleric. You can make your fantasy character of choice if you're willing to dig into the ATs and sets to make it.

Edited by Rudra
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On 12/9/2023 at 12:42 AM, biostem said:

Besides there already being a sorcery power pool, what do you envision being different between a mutant or a magic user flinging fireballs?  Runes?  There are auras for that.  Maybe a mixture of elemental attacks?  Storm blast kind of does that, (though I wouldn't be against sets that mixes earth, air, fire, and water a bit more). 

By your powers combined... hehe


I support it call it elementalist allow for wand & no wand versions of powers & call it a day

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In regards to element mixing, Sentinels can take a good swing at that too. You could do something like Storm Blast primary (ice and electric), Stone Armor secondary (stone and fire), and then whatever epic you want (ice, fire, or elec probably but could also mix in some dark/soul if you're feeling spicy). 

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Closed Beta Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/DptUBzh


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2 hours ago, FupDup said:

In regards to element mixing, Sentinels can take a good swing at that too. You could do something like Storm Blast primary (ice and electric), Stone Armor secondary (stone and fire), and then whatever epic you want (ice, fire, or elec probably but could also mix in some dark/soul if you're feeling spicy). 

Or even go Corruptor. Storm/Cold/Elec'? You've got a weather wizard. Dark, Fire, or Ice/Pain? You have a servant of the appropriate pain deity. (Or death deity with Dark/Pain.) (Edit: Water/Storm Corruptor? You have an Inner Sea or Shackles wizard from Pathfinder.) There are just so many different ways to build wizards, clerics, oracles, druids, psionicists, and other spellcasting classes from fantasy games and literature. And with the Runes aura layered on top of the Magic origin? The only thing really missing are staves and wands as alternate animations.

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17 hours ago, Rudra said:

Make a Dominator. Including the APP, you can have 3 different elements. So you'll have ranged attacks with all three elements, buffs/debuffs with all three elements, pets from up to 2 of the elements, (edit: controls like holds from your primary element,) and when you add in the Sorcery pool, you get Magic Missile and non-elemental magic buffs. Classic fantasy wizard if you use ice, fire, and electric for your 3 sets. (Edit again: Go Dark and you have your typical dark/negative plane/shadow wizard. Go Energy secondary and you have someone that uses light or celestial wizardry as well. Illusion for your Illusionists. Gravity for rift/void/spelljammer wizards. So on and so forth. Include the Leadership pool, and now you have Mass Cat's Grace and Mass Bull's Strength. Take the Concealment pool for Grant Invisibility/Infiltration, and now you have Invisibility.)


Edit yet again: Or make a MM. Beast Mastery/Nature Affinity? You have a druid. Thugs or Mercenaries/Pain Domination? You have a cleric of Loviatar or other pain deity with your cultist followers. (You're using more effective modern weapons instead of a scourge, but that just makes you a more effective priest(ess) of your deity. Even followers of the Norse pantheon are willing to use modern firearms. [Yes, there are actually groups that venerate the gods most people have relegated to story and myth. And while they follow the ancient rites to the best of my knowledge, they also avail themselves of available technology.]) Ninja/Dark? You have a Shinobi Lord or Clan sorcerer (whatever they were actually called, I can't remember the specific name). Demon/anything? You have a demon binder wizard or cleric. You can make your fantasy character of choice if you're willing to dig into the ATs and sets to make it.

This may send to Mids for the first time ever to build a character.

The Dom sounds really interesting.

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/e poofgone



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15 hours ago, Rudra said:

Or even go Corruptor. Storm/Cold/Elec'? You've got a weather wizard. Dark, Fire, or Ice/Pain? You have a servant of the appropriate pain deity. (Or death deity with Dark/Pain.) (Edit: Water/Storm Corruptor? You have an Inner Sea or Shackles wizard from Pathfinder.) There are just so many different ways to build wizards, clerics, oracles, druids, psionicists, and other spellcasting classes from fantasy games and literature. And with the Runes aura layered on top of the Magic origin? The only thing really missing are staves and wands as alternate animations.


Don't forget that the nearly endless customization CoH provides in colouring powersets. Prior to availability of Water Blast I used Fire Blast coloured for water and it worked really well. I have a character now that uses Water Blast coloured for sand, since she's an Apsasu.


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Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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