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How long does that trial take?


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@BlackSpectre suggested I post this thread, and I'd like others to chime in, as well. The question we league leaders get a lot is "how long does that take?" So, here's a thread dedicated to answering that, as well as arguing about it down to the second (as is tradition here on the forums).


Based on my experience, and what I tend to run most, speaking in generalities, I would say...

  • Speed Lambda - pretty consistently 12 minutes, if we only clear 1 side. After you clear the weapon caches you usually have 2 minutes or less before Marauder appears. If you can clear the containment chambers faster than that, go for it, otherwise your best bet is to wait on Marauder to get there on his moped using Apple Maps.
  • Lamdba badge runs - roughly 20 minutes each, since you can't use the pacification grenades. (See my signature for how to figure out who did, though.)
  • BAF - about 20 minutes, whether you are doing a regular run or a badge run. Doesn't seem to be a significant difference.
  • Dilemma Diabolique - 20 to 25 minutes. This is one that's pretty easy to get Master on if everyone follows chat at least a little, so no clue what a regular run would be. I would think about the same.
  • TPN Campus - 20-25 minutes here, too. Maybe a bit faster if you aren't worried about badges at all, or if you're just trying for the News Flash badge.
  • Magisterium - Probably about 20 minutes. It depends - I ran with a pretty low DPS group today and we went down to the wire on the AVs, so that can stretch it out, especially if you use a lot of time on Tyrant, too.


I'll also throw in a couple of non-iTrial things, as well:

  • Mothership Raid (MSR) - about 45 minutes, counting taking out pylons and the Drop Ship afterwards.
  • Hami Raid - Hamikaze style, we usually can get 4 runs in under 30 minutes, probably under 20 most times. It all depends on how fast Hami chooses to spawn for us.
  • DFB - probably about 20 minutes.
  • DiB - probably about 20 minutes, too.


As an aside, the problem I have with the question itself (when players ask me) is that I can't tell you how long it will take to recruit. A Speed Lambda, for instance, may actually take 30 minutes total if you are the first one into the league and recruiting is slow. You can definitely run these without a full league, but sometimes it can take a while to recruit even enough to know you'll probably be successful.

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Oklahoman, Okie, Vayne Glorious, Sooner Magic, Treehugging Wacko, Boy Band, etc

Farming Incarnate Salvage - 1 salvage roll every 15 minutes!  ||  Why NO TELLS to join your little MSR thing?

Using DEMORECORD To Find Who Is Sabotaging Lambda Badge Runs  ||  https://www.twitch.tv/oklahomancoh

Excelsior Bases: The Sooner State (OK-8602), Atlas Records (ROCK-29730), Generic Heroes (G-16581), Sooner Nation (SOONER-8490)

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Positron I / II: 20-30 minutes each.


Synapse: 60-90 minutes. 


Penny Yin: 20-30 minutes for a non-speed run. 


Moonfire: 30-45 minutes.


Citadel: 45-60 minutes. Having 3+ people with Team TP speeds things up considerably.


Katie Hannon: 20-30 minutes at +0. Increasing the notoriety will add significant time to the first mission (on higher difficulties the final waves will be +5).


Manticore: 45-60 minutes if you stealth to objective on missions 3, 5, 6 and 7. At least double that if you kill to objectives.


Numina: 40-50 minutes.


Admiral Sutter: 40-50 minutes. Varies depending on familiarity with the missions.


Imperious: 15 minutes for a speed run, 45-60 minutes for a +4 kill most. 


Kahn: 15 minutes for a speed run, 45-60 minutes for a non-speed run (longer if team isn't Incarnates or notoriety is increased).


Apex / Tin Mage: About 15 minutes each. Can run a few minutes longer if the team is inexperienced. Apex is essentially a kill all. Tin Mage is typically run as objectives only with most of the mobs in missions 1 and 3 skipped (mission 2 is a kill all).



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Nice list of times.

I swear it proves that enjoyment or lack there of affects the perceived speed of time,I hate the TPN so that one always seem to take a damn hour when I do it. I know it doesn't take anywhere near that, but I would never had guessed only 20 minutes.

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Posted (edited)

The goal here is to set expectations on about how long a TF or trial will take to complete. We need this data to set aside an adequate amount of time in our real lives to accomplish the TFs and trials. There have been many times when I found myself stuck in a TF or trial that took much longer to complete than I had time for.  Frankly, I had no idea how long the TF would take when I joined up. This necessitated the entire team to log out so we can log back in at the same time (requires a lot of organization and time management skill on the part of players... definitely NOT a PUG team), log out and abandon my team (I hate to do this), or bite the bullet and stick it out until the end, resulting in various troubles in RL big and small.  And then there's player stamina. We all have different levels of healthiness and fitness, both mental and physical, and an estimated completion time would help people decide whether or not they're up to the task. There are many other good reasons to have an estimated completion time too, but I figure these two are the most common.


And yes, wait times for the team or league to fill would also be very useful, but I'm not currently trying to bite off that lofty goal. I figure an estimated time to complete trials and TFs would be "good enough" to start so players would have an idea of how much time they'd need to set aside. We can always mention that there may be a wait time to start.


Sans data mining, the best option to determine TF completion times seems to me to be anecdotal data from the folks who do these TFs and trials frequently. I really liked the way @Oklahoman Structured his answer into the most common goals for trials, speed runs vs kill alls. From LFG chat that appears to be the 2 major ways the player base has of doing TFs and trials, so why not use them to answer times? These would necessarily be estimates, but hopefully they'd be reasonable or educated estimates from the experts who actually run these things (or join them)  often. 


Over at another post someone suggested using the time-based challenge times to get an idea of how long TFs take. I've made a list, but @Uun's times seem much more realistic, based in real experience. Meanwhile, the challenge times seem very arbitrary and not really based on how long the TFs will actually take to complete.  


@Uun didn't give times for all the TFs, so if you have a lot of experience running the task forces please fill in the blanks.  Once the Homecoming wiki is able to be edited again, I plan to add a completion times column for task forces and trials. 


In the meantime, here's the list of time-based challenge times that I collected from the Challenge Settings for each task force...



Task Force Name


Challenge Settings

Gold Time (min)

Silver Time

Bronze Time

@uun Player Times

The Rule of Three






Dam Heroes






The Fall of the Clockwork King






A Clamor for the People

Penelope Yin





The Sky is Falling

Admiral Sutter





The Kheldian War






Citadel's Children






The MegaMech Cometh

Ernesto Hess





A Tangled Plot

Katie Hannon





Following Countess Crey





45-60 (90-120 for kill all)

Soul of the Woodsman






Time's Arrow





15 (speed run) 45-60 (kill all)

Explorers and Exploiters

Dr. Quaterfield





The Legend of Ruladak

Sara Moore





The Saga of Faathim

Justin Augustine





The Saga of Lanaru

Faathim the Kind





Ms. Liberty Task Force

Ms. Liberty





The Lady Grey Task Force

The Lady Grey





Return of the Reichsman

Dr. Kahn




15 (speed run) 45-60 (kill all)

Alpha Strike






The Praetorian Offensive

Tin Mage Mark II





Edited by BlackSpectre
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2 hours ago, BlackSpectre said:

definitely NOT a PUG


2 hours ago, BlackSpectre said:



"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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  • 1 month later

Over on another thread reward merits were raised as a method of determining the completion time for task forces. As I've said before the resulting times really don't reflect how long it takes to complete the task forces. I did this analysis 3 years ago, but I decided to re-create it so that everyone could see the data who cared to do so. The amount of reward merits for each task force was taken from the Wiki



** Calculated based on the formula in the post below which is also found at the Wiki.


The Rule of Three Positron 11 41 min 20-30
Dam Heroes Positron 15 55 min 20-30
The Fall of the Clockwork King Synapse 58 197 min 60-90
A Clamor for the People Penelope Yin 20 73 min 20-30
The Sky is Falling Admiral Sutter 22 80 min 40-50
The Kheldian War Moonfire 32 113 min 30-45
Citadel's Children Citadel 40 140 min 45-60
The MegaMech Cometh Ernesto Hess 19 70 min  
A Tangled Plot Katie Hannon 26 93 min 20-30
Following Countess Crey Manticore 32 113 min 45-60 (90-120 for kill all)
Soul of the Woodsman Numina 36 127 min 40-50
Time's Arrow Imperious 26 † 93 min 15 (speed run) 45-60 (kill all)
Explorers and Exploiters Dr. Quaterfield 122 381 min  
The Legend of Ruladak Sara Moore 63 211 min  
The Saga of Faathim Justin Augustine 42 147 min  
The Saga of Lanaru Faathim the Kind 73 243 min  
Ms. Liberty Task Force Ms. Liberty 38 † 133 min  
The Lady Grey Task Force The Lady Grey 37 † 130 min  
Return of the Reichsman Dr. Kahn 20 † 73 min 15 (speed run) 45-60 (kill all)
Alpha Strike Apex 40 140 min 15
The Praetorian Offensive Tin Mage Mark II 40 140 min 15



*** These times are estimates because they lack the last variable in the formula, "ArtificialModifiers", which players don't have access to. 


**** Keep in mind that these median completion times were data-mined back at the end of 2009. How long it takes to complete a task force might have changed between then and now.


I'll re-create the same data for trials next.

Edited by BlackSpectre
Updated the median completion times to match the official formula.
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** The amount of merit rewards for incarnate trials are not calculated based on the medium completion time. Instead, reward merits are linked to the drop tables. Essentially, for every astral merit dropped, 2 reward merits are awarded. For every empyrean merit dropped, 10 reward merits are awarded. So completion times for incarnate trials cannot be calculated based on merit rewards.


NAME REWARD MERITS   @Oklahoman Completion Times
Behavioral Adjustment Facility Trial 18   20 min
Lambda Sector Trial 20   12 min (speed run) 20 min (badge run)
Keyes Island Reactor Trial 18   35 min
The Underground Trial 40   45 min
TPN Campus Trial 30   20-25 min
Minds of Mayhem Trial 30   35 min
Dilemma Diabolique Trial 30   20-25 min
The Magisterium Trial 22   20 min

Incarnate trials didn't award Reward Merits until Homecoming's Issue 27 Page 4.

Edited by BlackSpectre
Updated to reflect how reward merits are awarded for incarnate trials
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I previously used the 30 reward merits per hour rate that I originally gleaned from playing the game, but I didn't do any research on reward merits. It dawned on me that some of the variance might be due to awarding different amounts of reward merits based on the class of the task, and I was right. That is the case. All it took was a search through the wiki, and then perusing through about 50 pages of a thread on the original COH forums. Information from the Wiki on how the live devs calculated reward merits is below:


Here's the hourly rate by class:

Task Forces give an average of 1 merit every 3 minutes of average time (20 merits an hour)

    **This is incorrect. The ratio is about 1 merit for every 3.7 minutes of average time (16 merits an hour) as mentioned by Synapse in a correction. Actually, the ratio is more like 1 merit for every 3.75 minutes of average time (16 merits an hour) as born out by the official formula after the TimeModifier is factored in. 

Trials give an average of 1 merit every 2.5 minutes (24 merits an hour)

    **This is also inaccurate. The ratio is 1 merit for every 3 minutes of average time (20 merits an hour) as born out by the official formula

Story Arcs give an average of 1 merit every 7.5 minutes (8 merits an hour).

    **This is also inaccurate. The ratio is about 1 merit for every 6 minutes of average time (10 merits an hour) as born out by the official formula


The reason for this major difference is due to the considerable time and effort Task/Strike Forces can take to set up and complete, so naturally these tasks grant a much greater reward.


Here's the formula the live devs used to determine merit rewards:

(MedianTime / MPM) * TaskModifier * TimesRunModifier * Rounded TimeModifier + ArtificialModifiers

Decimals in the result are dropped off (ie: the result is rounded down).


MedianTime: The datamined median time to complete the task
MPM: The desired Minutes per Merit, currently 3.7
TaskModifier: 1.5 if the task is a raid, 1.2 if the task is a trial, 1.0 if the task is a Task Force or Strike Force, and 0.6 if the task is a Story Arc
TimesRunModifier: 1.0 if the task has been run enough times for the developers to be comfortable with the datamining, 0.6 otherwise
TimeModifier: A percentage merit bonus equal to the median time divided by 20 (ex: the Synapse TF has a MedianTime of 194 minutes. 194 / 20 = 9.7, rounded up to 10% bonus)
ArtificialModifier: Manually added bonuses or penalties to a given task; from Synapse:


From Synapse:

What I've used this field here in the past was to round out some villain strike forces that weren't granting enough merits for a random roll.

For example: When merits were first introduced in Issue 13 beta the Temple of the Waters SF would have normally only granted 23 merits. However, I wanted players who completed this task to be able to purchase a random taskforce roll (which was then 25 merits, now it's 20) so I added a +2 bonus in this field. I've seen a number of players wonder why certain tasks (namely villain SFs) not have their merit numbers increase. This is because after the new data rolled in, I removed the bonus from this field if the task offered enough merits for the random roll.

The Statesman Task Force has a datamined median completion time of 133 minutes.

(133 / 3.7) * 1.0 * 1.0 * 1.07 + 0 = 38 merits



Edited by BlackSpectre
listed inaccuracies in the Wiki data
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On 6/2/2024 at 1:53 PM, Oklahoman said:

The question we league leaders get a lot is "how long does that take?" So, here's a thread dedicated to answering that...

@Oklahoman do you happen to have completion times for these trials?


Keyes Island Reactor Trial  
The Underground Trial  
Minds of Mayhem Trial  




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8 hours ago, BlackSpectre said:

@Oklahoman do you happen to have completion times for these trials?


Keyes Island Reactor Trial  
The Underground Trial  
Minds of Mayhem Trial  


I don't run any of those on account of hating them with the white hot passion of a thousand suns.

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Oklahoman, Okie, Vayne Glorious, Sooner Magic, Treehugging Wacko, Boy Band, etc

Farming Incarnate Salvage - 1 salvage roll every 15 minutes!  ||  Why NO TELLS to join your little MSR thing?

Using DEMORECORD To Find Who Is Sabotaging Lambda Badge Runs  ||  https://www.twitch.tv/oklahomancoh

Excelsior Bases: The Sooner State (OK-8602), Atlas Records (ROCK-29730), Generic Heroes (G-16581), Sooner Nation (SOONER-8490)

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Here are the trials and their estimated median completion times calculated from the reward merits formula. 


If you happen to know the average times to complete these trials, please let us know and post them!


Hero Trials      
Trial Name Reward Merits Median Completion Time Player Completion Time
Death From Below 0 Reward Merits 11 min 11 min
Cavern of Transcendence 8 Reward Merits 5 min 5 min
Drowning in Blood 2 Reward Merits 8 min  
Terra Volta 27 Reward Merits 82 min  
Terra Volta 20 Reward Merits 61 min  
Abandoned Sewers Trial 28 Reward Merits 84 min  
Eden Trial 6 Reward Merits 20 min  
Terra Volta 20 Reward Merits 61 min  
Market Crash 20 Reward Merits 61 min  
Cathedral of Pain 11 Reward Merits 35 min  
Villain Trials      
Death From Below 0 Reward Merits 11 min 11 min
Drowning in Blood 2 Reward Merits 8 min  
Tree of Thorns 14 Reward Merits 44 min  
Tree of Thorns 14 Reward Merits 44 min  
Tree of Thorns 15 Reward Merits 47 min  
Market Crash 20 Reward Merits 61 min  
Cathedral of Pain 11 Reward Merits 35 min



I should mention what a median is vs a mean or average. Given a list of a bunch of times, the median is the time that happens to be right in the middle. So let's say you have these times: 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 8, 55. The median would be 2. Whereas the average or mean is 8.44 (76 divided by 9). The median is often a better measure of the central tendency of the group as It is not skewed by exceptionally high or low values, which is what the devs use to calculate reward merits. 

Edited by BlackSpectre
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Oops! Did not mean to leave out the villainous strike forces...



** Calculated using the official reward merit formula


Strike Force Name Merits Median Completion Time Player Times
The Beast Beneath the Mountain 13 49 min  
Pirates of the Sky 42 147 min  
The Fire and the Flames 22 80 min  
The Temple of the Waters 24 87 min  
The Crystal of Serafina 26 93 min  
Time's Arrow 26 † 93 min  
Chasing Fool's Gold 40 140 min  
Lord Recluse's Strike Force 25 † 90 min  
The Lady Grey Strike Force 37 † 130 min  
Thus Spoke the Reichsman 20 † 73 min  
Trading Places 10 38 min  
Alpha Strike 40 140 min  
The Praetorian Offensive 40 140 min  



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On 7/13/2024 at 9:04 AM, BlackSpectre said:

Here are the trials and their estimated median completion times calculated from the reward merits formula. 


If you happen to know the average times to complete these trials, please let us know and post them!


Hero Trials      
Trial Name Reward Merits Median Completion Time Player Completion Time
Death From Below 0 Reward Merits 11 min 11 min
Cavern of Transcendence 8 Reward Merits 5 min 5 min
Drowning in Blood 2 Reward Merits 8 min  
Terra Volta 27 Reward Merits 82 min  
Terra Volta 20 Reward Merits 61 min  
Abandoned Sewers Trial 28 Reward Merits 84 min  
Eden Trial 6 Reward Merits 20 min  
Terra Volta 20 Reward Merits 61 min  
Market Crash 20 Reward Merits 61 min  
Cathedral of Pain 11 Reward Merits 35 min  
Villain Trials      
Death From Below 0 Reward Merits 11 min 11 min
Drowning in Blood 2 Reward Merits 8 min  
Tree of Thorns 14 Reward Merits 44 min  
Tree of Thorns 14 Reward Merits 44 min  
Tree of Thorns 15 Reward Merits 47 min  
Market Crash 20 Reward Merits 61 min  
Cathedral of Pain 11 Reward Merits 35 min



I should mention what a median is vs a mean or average. Given a list of a bunch of times, the median is the time that happens to be right in the middle. So let's say you have these times: 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 8, 55. The median would be 2. Whereas the average or mean is 8.44 (76 divided by 9). The median is often a better measure of the central tendency of the group as It is not skewed by exceptionally high or low values, which is what the devs use to calculate reward merits. 

For Cathedral of Pain it should not take you 35 minutes 😄 Around 5-10 minutes max for that one ❤️ I know @Mayaedits runs a lot of trials so she is a great source of info for some times too!

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1 hour ago, Laucianna said:

For Cathedral of Pain it should not take you 35 minutes 😄 Around 5-10 minutes max for that one ❤️ I know @Mayaedits runs a lot of trials so she is a great source of info for some times too!


these are not how fast it can be done..


On 7/13/2024 at 1:04 AM, BlackSpectre said:

If you happen to know the average times to complete these trials, please let us know and post them!


I would say 15 minutes would be the fastest average I would ever tell anyone to avoid dropped participants. Maybe even 20 - 30 minutes unless I was absolutely sure we'd knock it out quicker.


DFB and DiB are definitely not averaging 11 & 8 minutes.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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1 hour ago, Troo said:


these are not how fast it can be done..



I would say 15 minutes would be the fastest average I would ever tell anyone to avoid dropped participants. Maybe even 20 - 30 minutes unless I was absolutely sure we'd knock it out quicker.


DFB and DiB are definitely not averaging 11 & 8 minutes.

I mean with Cop the average highly depends on both how well the league listen and how the leader instructs, but if both are okay 10 mins is still the average max time for a CoP imo

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Regarding the Underground Trial, so much depends on if you're in pursuit of badges - and the method used in pursuit of Preservation Specialist. 

If you "speed" the UGT - which can be problematic, as we're "supposed" to escort Desdemona, and you know a safe place to stash her, and incan/tp the escort away from Des, a strong team that doesn't need a lot of instruction can zip through this trial in 25-30 minutes. 

There are 4 badges required for Master, and it can be done in one run, easily. Even if you zerg all the bombs as a league, this can slow things down. 
If the league is inexperienced, or the league leader isn't effectively communicating, (or league isn't reading chat ) this trial can fail, or more likely, take about 45-50 minutes. 

I would think 40 minutes is a fair answer if asked how long it takes, tho. Just add another 15 minutes if you expect to snipe the bombs in the long hallway. 

If you're ultra conservative and try to snipe ALL the bombs, add 45 minutes, for a total time of about 80-90 minutes. I don't think anyone does it like this anymore; but maybe 4-5 years ago, when HC first opened up, some of us were still rusty and super conservative. 

With any UGT, unless the leader is fairly well known like Okie, Cygnus or LB3K, (there are others, of course - these are just the ones that come to mind) recruiting can be problematic. I have had occasions where I'm ready to cancel it because recruitment was taking over 20 minutes. For Master runs, recruitment can take even longer. Most folks just don't care about that bomb badge. There are faster/easier ways to get that random rare drop the master badge provides. 

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On 7/16/2024 at 8:51 AM, Laucianna said:

For Cathedral of Pain it should not take you 35 minutes 😄 Around 5-10 minutes max for that one ❤️ I know @Mayaedits runs a lot of trials so she is a great source of info for some times too!

If CoP is taking you 35 mins, that is NOT average. I’ve seen random pug teams with inexperienced leaders still make it out in under 20 mins.


Something has to have seriously gone wrong if it takes that long which is not average.

Edited by Mayaedits
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Queen Warshade Maya

Maya is....... and other Maya like toons Inc. | Excelsior



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On 7/11/2024 at 12:06 AM, BlackSpectre said:


** The amount of merit rewards for incarnate trials are not calculated based on the medium completion time. Instead, reward merits are linked to the drop tables. Essentially, for every astral merit dropped, 2 reward merits are awarded. For every empyrean merit dropped, 10 reward merits are awarded. So completion times for incarnate trials cannot be calculated based on merit rewards.


NAME REWARD MERITS   @Oklahoman Completion Times
Behavioral Adjustment Facility Trial 18   20 min
Lambda Sector Trial 20   12 min (speed run) 20 min (badge run)
Keyes Island Reactor Trial 18   35 min
The Underground Trial 40   45 min
TPN Campus Trial 30   20-25 min
Minds of Mayhem Trial 30   35 min
Dilemma Diabolique Trial 30   20-25 min
The Magisterium Trial 22   20 min

Incarnate trials didn't award Reward Merits until Homecoming's Issue 27 Page 4.

Most of these look ok. Baf might have some variance depending on if it is a badge run (Maybe an extra couple of mins at most.)

MoM and keyes are probs a bit on the high side. MoM I would say closer to 25 and keyes closer to 20

Queen Warshade Maya

Maya is....... and other Maya like toons Inc. | Excelsior



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  • 3 weeks later

Keep in mind that the median completion times derived from backwards processing the reward merit formula are from 2012 at best. Since the player base has become seasoned veterans and also have learned quite a bit about the game, todays times will probably be faster than any of the median times from 2012. 

I’m really enjoying this discussion. Lots of interesting details here. 

I think we need to focus on how long a “normal” run for trials and task forces take, rather than branching out to all of the various ways to do these tasks. There are quite a few variables that all impact how long a task will take, but the goal here is not to account for all variables, but rather to get a general idea of how long they might take for the average person… a starting point. After people have this info they can factor in all of the things that would impact the time themselves. 

However, in my view, the most significant omission to thinking about how long a task will take is recruitment time. For example, BAF might take 15 min to complete, but it can take up to 30 min to fill the league. so if I wanted to get an idea of how long the task would take in order to fit it in my schedule, I’d need to consider recruitment times too and that data doesn’t exist anywhere. 

For example, if I had a doctors appointment 1 hour from now, id need to not only consider that BAF takes 15-20 min to complete , but also that recruitment could take from 10-30 min. So I’d need to allocate a minimum of 25 min up to 50 min to do a BAF. Not enough time to do a BAF AND make my appointment. I see this happen all the time when a player joins a league thinking they can knock a trial out in 20 min, only to drop 15 min into recruiting because they realize they don’t have enough time. IT’s a conundrum. 



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2 hours ago, BlackSpectre said:

However, in my view, the most significant omission to thinking about how long a task will take is recruitment time.

Clearly Incarnate Trials take longer to recruit than TFs/SFs due to the larger number of participants. Aside from that, the biggest variants are the population of the shard you're playing on and the popularity of the TF/SF. Recruiting on lower population shards takes longer than higher population ones. Filling an ITF or Penny Yin takes less time than a Synapse or Faathim.

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