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17 minutes ago, Neiska said:


Ya but no. No one is dumping on a player for picking a power. They are dumping on the player for using a power that negatively affects others and then crying when they get booted from the team after being asked to stop but didn't. And in many people's opinion, rightly so. And now it's being turned into "help they are poking fun of me for my poor decisions!" and "no, I can use this power whenever I wish, others have no right to complain they are negatively affected by it!"


Spoiler alert - if YOU pick a power and USE it and it NEGATIVELY affects other people and continue to do so after being asked to stop, then YOU are the problem here. The fixes is fairly simple - either play alone, make your own team, or god FORBID - actually ASK in team chat "hey anyone mind if I use group fly" before using it. Because, you know, apparently trying to play and team well with others is such a hardship.


But NOoo... instead it's - "How DARE they not abide by my personal choices that affect them negatively! Quick! TO THE FORUMS! THE INTERWEB SHALL MOST CERTAINLY HEAR OF THIS!"

What warnings do players get before they pick a power that is considered Badwrongfun? Does the power explain how players will react? There's no such thing as psychic powers but players are somehow expected to know before they choose, right? 

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2 minutes ago, Krimson said:

What warnings do players get before they pick a power that is considered Badwrongfun? Does the power explain how players will react? There's no such thing as psychic powers but players are somehow expected to know before they choose, right? 

We have Psychic powers in game.  I have a Mental/Psi Blaster I just 50d.


But seriously.  A new player cannot know these things.  But if asked to stop using it in a Task Force that is a good indication something is up...


I will go a step further.  I was not there.  The team lead could have been the dick.  The booting could have been pretty much wrongly executed.  Still.... after 16 pages of "maybe you should rethink this" the OP wants to make the issue anyone but theirs.  Says something, dont ya think?

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2 minutes ago, Snarky said:

We have Psychic powers in game.  I have a Mental/Psi Blaster I just 50d.


But seriously.  A new player cannot know these things.  But if asked to stop using it in a Task Force that is a good indication something is up...


I will go a step further.  I was not there.  The team lead could have been the dick.  The booting could have been pretty much wrongly executed.  Still.... after 16 pages of "maybe you should rethink this" the OP wants to make the issue anyone but theirs.  Says something, dont ya think?

The entire issue can be avoided by the team leader vetting the players BEFORE launching the mission. 

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Just now, Krimson said:

The entire issue can be avoided by the team leader vetting the players BEFORE launching the mission. 

I have led many a TF.  Some a VERY hard to get 8 together for.  You take 8 and hope 3-4 of them help you carry the ball across the finish line.  I do not "vet" anyone.

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1 minute ago, Snarky said:

I have led many a TF.  Some a VERY hard to get 8 together for.  You take 8 and hope 3-4 of them help you carry the ball across the finish line.  I do not "vet" anyone.

Neither do I. If Captain Knockback joins my team (and he did) then I accept that my herding experience will not be optimal. Big deal. It's a game. People are more important than well herded mobs.

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5 hours ago, ZemX said:


I don't think this "Discord is where all the people who are better than you hang out" is quite the selling point for a community you seem to think it is. 

Im not trying to sell you on anything. And if thats your takeaway that sucks that you feel that way.


The discord from my experience has a lot more people with more up to date knowledge on things like build crafting in my experience. Some of the best build crafting practices that I use to this day came from joining that discord back in late 2019-2020. 

This, and being able to communicate with the devs in real time, alleviates a lot of misinformation that could linger on the forums for awhile.


It is what it is.

Edited by Seed22

Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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8 minutes ago, Krimson said:

If players don't want players choosing Badwrongfun powers then find a way to inform players BEFORE they choose them. 


I agree with the sentiment that players should be informed sooner rather than later.   I made a suggestion in one of the other GF threads that maybe add Null's options to Miss Liberty and such so players can make those changes right from the start.  The main problem is newer players aren't going to know what things like speed boost and GF are like until they experience how it affects them.  They may think it sounds cool and not choose to disable them, but then realize how those powers affect them really sucks.

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8 minutes ago, Krimson said:

Neither do I. If Captain Knockback joins my team (and he did) then I accept that my herding experience will not be optimal. Big deal. It's a game. People are more important than well herded mobs.

we agree.  and you obviously, like me, do not kick peeps from TF.  i feel kind of bad for people who "play weird' or "can't find the team" but i try to help them a little, and mostly keep the ball marching towards the end zone.  definitey not kicking though.


but if it is so important to a leader that they kick, i see your point, they should tell everyone up front and ask.

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15 minutes ago, Krimson said:

The entire issue can be avoided by the team leader vetting the players BEFORE launching the mission. 

With all due respect, are you expecting a team lead to take 5 minutes at the start of every team they form to check through everyones powers and then if they find a power like Group Fly, either tell the rest of the team after already waiting 5 minutes:

"Hey everyone, CHARACTER NAME has group fly so if you don't want that affecting you, you will need to leave this zone and go to Pocket D, you can get to pocket D by the van in Atlas if you check your map, once there head over to the seagull on the red side van and ask him to turn it off, then come back here we can start!"

Or the weirdly worse option:

"Hey CHARACTER NAME, I notice you have Group Fly, I am going to ask now for you not to use it for these task forces if that is okay? Oh you won't because you would prefer to have it on? In that case I will sadly have to remove you from the team as it will negatively affect them."

Neither of those are good options in my book, so in reality we should be trying to figure out a way to prevent this issue all together as a few people have mentioned solutions in the midst of all this chaos. Personally I would remove the group version of travel powers and have the single versions affect your pets too so it saves those who want to RP their characters as teleporters to teleport an army with all these cool new animations (Just imagine an undead army arriving as a swarm of ravens 😄 ), or those who want to have their robots all flying beside them to take flight

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Friendly reminder that no matter what anyone or anything is saying, you ARE loved AND valued in life no matter what.

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1 hour ago, Krimson said:

Apparently taking a trip to Null is so much of a hardship that there are now at least two threads talking about changing the Flight Pool. This goes way beyond shitting on a player for picking the power. Fortunately those threads will be ignored like most suggestions. 

And don't forget [Fold Space] took some hot drive-by fire! Poor little fold space! 

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59 minutes ago, Neiska said:

actually ASK in team chat "hey anyone mind if I use group fly" before using it. Because, you know, apparently trying to play and team well with others is such a hardship

A lot of players who might have complained otherwise will appreciate the heads-up enough to work with you. 

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5 minutes ago, Shin Magmus said:

     How exactly can you get away with calling another forum poster a sociopath and not immediately get GooglyMooglied?  That is the very opposite of being excellent to each other, and literally a personal attack.  The only thing worse than standards are double standards.

my standards are the very highest.  I easily double your standards!

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25 minutes ago, Snarky said:

my standards are the very highest.  I easily double your standards!

     He can't keep getting away with this.  There's no way he'd double them again...

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Choose your weapon:  Okay, I choose words.

I do not believe the false notion that "your ignorance is just as good as my knowledge."

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38 minutes ago, Seed22 said:

Im not trying to sell you on anything. And if thats your takeaway that sucks that you feel that way.


It's a figure of speech.  When someone is playing up the virtues of something or somebody, especially themselves, it can be said to be akin to "selling something".  


1 hour ago, Seed22 said:

The discord from my experience has a lot more people with more up to date knowledge on things like build crafting in my experience.


"Up to date"?  We're playing the same game, man.   Don't know how else to say it but you are kind of smoking your own exhaust here.  Same thing with repeatedly harping on misinfo.  What misinfo? Where do you see people saying things that aren't true and are going unchallenged?  About the game, I mean.  Generally, any time I see someone being wrong about how something works in game, they get corrected whether that's here or or in help channel in game.  This isn't exactly brain surgery, you know?  It's just an old game we're ALL quite familiar with.

1 hour ago, Seed22 said:

This, and being able to communicate with the devs in real time, alleviates a lot of misinformation that could linger on the forums for awhile.


The first part of this is undeniably an advantage and that's why they hang out there.  It's what Discord is good at.  Immediate communication.  Nobody here is denying that.   But again, misinfo?  Where is this rampant misinformation?  How are we out of date?  Are we somehow playing an older version of the game?

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13 minutes ago, ZemX said:


It's a figure of speech.  When someone is playing up the virtues of something or somebody, especially themselves, it can be said to be akin to "selling something".  



"Up to date"?  We're playing the same game, man.   Don't know how else to say it but you are kind of smoking your own exhaust here.  Same thing with repeatedly harping on misinfo.  What misinfo? Where do you see people saying things that aren't true and are going unchallenged?  About the game, I mean.  Generally, any time I see someone being wrong about how something works in game, they get corrected whether that's here or or in help channel in game.  This isn't exactly brain surgery, you know?  It's just an old game we're ALL quite familiar with.


The first part of this is undeniably an advantage and that's why they hang out there.  It's what Discord is good at.  Immediate communication.  Nobody here is denying that.   But again, misinfo?  Where is this rampant misinformation?  How are we out of date?  Are we somehow playing an older version of the game?

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1 hour ago, Snarky said:

after 16 pages of "maybe you should rethink this" the OP wants to make the issue anyone but theirs.  Says something, dont ya think?

When half the responses are personal attacks and strawmen arguments,  I think I’m more than allowed to respond. 

and to be fair atleast 2 of those pages were about trolling people with fold space and various other powers. 

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2 hours ago, Snarky said:

we have folks watching you...

What We Do In The Shadows: Why Colin Is The Strongest Vampire In Season 2



Get out of my office!

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"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire posts, the posts become warning points. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."


Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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3 minutes ago, Gravitus said:

God I hope so lol . I regret making this post 


Hey, it spawned a fairly decent discussion, albeit unfortunately some of it was at your expense.  Thickens the skin, rub some dirt on it and move on :classic_smile:

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Just now, Gravitus said:

God I hope so lol . I regret making this post 

dude, this was epic.  The most fun on the forums in two weeks.  


We have all done stupid, immoral, and possibly illegal acts that we later regretted ... getting caught for.   But we can look back at the good times and enjoy the memories.

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  • Game Master
1 hour ago, Shin Magmus said:

 How exactly can you get away with calling another forum poster a sociopath and not immediately get GooglyMooglied?  That is the very opposite of being excellent to each other, and literally a personal attack.  The only thing worse than standards are double standards.


Despite my enormous magical powers, I am not yet omniscient or omnipresent.  If you think a post is over the line click those three little dots at the top right of each post and report it, so that I or another GM can look at it.

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