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Depressed at Peacebringer Light Form crash

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I never really noticed it while levelling on teams, but as I started to lead and tank for more teams, I hated the crash. It was all over, and my endurance kept running empty. I think incarnates could fill in for the endurance issues (cardiac/ageless) but I don't see how I can fix that 50% hp drop.


How do Peacebringer centric players handle it? 


ps I have and play a decked out Warshade and love it

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Well, frankly, being able to run perma-lightform wasn't really intended when the AT was introduced.  For me, I generally play tri-forms and just use dwarf form if I'm tanking, and if I even bother with lightform, I use it more like a traditional T9; only using it when I need to survive a powerful alpha or when in dire need...

Edited by biostem
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46 minutes ago, victusfate said:

I never really noticed it while levelling on teams, but as I started to lead and tank for more teams, I hated the crash. It was all over, and my endurance kept running empty. I think incarnates could fill in for the endurance issues (cardiac/ageless) but I don't see how I can fix that 50% hp drop.


How do Peacebringer centric players handle it? 


ps I have and play a decked out Warshade and love it

You may already be aware, but just incase you are not, the crash does not actually drop you to 50% HP. It BRINGS you to 50% HP and End. 
Meaning, if you were, for whatever reason below 50%, the crash would actually bring your HP up. That is to say, it's still something PB's have to watch for and get used to.

Fortunately Light Form has a very good recovery buff built in to help you recover END. It's even in enhance-able so you can throw an END MOD enhancement or even and END MOD/RCH one and boost it. Between that, Panacea in health and a performance shifter in Stamina should be enough to recover.
As for HP though, I can typically see when my Light Form is about to expire. The first hint is when it comes off cooldown and is ready to re-apply. After which point I just monitor my buff bar. 
Once the buff starts blinking, I know it's time to ready one of my 3 heals and hit it as the crash comes. I put my health/end bar directly below my character so I can easily see the crash with my peripherals. 

Edited by Doomrider
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If you were a cutter in game you’d be depressed too. Also, I have hasten crash too  but still never run fully out of end. I can share my build in a bit. It’s only human with a splash of lobster for tanking when needed. I never really thought even need to heal myself unless I’m expecting it o take a bunch more damage.  

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44 minutes ago, victusfate said:

I think I have the max HP boost and the crab heal - I'll rework his lightform and stamina to try to eek out a bit more end.



If you don't have Reform Essence (The human click heal), you should. It's your primary source of healing and the go-to button for refilling your HP after the Light Form crash. 


If you've got enough +Rech for perma-LF, Reform Essence will be up the vast majority of the time so you can use it pretty freely. 

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You wanna play Peacebringer?😒  Fine, but at least check out this guide first: Peacebringers STILL SUCK!!! (v. 1.1)

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Posted (edited)

checking if I have that in my build now...


I do not. I usually swap to Crab and use its self heal instead. I swap forms constantly so its not much of an issue.


I tend to be in:


human form for build up/nuke/melee aoe/seekers/high damage melee strikes

crab for aoe and self heal, break mez

squid for ranged aoes/glinting eye


I could drop the self rez or tactics for the human form heal if needed 


side note played a bit this morning and still detoggled once due to end drop + busy using powers (with end redux) and conserve power being down. I was able to swap to crab and self heal after light form crashing without too much trouble. I'll add one more macro to auto change to crab and activate it, and then detoggle crab

Edited by victusfate
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@victusfate Sounds like your build plays very similar to mine. I'm constantly swapping forms during the course of a fight depending on the role I'm filling and the powers I need at any given moment.


Between the rez and Tactics, I'd probably drop the latter. TriForm builds switch back and forth so often that I find human toggles to largely be irrelevant. On top of that, you have Inner Light running pretty much constantly to cover the extra ToHit. You can slot a Rectified Reticle unique in Bright Nova for always on +Perception. 

Edited by Timeshadow
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You wanna play Peacebringer?😒  Fine, but at least check out this guide first: Peacebringers STILL SUCK!!! (v. 1.1)

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I didn't see seekers contributing any significant damage so I dropped it in favor of a slotted up cross punch. When surrounded by targets the FF+rech proc is likely to fire off on that power regularly. 

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I personally prefer the dwarf heal as it is twice as effective and Dwarf comes with mez prot so even if you are stunned you can still swap and heal ❤️


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Once you get your Recharge high enough, you can start overlapping your Light Forms. So even during the crash, you're still at 85% resistances, making it a pretty painless transition to hit a heal at your leisure.  Focusing on Recharge on a Peacebringer makes the whole AT feel silky smooth to play.  (It's just very very expensive >.< )

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