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An (almost) Snarkiesh PuG experience

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19 minutes ago, Digirium said:

At least no-one gets upset now when BOTH doors are opened! SMH as though that ever made a difference or didn't make it harder for no reason.


I think it does make life easier if only one of the first doors (the ones between the hallway and the "belt" room) as opposed to the second set of doors between the belt room and the reactor room (the little foyer)... because the ambush spawns in the hallway. It is easy for one player to hold aggro and also allow teammates more lines-of-fire to use powers if they can come to the belt room as opposed to someone in that little foyer. If only one of the first doors is open, pretty much any of my level 50s can hold off the entire hallway ambush spawn indefinitely.


The only "smart" use of the foyer IMO is for the first defeat of Clamor; If she can be kept in the foyer she has seriously reduced lines-of-fire, and more teammates will stay away from the one teammate she has put her debuff toggle on. That trick also helps to break up the two spawns. Often, some fraction of the team can't get through the foyer... it's far more of a choke point for the players IMO.

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Posted (edited)

I knew a "one-door truther" would comment.


I never knew about Clamor's toggle teams I am on just drive her away, pivot to the doors and defeat the ambushes. Tricky part is asking melee characters to remain in the reactor room and deal with the ambush there instead. Two doors opened give better line of sight and allow ingress to Freakshow that are still alive for the melee to deal with and still have coverage from the team to support them. I think one door opened is only effective for super weak teams and still does not buy them the time they need - the overwhelmable are always overwhelmed.


Going to observe that toggle now I know it's there.


Freakshow in that reactor rooms always reminds me of the respec trial during live all characters were pretty weak. I remember total team wipes and wall-to-wall Freakshow piling up inside the reactor room like an underground train jammed shoulder-to-shoulder all the waves piled up in to one.


Ditto Sky Raiders and Rikti in the other trials.



Edited by Digirium
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If I open the 2nd door on yin, it's because there is a fatty standing in the 1st door getting between me and my glorious sea of freakshow. Let me in out!

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The only time I run into "one door" people are those brought back by mass-emails from homecoming.  You know those people who play for like a week and then fuck off for a year?

and the people who try to herd

and the people with emp defs with just their default attack


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4 hours ago, Digirium said:

Same thing with Posi 1 after I call out "clear steps before rescuing 4th hostage" always someone who ignores me.

That really is the smartest way to do it, but I've never been on a team that clears steps before 4th hostage. Been on plenty that clear steps before triggering on the top step, 


Speaking of Pos1: We had a player take a hard right to the back area when we got inside city hall. Is Rollister hanging out there with Azuria prior to triggering the Dops? I always assumed we had to clear those initial interior mobs (specifically the one with Tarses [and the 2nd one to avoid double aggro]). 

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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17 minutes ago, cranebump said:

That really is the smartest way to do it, but I've never been on a team that clears steps before 4th hostage. Been on plenty that clear steps before triggering on the top step, 


Speaking of Pos1: We had a player take a hard right to the back area when we got inside city hall. Is Rollister hanging out there with Azuria prior to triggering the Dops? I always assumed we had to clear those initial interior mobs (specifically the one with Tarses [and the 2nd one to avoid double aggro]). 

     Yeah, I am pretty sure you need to clear the one directly ahead (though every team I've been on has cleared both  ... so It's been forever since I really paid attention to the objectives).  Just about every team I've ever been on goes left after that spawn first.  Until the other day when the lead went straight to Tarsus and miracles the team was tight and followed right with them into the spawn straight ahead.  Cleared it without aggro on the left spawn and the went on to the clones and success.

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I never click anything. Unless someone says, "We need someone to click X" 


That way Its never my fault and I can just scrapper or fury lock from one group to the next kicking or punching or slicing whatever. 

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