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My first Corrup lf God power combo set ideas

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I don't know if what you're asking for truly exists.


The two favorites on my roster are corruptor classics: ice/cold and fire/kin. I wanted them both for teams, but for different reasons. Either does fantastic damage on it's own, but fire/kin in particular really needs a team to shine the way he should. Not that he can't solo, it's just a bit clunky sometimes because I have more de-buff/buffs to juggle. Ice/cold seems a touch smoother solo to me, so long as I keep Heat Loss up. Both suffer the loss of some buffs when soloing, so I guess keep that in mind too.


In any case, both of those builds came from @voltak. If you want a god-mode Corr, searching out some of his builds is a fantastic start. I feel nigh-indestructible on both.




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Primaries, I would say ice, fire, and water are all very good damage sets.

Secondaries of course there is kin for very high damage buffs. More debuff focused sets I would say cold, rad and dark (I am a bit biased, I have 3 lvl 50 /cold corrs).

Honestly, pretty much anything is serviceable. Play around with some sets and find something fun.  

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27 minutes ago, Griffin said:

Primaries, I would say ice, fire, and water are all very good damage sets.

Secondaries of course there is kin for very high damage buffs. More debuff focused sets I would say cold, rad and dark (I am a bit biased, I have 3 lvl 50 /cold corrs).

Honestly, pretty much anything is serviceable. Play around with some sets and find something fun.  

Awesomeness thx everyone!

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Beam/Traps is my first (and so far only) character I've soloed a GM with. Ghost of Scrapyarder.  I've got a sonic/traps that I think could do it a little easier, but he's not 50 or IO'd out yet.

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What this team needs is more Defenders

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On 7/27/2024 at 12:42 AM, Cold Hard Cash said:

What is the most fun yet most damaging combo sets? 


If this is your first Corruptor I'd go with Fire or Cold and pair it with Dark Miasma. That's a lot of power, debuffs and a big team heal. Cold Domination can be good if you'd prefer.


Fire / Kin will be most damaging.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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  • 1 month later

I like my fire/natty. And my ice/cold. They both are good with dps and have serviceable buffs and debuffs. 

The natty, at least the way I have mine built, is more capable of taking in damage, simply because it can accept all the buffs it gives. The cold can't put any shields on itself or frostwork on itself, so it has a rougher time of things, and the build requires a little more attention to defense because of that. 

Just anecdotally, when I was going for the spirit masks (Banisher badge), each character made the attempt to use Unai Kemen's initial mission set to 0/8. 

While the cold could handle it, I had to make a bit more liberal use of inspirations. The natty didn't have to do much but use it's own buffs, which were strong enough to not need any inspirations at all, except for the occasional break-free. 

Both are good in their own way, but I think the natty is better. 

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