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Rewards for players with low toon count

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57 minutes ago, Laucianna said:

I mean if it's only a small amount of Aether it's not going to change the market too greatly compared to something like ToT that floods the market with thousands


A small amount continually added.  You're comparing a single 5 gallon bucket of water dumped into a swimming pool (Aether obtained during Halloween) to a garden hose trickling 5 gallons per hour into the pool 24/7 (Aether obtained from vet rewards).


Yeah, no, that's not good for the economy.


16 minutes ago, Laucianna said:

We literally get less rewards?


You literally chose not to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain those Aethers.  And now you're asking for a handout and trying to spin it like you were prohibited from participating so you can justify it.  The game didn't deny you the opportunity, you chose to turn it down.  Don't ask for a welfare program after refusing every chance to earn something.

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2 minutes ago, Rudra said:


Fine, let me make this even clearer.


Player A has 3 characters. Player A has been playing since HC launched (openly) Player A's characters are all level 50, have more than one T4 incarnate power available per incarnate slot, and has acquired every veteran level reward the game allows.


Player B has 842 characters. Player B has also been playing since HC launched (openly). Player B has 5 characters that are all level 50, have one incarnate power available per incarnate slot, and maybe 30 veteran levels for each of those 5 characters. Player B also has 837 other characters ranging from level 6 to level 49. Those other characters are in need of enhancements still. Even the level 49s are lacking enhancements. And Player B? Is still making yet more characters that will also need to be developed.


With less characters, you can progress much, much farther at a faster rate than a player with lots of characters.

I feel like those numbers are a bit extreme no? It would be far more likely player B has 200-300 characters with about 50 of them being level 50 with incarnates, all ready to do the weekly task force which if using the TF that normally rewards 50 merits both players running it 3 times a day.

Player A would end up with 1,100 merits on their account
Player B would end up with 2,100 merits on their account

It shouldn't matter what they then go and spend it on, the matter is player b has a much higher reward

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I didn't make this post to turn it into an argument 😅 maybe an aether per vet level is still too much I don't know, I was just making my suggestion and I'm going to leave it at that, sorry I guess?

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Just now, Laucianna said:

I feel like those numbers are a bit extreme no? It would be far more likely player B has 200-300 characters with about 50 of them being level 50 with incarnates, all ready to do the weekly task force which if using the TF that normally rewards 50 merits both players running it 3 times a day.

Player A would end up with 1,100 merits on their account
Player B would end up with 2,100 merits on their account

It shouldn't matter what they then go and spend it on, the matter is player b has a much higher reward

I don't really care what you think. You know why? Because I am using myself and the other players I've met with alt-itis as Player B. And while I don't have 842 characters? I only have 5 level 50s. (Maybe less? I have to go back and count them.) And those other players I've interacted with that also have alt-itis? Have more characters than me, and less level 50s. So it doesn't matter what you feel about those numbers. Your argument fails. You just refuse to accept any other possible scenario than players with lots of characters having them all at max development and dumping their bonus gains into a single character.


I'm done with this conversation. I'm done trying to get you to realize what you feel is happening is not what is actually happening. You refuse to contemplate what it means to actually make and play lots of different characters. And because you assume they are all at your few characters' level of progression, then they must also be dumping everything into a single main character. And for most I've played with or spoken with or otherwise interacted with? It isn't. Stop asking for handouts when you already have the advantage.

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1 hour ago, Laucianna said:

I didn't make this post to turn it into an argument 😅 maybe an aether per vet level is still too much I don't know, I was just making my suggestion and I'm going to leave it at that, sorry I guess?

You're trying to penalize people for doing something the game actively encourages. If you don't want a ton of alts, fine, but stop acting like those of us that do should be punished for it.


Also, what Luminara said. Idk what rewards you think those of us with many alts are somehow reaping at your expense, but you're incorrect and actively denying the very solid logic that has been presented to you by multiple people that only have 1 or 2 toons means you should have *more* affluence simply because you have fewer characters to worry about compared to those of us with many alts.


For perspective: I have roughly 150 characters between the Indom & Everlasting shards. I think about 10 of them are level 50, and none of them are kitted out. I do not have a ton of influence, and I definitely don't have a ton of aethers laying around. Maybe 1 of those 50's is incarnated (and even so, not T4'd in anything), and pretty much all of them are using generic IOs. Part of that is because I don't like farming or trying to play the market, and because I am a casual player.


ToT happens once a year and aethers were not a strong, nor prevalent drop from them. You really need to take a step back and re-examine this.

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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

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Ok, I see the point.

Someone with multiple alts could cycle thru all their alts and potentially get more stuff.  However, they also tend to develop more characters, so they're spending most of it already.


Where you are correct is the ToT Prismatic Aethers which once you got the rewards for the EBs, that's it for that character.  However, there's nothing stopping people from doing the powerlevel up to level 25 to get the rewards on throwaway characters.  (Or test characters is more charitable)

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1 hour ago, TygerDarkstorm said:

You're trying to penalize people for doing something the game actively encourages. If you don't want a ton of alts, fine, but stop acting like those of us that do should be punished for it.


2 hours ago, Luminara said:

You literally chose not to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain those Aethers.  And now you're asking for a handout and trying to spin it like you were prohibited from participating so you can justify it.  The game didn't deny you the opportunity, you chose to turn it down.  Don't ask for a welfare program after refusing every chance to earn something.

All you're doing is gatekeeping the Aethers to YOUR preferred style of play, and that is NOT cool at all.

Different people want to play the game in different ways, and having one character you focus on is just as valid as having a legion of alts.
Both should have similar access to Aethers. 

And it's not like the pace that Veteran levels get them at couldn't be discussed.
Every other level? Every 5 levels?  or maybe every single level is fine?
We can find a good spot.

Either way, you should NOT be gatekeeping rewards like this and trying to penalize people who play differently than you.

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Not understanding the hostility towards the original suggestion, some people like playing a single, or few characters, if they have fun that way, why discourage it? I do agree though that rewarding Aethers or Merits is not the way to go, as it punishes players who alt if they want those rewards. I think it should simply reward a very small amount of Emp merits (1-5) every 3 levels indefinitely. These can still be used by a character even after incarnates are done, and if they pile up still actively encourage alting to make the best use of them, while not offering anything more then what a lower veteran level character would receive. This would make it less effective then alting, but not punish people with no rewards for playing the same character.

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Blue Meteor Em/Rad Scrapper                                             Fio Rune  FIre/Rad Stalker 

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My own take is that giving extra aethers might imbalance the economy with them a little bit. The official stated reason for their inclusion was to help transfer inf downward from more settled-in players to lower leveled ones, but putting too many of them into the system could drive their price down and thus not "trickle down" the inf like they're intended to. 


Standard reward merits could have a similar issue because converters and boosters are both very important parts of the economy. 


Emp merits, on the other hand, would have no real issue because the worst that can happen with those is that super insps might get a little cheaper. But those aren't very important in the grand economy. Extending the emp merit rewards out past vet level 99 would probably not hurt anything. 


I'm usually in the altisis camp myself (I tend to stop playing an alt shortly after reaching T4 incarnates) but I'd be okay with this. Heck, I don't even get close to vet level 99 as it is anyways but I don't feel like I'm being slighted for that. I'm honestly impressed at how someone can keep interest in a single alt for that long. 

Edited by FupDup
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2 minutes ago, lemming said:

Ok, I see the point.

Someone with multiple alts could cycle thru all their alts and potentially get more stuff.  However, they also tend to develop more characters, so they're spending most of it already.


Where you are correct is the ToT Prismatic Aethers which once you got the rewards for the EBs, that's it for that character.  However, there's nothing stopping people from doing the powerlevel up to level 25 to get the rewards on throwaway characters.  (Or test characters is more charitable)

Thank you for being nice with your point and understanding where I am coming from❤️ and yeah that's a fair point that they spend more, maybe something smaller like 10 reward merits every 10 veteran levels might be more fitting?

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2 minutes ago, Riot Siren said:

Not understanding the hostility towards the original suggestion, some people like playing a single, or few characters, if they have fun that way, why discourage it? I do agree though that rewarding Aethers or Merits is not the way to go, as it punishes players who alt if they want those rewards. I think it should simply reward a very small amount of Emp merits (1-5) every 3 levels indefinitely. These can still be used by a character even after incarnates are done, and if they pile up still actively encourage alting to make the best use of them, while not offering anything more then what a lower veteran level character would receive. This would make it less effective then alting, but not punish people with no rewards for playing the same character.

Emp merits would work too ❤️ Just a small little something of "Oh in 1 more level I get a little treat!"

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2 minutes ago, FupDup said:

My own take is that giving extra aethers might imbalance the economy with them a little bit. The official stated reason for their inclusion was to help transfer inf downward from more settled-in players to lower leveled ones, but putting too many of them into the system could drive their price down and thus not "trickle down" the inf like they're intended to. 


Standard reward merits could have a similar issue because converters and boosters are both very important parts of the economy. 


Emp merits, on the other hand, would have no real issue because the worst that can happen with those is that super insps might get a little cheaper. But those aren't very important in the grand economy. Extending the emp merit rewards out past 99 would probably not hurt anything. 


I'm usually in the altisis camp myself (I tend to stop playing an alt shortly after reaching T4 incarnates) but I'd be okay with this. Heck, I don't even get close to vet level 99 as it is anyways but I don't feel like I'm being slighted for that. I'm honestly impressed at how someone can keep interest in an alt for that long. 

Yeah similar to what Riot said emp merits might work better then what I suggested ❤️

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Yeah, there should be room to discuss what the post 100 rewards should be, if not Aethers.
And there Should be rewards for people that decide to put in the effort to achieve those Veteran levels, similar to the rewards that people with multiple alts can receive.

Just responding with "No, you can't have anything at all" is silly, imho.

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1 hour ago, Wispur said:

All you're doing is gatekeeping the Aethers to YOUR preferred style of play, and that is NOT cool at all.


Even a single Aether per ten veteran levels would be ruinous.  The lack of control in this proposal would make it even worse, since anyone could just park characters in a farm and rack up hundreds/thousands of vet levels and collect Aether like it was raining down.  The value of Aether would tank in hours, thus removing two of the inflationary control mechanisms (the inf* transferred from the wealthy to the less well-off, and the transactional fees).  That's two fewer pricing controls working to keep other items well below comparable merit costs, and the fundamental reason that Aethers were added to the game utterly obviated.  The suggestion is myopic and would be harmful to everyone, including you.


And the rationale that you or the OP or anyone "deserves" something for not having alts is selfishly motivated.  That's a self-imposed restriction, not a game limitation, and expecting the game to reward you for it is just asking for free shit.  No matter how pretty you try to make the request, or how indignant you pretend to be when you're shut down, it's still just a thinly veiled request for free shit.  If someone chooses not to participate in content, they don't deserve to be rewarded comparably.


So yeah, I'm gatekeeping.  I'm gatekeeping the ability to play this game and NOT have to grind and/or farm for inf* and drops or merits ceaselessly to buy enhancements.  I'm gatekeeping the economy for those thousands of other people who play and don't want to relive the bullshit they had to go through on the original servers just so you can have free costume effects.  You aren't more important than everyone else.  You're damn sure not important enough to flush inflationary controls down the toilet.  So get over yourself, and out of my face.

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2 hours ago, Luminara said:


Even a single Aether per ten veteran levels would be ruinous.  The lack of control in this proposal would make it even worse, since anyone could just park characters in a farm and rack up hundreds/thousands of vet levels and collect Aether like it was raining down.  The value of Aether would tank in hours, thus removing two of the inflationary control mechanisms (the inf* transferred from the wealthy to the less well-off, and the transactional fees).  That's two fewer pricing controls working to keep other items well below comparable merit costs, and the fundamental reason that Aethers were added to the game utterly obviated.  The suggestion is myopic and would be harmful to everyone, including you.


And the rationale that you or the OP or anyone "deserves" something for not having alts is selfishly motivated.  That's a self-imposed restriction, not a game limitation, and expecting the game to reward you for it is just asking for free shit.  No matter how pretty you try to make the request, or how indignant you pretend to be when you're shut down, it's still just a thinly veiled request for free shit.  If someone chooses not to participate in content, they don't deserve to be rewarded comparably.


So yeah, I'm gatekeeping.  I'm gatekeeping the ability to play this game and NOT have to grind and/or farm for inf* and drops or merits ceaselessly to buy enhancements.  I'm gatekeeping the economy for those thousands of other people who play and don't want to relive the bullshit they had to go through on the original servers just so you can have free costume effects.  You aren't more important than everyone else.  You're damn sure not important enough to flush inflationary controls down the toilet.  So get over yourself, and out of my face.

You're the one Demanding that people play your way. Don't you see that?  
Having to play with lots of Alts is a Self-imposed restriction you are forcing on others, it is not a game restriction.
All that's being asked for is equal treatment of equally valid ways to play the game.

More Aethers ARE going to be flooding into the AH with the new systems coming.  Systems that benefit people who play lots of Alts.
Having similar rewards for people who want to focus on fewer characters IS a valid request, even if that's not the way you personally play.

And no, it's not "Asking for Free Stuff" anymore than expecting rewards for playing the game any other way.
Seriously, that's like saying "Expecting Rewards for Defeating Hamidon is just asking for Free Stuff" - that's literally how MMO's work.  >.<
You achieve something (ie get Veteran levels) you get a Reward.

And again, as I said before, if you wanted to discuss alternate rewards for Veteran 100+ people, like Empyrean Merits, that's fine.
Let's have that discussion.

It's the suggestions forum, so let's look for a solution that will work.  😀

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5 hours ago, Wispur said:

Having to play with lots of Alts is a Self-imposed restriction you are forcing on others, it is not a game restriction.


Bullshit.  Alts are an option.  Refusing to utilize that option is a choice.  You're responsible for your choices.  You.  Not me, not the game, you.


Fuck me, I haven't seen spin done that badly since that orange idiot was President.


4 hours ago, Wispur said:

Having similar rewards for people who want to focus on fewer characters IS a valid request


Already in the game.  Aethers have a 2% chance to drop when completing any mission (that includes tips and scanner/newspaper missions), no timer and no level restriction and no limit beyond the stack limit.  An equivalent reward just for playing, exactly what was requested.  If you'd put a tenth of the effort into paying attention to what the developers were saying or doing, or even checked the wiki, as you put into taking up arms and going apeshit over an imagined injustice, you would've known that.


And they do drop for mission completion.  I have 40 or so just from that.  They're collecting dust, just like the Aethers I received for defeating Halloween EBs in 2022.  I don't sell them.  I don't use them.  I don't do anything with them.  And I decided not to bother trying to get them from the Halloween EBs this past season, because I just don't care about them, beyond their existence as an inflationary control mechanism.  So all of your railing against me for trying to force people to play "my way"... yeah... did you want some ketchup with that foot in your mouth?  I'd offer salt, but you clearly have more than enough of that.


4 hours ago, Wispur said:

Seriously, that's like saying "Expecting Rewards for Defeating Hamidon is just asking for Free Stuff" - that's literally how MMO's work.  >.<


No, that's not what it's like saying, or how MMOs work.  Using the Hamidon example, you have to participate in the content to get the drops.  If you choose not to participate in that content, there's other content with similar drops (Aeon SF), and if you choose not to participate in any content with those drops, you do not get the drops.


THAT is how MMOs work.  Rewards for participation in content, and specific rewards for participation in specific content.  Yes, Co* has a more liberal reward structure, with most content giving players a chance to obtain most rewards, but even here, some rewards are not universally granted.  You don't get Incarnate salvage for pissing on Hellions in Atlas Park/Mercy Island.  You don't get HOs for running police scanner/newspaper missions.  Some control over rewards has to exist for the game to have a healthy balance and a functional economy, and to incentivize players to engage in content.


Aethers were added as means of redistributing inf* and exerting inflationary control, and in order for those purposes to be fulfilled, they have to be constrained in certain ways.  If they were distributed freely, they'd be worth nothing, do nothing to shift inf* and exert no control over inflation.  Constricting the supply of Aethers helps maintain the economy and spread the inf* around more evenly, thus ensuring that the widest variety of play styles are possible.  The development team isn't going to flush that down the toilet, no matter how much you rant or pout.


6 hours ago, Wispur said:

And again, as I said before, if you wanted to discuss alternate rewards for Veteran 100+ people, like Empyrean Merits, that's fine.


There's no discussion to be had.  If you so deeply adore a single character that alts are unthinkable, then playing that character is obviously the reward, and if you require incentivization to continue playing that character, then you obviously aren't as enamored with it as you claim to be.  In the former case, you wouldn't be asking for free shit and there'd be nothing to discuss.  In the latter case, you'd be making up disingenuous claptrap in hope of getting free shit, and not worth engaging in discourse.

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11 hours ago, Luminara said:


Even a single Aether per ten veteran levels would be ruinous.  The lack of control in this proposal would make it even worse, since anyone could just park characters in a farm and rack up hundreds/thousands of vet levels and collect Aether like it was raining down.  The value of Aether would tank in hours, thus removing two of the inflationary control mechanisms (the inf* transferred from the wealthy to the less well-off, and the transactional fees).  That's two fewer pricing controls working to keep other items well below comparable merit costs, and the fundamental reason that Aethers were added to the game utterly obviated.  The suggestion is myopic and would be harmful to everyone, including you.


And the rationale that you or the OP or anyone "deserves" something for not having alts is selfishly motivated.  That's a self-imposed restriction, not a game limitation, and expecting the game to reward you for it is just asking for free shit.  No matter how pretty you try to make the request, or how indignant you pretend to be when you're shut down, it's still just a thinly veiled request for free shit.  If someone chooses not to participate in content, they don't deserve to be rewarded comparably.


So yeah, I'm gatekeeping.  I'm gatekeeping the ability to play this game and NOT have to grind and/or farm for inf* and drops or merits ceaselessly to buy enhancements.  I'm gatekeeping the economy for those thousands of other people who play and don't want to relive the bullshit they had to go through on the original servers just so you can have free costume effects.  You aren't more important than everyone else.  You're damn sure not important enough to flush inflationary controls down the toilet.  So get over yourself, and out of my face.



Listen, She is not asking for money raining from the sky. ONE Aether for every vet level past 100 levels is about 3 mill influence per vet level after 100.  I knew someone that had around 30 or more alts, and during the trick or treat event made 30 aether's per alt in say 15 minutes, it was a goal to get all the mini costumes on all his alts.  That is 90 million influence just at base value today per toon, and he did it on more than 30 alts.  He had more aethers that he could trade to others or email, or friends to hold them to give them to who ever toon he wanted. Back then they were going for 10 mill a pop.  So try to be a little more understanding on others that do not play your way.   Some people have only one hero, you say that by them not alting is there fault for missing out on the abundance of ways you can gather the most valued salvage and also be able to log on tons of alts to do weekly merit runs as well? But then get butt hurt if someone over vet level 100 gets ONE aether as an award?  Please....you are not here to debate, you are here to argue.  We can also turn that around about you saying "And the rationale that you or the OP or anyone "deserves" something for not having alts is selfishly motivated" That it would be YOU or ANYONE that would be selfishly motivated to be against those who have one hero or villain they play and would like to also have a little carrot to keep playing that character. 

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I suppose one argument is how much Veracor would disrupt the market if they were granted retroactively.  I think he hit 40k vet levels?


Luminara is being harsh, but correct.   This would have the potential to disrupt the purpose of the PA.  What can be done on one character, gets multiplied by someone then doing with multiples.


I don't know about others, but I tend to play an alt for some goal of that character, but I rarely pay attention to the rewards timer since it's not a factor.

Mostly because doing something repetitively is boring.


For rewards past vet level 100, by that point, most rewards are pretty meaningless.  Especially if you don't have many alts.

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3 minutes ago, joeb said:

She is not asking for money raining from the sky.


100 players triple-boxing accumulating 1 veteran level every 15 minutes on each character, 1200 Aether every hour, dumped into a market which currently has ~5300 Aether total.  In five hours, they've doubled the Aether available for purchase, the price drops by half.  In twelve hours, there's enough Aether to fill all open bids on the market, and still have 5000-6000 waiting to be sold.  In half a day, the market is saturated.  In a week, no-one's bidding more than 100 inf* because there are almost 200,000 on the market and no-one's buying them any more, and they're utterly useless as an inf* transferal device or inflationary control measure.


That's with only 100 people gaming it.  Considering that farming characters have historically comprised the largest percentage of characters created, this is clearly understating the impact by a tremendous amount.




20 minutes ago, joeb said:

So try to be a little more understanding on others that do not play your way.


If you'd read what you quoted, you would've noticed that my objection has nothing to do with how I play because I explained that I don't do anything with Aethers.  It's not my characters or play style that concern me, it's the overall impact on the game.  I really don't give a damn who has Aethers or how they got them or... what the fuck ever.  It makes no difference to me.  What I care about is not having to pay 75,000,000 inf* for a LotG: Def/+Rchg, or 250,000,000 inf* for a purple recipe, or having to grind merits for 56 hours a week to buy enhancements for one power.  What I care about is not seeing thousands of other people ass-raped by a hyper-inflated economy that forces them into a single play style (farming).  What I care about is the whole.


51 minutes ago, joeb said:

Please....you are not here to debate, you are here to argue.


was here to point out the negative implications of giving away Aethers freely.  My polite attempt was rebuffed by people who are either worse at math than a first-grader or deliberately trying to create economic strife.  So now I'm arguing.  And it's pointless for anything other than aggression management, because I know that this suggestion is going to die on the shitheap just like every other "fuck all those other people, you should cater to MEMEMEMEME" suggestions, but hey, if you guys are so desperate to give me a reason, I'm not one to pass up opportunities.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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1 minute ago, lemming said:

I suppose one argument is how much Veracor would disrupt the market if they were granted retroactively.  I think he hit 40k vet levels?


Luminara is being harsh, but correct.   This would have the potential to disrupt the purpose of the PA.  What can be done on one character, gets multiplied by someone then doing with multiples.


I don't know about others, but I tend to play an alt for some goal of that character, but I rarely pay attention to the rewards timer since it's not a factor.

Mostly because doing something repetitively is boring.


For rewards past vet level 100, by that point, most rewards are pretty meaningless.  Especially if you don't have many alts.

PaPs were only a suggestion 🙂 others have mention Emp merits which would be a good substitute imo, even if its 10 every 10 veteran levels it's like an advent calendar of a little something to look forward to is all I am suggesting

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23 minutes ago, Luminara said:


100 players triple-boxing accumulating 1 veteran level every 15 minutes on each character, 1200 Aether every hour, dumped into a market which currently has ~5300 Aether total.  In five hours, they've doubled the Aether available for purchase, the price drops by half.  In twelve hours, there's enough Aether to fill all open bids on the market, and still have 5000-6000 waiting to be sold.  In half a day, the market is saturated.  In a week, no-one's bidding more than 100 inf* because there are almost 200,000 on the market and no-one's buying them any more, and they're utterly useless as an inf* transferal device or inflationary control measure.


That's with only 100 people gaming it.  Considering that farming characters have historically comprised the largest percentage of characters created, this is clearly understating the impact by a tremendous amount.





If you'd read what you quoted, you would've noticed that my objection has nothing to do with how I play because I explained that I don't do anything with Aethers.  It's not my characters or play style that concern me, it's the overall impact on the game.  I really don't give a damn who has Aethers or how they got them or... what the fuck ever.  It makes no difference to me.  What I care about is not having to pay 75,000,000 inf* for a LotG: Def/+Rchg, or 250,000,000 inf* for a purple recipe, or having to grind merits for 56 hours a week to buy enhancements for one power.  What I care about is not seeing thousands of other people ass-raped by a hyper-inflated economy that forces them into a single play style (farming).  What I care about is the whole.



was here to point out the negative implications of giving away Aethers freely.  My polite attempt was rebuffed by people who are either worse at math than a first-grader or deliberately trying to create economic strife.  So now I'm arguing.  And it's pointless for anything other than aggression management, because I know that this suggestion is going to die on the shitheap just like every other "fuck all those other people, you should cater to MEMEMEMEME" suggestions, but hey, if you guys are so desperate to give me a reason, I'm not one to pass up opportunities.

 Saying someone is selfish is not coming on to point out things. If you are that hardcore to farm yourself past vet 100 to just get one of anything for each level after 100 then debate against multi-boxing or even being able to farm in general.  But saying that the ones who do not have alts would like some form of award past vet 100 is not selfish at all.  When this game was live they had VET rewards for how long you were a member, those people would have access to things that other could not have, but back then trophies were not handed out to the losing teams as well as the winning teams.  Now everyone would go ape shit if they made cosmetic things for long time members. Would they be called selfish today? So, the bottom line is people who have a character they play at all times deserve to have something at some milestone after vet 100.  The thing does not matter, she was giving examples, and it's not selfish.

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