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The Officially Unofficial Weekly Discussion #77: What is your favorite mission map?

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I have to agree with @Greycat about the Eden trial map. 

However, I have been doing the DA arcs, and the Save Marcus mission map is kinda unique.

The boat defense is interesting.


There is also the map where you descend into a flooded level to get a glowie.

No baddies to fight, just the darkness.

/e poofgone



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5 hours ago, ZorkNemesis said:

One of my favorite mission maps has to be from Infernia's chapter of Who Will Die.  That part where you're on the ship and you step out on deck to see the rest of the fleet suspended in air, you climb the ships fighting Rularuu the whole way.  Pretty crazy moment.


Is that map in the Sutter TF as well?

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5 hours ago, DougGraves said:


Is that map in the Sutter TF as well?


I don't believe so, I don't recall what's in Sutter but I don't remember seeing the fleet thrown into the air.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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The Praet tunnel map, with all the demons in it and that eerie red glow is pretty cool looking (though the map itself is pretty mundane). Can’t recall the mission.


The Sutter map with the floating “Death Star” ship thing is pretty cool, because of how dangerous that can get when you take on turrets and such.


and the giant robot map with all the bullets flying in the finale is pretty cool, too.

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Posted (edited)

For me, it's gonna be:

  • The entire "Council giant mech base" series
  • That one Praetorian bio-tech lab whose layout kinda lines up with the Praetorian hospital model if you entered it through the "EMERGENCY" door
  • Arbiter Sands' getaway submarine dock
  • Pretty much any one of the Longbow bases, but especially the one labeled as "Large 22" in the Mission Architect
  • Dr. Vahzilok's lab in the sewers
  • Small Circle of Thorns map #10, because it's just about the only one where that cool temple room's main entrance is actually the entrance
  • Medium 20 and Large 19 from the Tech Standard set (the former reminds me of a space station)
Edited by Vic Raiden
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Also got a bit of soft spot for Dollface's mansion from the final Dr. Graves arc.


And Manticore's from Twinshot arcs, just because it blends three tilesets in a fun way.


Really wish there were more mansion and abandoned mansion maps tho.

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Posted (edited)

Since I just replayed the arc...

The Eternal Prison map in the DA story arc.

Yeah, they dropped the lighting way down and added stars, but it was so effective the first time I played. 

Very disorienting when I first played the story through.

Edited by JasperStone
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/e poofgone



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I just helped a lazy tanker today who had my favorite map. (didn't know it when I helped them) 

They had a timed mission, and they had 5 hostages to rescue. It is the same city map where Dr. Calvin is always being held hostage and needs to be rescued, in the Tina MacIntyre arc. They were given 90 minutes, and they were asking for help after 15 minutes, thus the lazy label, lol. 

The reason this is my favorite is even though I know the map, there's usually a point where I have to open my map and think of where I haven't looked yet. 

And for certain characters, I can up the difficulty and gain a lot of xp if that's the mood I'm in. 


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