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Currently, I have 17 characters so far, with the highest at 48, and the others at various levels from 25 on down.  I am playing with friends, and PuGs alike, and I am having the best time!  It's what I look forward to doing once I am off work, and it's what I think about when I'm not actually playing.  Things like "I should have put a range enhancement instead of another damage on that power", or "Wow!  This would be a cool concept for another character.  Time to get on the character creator!"


The people I play with have been great, and while I know there were faster ways to 50 than the ones I have used, I have enjoyed the journey, and appreciated each step more than I did in the original run of the game, because now I know what it feels like to NOT be able to do this.  I don't take it for granted, and I'm going to keep playing as long as it exists!


Just my .02 of a dollar's worth on my experience.  Obviously, your mileage may vary, but for me...this is really the only game I have any desire to play.



What was no more, is REBORN!

  On 7/3/2019 at 3:59 PM, Abraxus said:

Just my .02 of a dollar's worth on my experience.  Obviously, your mileage may vary, but for me...this is really the only game I have any desire to play.


+1 Inf Abraxus...


Me too!  I've been soloing and doing PUG TF's every day.  It's been a blast.  Like Irene Adler was the only woman for Sherlock Holmes, CoX has always been "the game" for me...It's the only MMORPG I've ever played...


I'm loving the journey, jumping between characters, making new concepts breathe air, and finding different ways to enjoy the content...I'm wanting to start diving into all the awesome Mission Architect content that's been done (not the farms, the actual story arc content).


I've been able to enjoy playing with my kiddo who tells me every time, "thanks Dad for introducing me to City of Heroes".


The only thing I haven't been able to get into is the forums :P

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting


My only REAL complaint, is that I don't get to play as often as I really want to!


Sure, it's not perfect.  But, I don't expect it to be perfect.  My expectations don't run that way at this stage in life.  This is an extremely rare second chance, and one that I will fully appreciate, and embrace. 


If there is one thing I'd like to happen more often, with regard to my gaming experience, is for my sons to play with me more often than they do.  So far, it has been once for each of them since the game came back.  They are older, and have their own things going on.  Real "Cats in the Cradle" moments going on there.  But, outside of that, I'm just excited to log into the game, each and every time I have the opportunity to do so!

What was no more, is REBORN!

  • City Council
  On 7/3/2019 at 4:06 PM, justicebeliever said:

The only thing I haven't been able to get into is the forums :P


The forums are an illusion, and so is death.

Community Manager, Homecoming City Council
"We need Widower. He's a drop of sanity in a bowl of chaos - very important." - Cipher
Are you also a drop of sanity in a bowl of chaos? Consider applying to be a Game Master!

It's really cool that people are able to enjoy it in this way -- it's a lovely counter-balance to a more nuanced view like my own, viz. while I do really enjoy playing the game, and spend considerable amounts of time in it (both before and now) it's not the only video game I have any desire to play - not by a longshot.  There's a lot of good games out there, and so precious little time.


It is.  So many things about this game remind me of so much of what I've missed in other MMOs for the last seven years. 


  On 7/3/2019 at 4:06 PM, justicebeliever said:
The only thing I haven't been able to get into is the forums :P


It took me a while to drop back into the forums... and I'm trying to resist refighting old battles.


The only thing I miss in the forums is the Paragon Studios Devs.  I appreciate that for obvious reasons it would be unwise for them to even publically acknowledge the existence of Homecoming or the other servers, but I like to think that maybe a few of them have done some anonymous browsing of these forums, if only to see how much their work over the years on this game is still enjoyed by so many players.

  On 7/3/2019 at 3:59 PM, Abraxus said:

The people I play with have been great...


This has been my experience 99.9% of the time on Homecoming. Any group I jump into or form has been full of fun loving people. With non-stop jokes and shenanigans pouring out of every mission. I've had plenty of PUBs that when people leave, I'm actually bummed that the fun meter might drop, but then some other goofy loving son of a gun comes in and the fun keeps going.


I remember Live community being pretty damn good, but I can't say for sure it was *this* good.



The forums are an illusion, and so is death.


Stop sounding like that one DMT trip I had!



  On 7/3/2019 at 4:26 PM, retiarius said:

There's a lot of good games out there, and so precious little time.


It's that lack of time that makes this the only game I really want to play.  Because I have so little to devote to gaming, I literally don't have time to be invested in multiple games, and out of the possible choices, this is the one that checks all the boxes for me.  So, it is where I am, and where I will continue to be going forward. 

What was no more, is REBORN!


We all are here because we all loved this game passionately. I don't think anybody would waste their time to come here only to cause trouble. There are so many better places for that.


Our game was never perfect. But it was perfect for us.


We're all going to have fun here because that's what we came here for

  On 7/3/2019 at 4:26 PM, GM Widower said:

The forums are an illusion, and so is death.


So that does that mean forums = death?  Eh...it's not so bad then...the GM overlords are nice then (except that Widower...watch out for him).




It took me a while to drop back into the forums... and I'm trying to resist refighting old battles.


I was not a prolific nor very nice poster in the old forums...I just wanted to WIN arguments...It's funny how much I've learned about myself since then, and the forums have been a good mirror of how I've grown and my attitudes toward winning have changed...I do still hear that siren call to "destroy" another poster with such devastating logic that they will rethink their life choices...But then I realize, that other poster is another human like me, with a point of view, and something valid to offer to the conversation...I think, 'If I was drinking a beer with this person, would I word my conversation the way I am posting it?'.  That's helped alot...


TL;DR - I hear you Legree...I understand...



This has been my experience 99.9% of the time on Homecoming. Any group I jump into or form has been full of fun loving people. With non-stop jokes and shenanigans pouring out of every mission. I've had plenty of PUBs that when people leave, I'm actually bummed that the fun meter might drop, but then some other goofy loving son of a gun comes in and the fun keeps going.


Now this has NOT been my experience...I've had a few really good teams where I was like 'I must Global Friend all of you', but most teams I've been on (and I've started most of them, so this is probably on me) have been very AGGRO...DESTROY...MOVE ON, with little chit chat...I always try to start some, but I am not feeling the same magic as Live...I need friends I suppose...

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

  On 7/3/2019 at 4:52 PM, justicebeliever said:

I was not a prolific nor very nice poster in the old forums...I just wanted to WIN arguments...It's funny how much I've learned about myself since then, and the forums have been a good mirror of how I've grown and my attitudes toward winning have changed.


You sound like me. In 7 years, I've had a lot of change in attitude. Change I'm glad to have made.



Now this has NOT been my experience...I've had a few really good teams where I was like 'I must Global Friend all of you', but most teams I've been on (and I've started most of them, so this is probably on me) have been very AGGRO...DESTROY...MOVE ON, with little chit chat...I always try to start some, but I am not feeling the same magic as Live...I need friends I suppose...


I might have been slightly hyperbolic with my descriptions. Sometimes the teams not that chatty, but very much seems to move mob to mob with a good flow. And when anyone does chat, it's been polite and friendly. I've only had one sour experience and it was mainly the attitude of the team leader who kept insisting on trying missions at high difficulties the team wasn't built for and then rage quit halfway through the third mission in a rather disappointing fashion. But 1 bad team out of.... dozens and dozens, maybe? ...is pretty good averages. About half the teams I've been in have been pretty chatty.

  On 7/3/2019 at 3:59 PM, Abraxus said:

Currently, I have 17 characters so far, with the highest at 48, and the others at various levels from 25 on down.  I am playing with friends, and PuGs alike, and I am having the best time!  It's what I look forward to doing once I am off work, and it's what I think about when I'm not actually playing.  Things like "I should have put a range enhancement instead of another damage on that power", or "Wow!  This would be a cool concept for another character.  Time to get on the character creator!"


The people I play with have been great, and while I know there were faster ways to 50 than the ones I have used, I have enjoyed the journey, and appreciated each step more than I did in the original run of the game, because now I know what it feels like to NOT be able to do this.  I don't take it for granted, and I'm going to keep playing as long as it exists!


Just my .02 of a dollar's worth on my experience.  Obviously, your mileage may vary, but for me...this is really the only game I have any desire to play.


My experience is similar to yours, differing only in that I still find time for a couple other games.


This game has always been able to scratch an itch that no other game has been able to touch for me.

Being able to create such diverse characters and play with them is just heaven for an old PnP gamer like me.

Like no other, one can create really interesting and diverse builds and powers to augment the incredible avatar customization.


This game pioneered the idea of the avatar not being tied to the equipment and skills, I think, at least in the MMO world.


When I run PnP games, the first thing I ask players to play are the characters no one else would 'let' them play in other games.

The wilder the better.

(Somehow, on the Internet, this _Immediately_ gets intepreted as power-gaming, min-maxing, totally a desire to 'break things' when nothing could be further from the truth.  It's as if the only thing that matters to some is the DPS meter, they are blind to all else.)


In this game, almost all of those wild ideas can come to life.

I go to sleep thinking about new characters.

I wake up thinking about new characters.

I daydream in meetings thinking about new characters.


But most of all, I just enjoy _playing_ the game, just playing, just like I did with Galaga and Gaunlet with friends in arcades.

All this rush to 'complete goals', 'get to the real endgame', 'finish characters', etc. is just noise to me.

All of that just happens from playing, IME.

My heart just does not beat that fast anymore, I just like relaxing as a SuperHero and some of them become gods while others remain sidekicks.


I hate being back. This is the worst game in the world and I don't know why anyone would play it. I'm just here to say how much I hate it.


Sorry, had to be contrarian. ;)

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

  On 7/3/2019 at 5:27 PM, Zolgar said:

I hate being back. This is the worst game in the world and I don't know why anyone would play it. I'm just here to say how much I hate it.


Sorry, had to be contrarian. ;)


So about that apartment building all your characters live in...are you _sure_ all the Paragon Municipality Commission certificates are up to date?

My sources in the Isles tell me that could change...




  On 7/3/2019 at 5:32 PM, jubakumbi said:


I hate being back. This is the worst game in the world and I don't know why anyone would play it. I'm just here to say how much I hate it.


Sorry, had to be contrarian. ;)


So about that apartment building all your characters live in...are you _sure_ all the Paragon Municipality Commission certificates are up to date?

My sources in the Isles tell me that could change...




We have.. ah.. special arrangements with the city council and inspectors.

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

  On 7/3/2019 at 5:27 PM, Zolgar said:

I hate being back. This is the worst game in the world and I don't know why anyone would play it. I'm just here to say how much I hate it.


Sorry, had to be contrarian. ;)


Ah!  The "Sees NO SMOKING sign, and immediately feels the need to light up", and "Keep off the Grass...Hey!  Let's dance on it" kinda guy!  Got it!  8)

What was no more, is REBORN!

  On 7/3/2019 at 5:39 PM, Zolgar said:



I hate being back. This is the worst game in the world and I don't know why anyone would play it. I'm just here to say how much I hate it.


Sorry, had to be contrarian. ;)


So about that apartment building all your characters live in...are you _sure_ all the Paragon Municipality Commission certificates are up to date?

My sources in the Isles tell me that could change...




We have.. ah.. special arrangements with the city council and inspectors.


+1 for Zolgar and Jubakumbi

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting


I am also recalling, WAY back when the game first went live, there was a very static progression for any character one created.  You did the same missions (especially in the formative levels) over, and over again for each new alt.  Now, you have so many different ways to get to L20, that I could literally go a slightly different route for each of my alts!  I have done a few of them, but I am looking forward to doing more in some of the lesser traveled alternatives very soon!  And that is just with the "Hero" content.  Then there is the "CoV" content, and the "Going Rogue" content for new characters.  Lots of choices...

What was no more, is REBORN!


I just had a weird thought, the "Echo" zones have Mobs and NPC in them, at least I think so from when I was Badge hunting. So what would happen if you rolled a new toon and then went to the Initial Contact for your Origin in Echo: Galaxy City? I actually started a few there when I first started playing ( Issue 1.5 ) and recall the missions were completely different from say 1 - 5.

" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

  On 7/3/2019 at 3:59 PM, Abraxus said:

Currently, I have 17 characters so far, with the highest at 48, and the others at various levels from 25 on down.  .


Back in the day.... on Live we would get WoW refugees who would complain about the lack of lots of endgame. In WoW (and many other games) there is a saying that "the game begins at level cap" and leveling is just a boring grind you have to endure to get to the "Real" game of Raiding.


We would explain that 'This game begins at level 1, leveling IS the game." If you rush and PL to 50 expecting the real game to be there, you missed it. What end game there is is just the whipped cream on top of the cake.


Now, about the time AE came out I defected to WoW, then games like Rifts, TERA and SWtOR. I don't think I put an entire 100 hours in this game after about May-June '09. So all of the Going Rogue content and Incarnates is fairly new to me. Which means I not only get to enjoy the game I missed so much, but content that I missed because I had my head stuck in Azeroth.


It wasn't until after it was gone that I realized how much I missed it. I did get to play the final weekend, and finished my 14th lvl 50.


On May 13 I was looking for some information in the SWtOR forums, when I saw a post about the existence of Homecoming. I immediately left... I don't even remember what it was I was looking for. Installed this game, and logged in. My wife was, I think, leveling a WoW character (her story was the same, we did CoX together, we left for WoW together and both missed CoX furiously) heard the Atlas Park theme, spun around in her chair, asked what I was doing... I told her I saw this on the SWtOR forums and was testing to see if this was legitimate. She wouldn't even let me play until I installed it for her, too.


Neither of us has played anything but this game since.


I have 18(?) characters ranging from 22-50, and have to force myself not to continually create more alts, or re-create old characters I miss.


Most of my current characters ARE recreations of my former level 50 characters from the live server.  I absolutely love playing them all again.  Some as they were, some a little different, but all greatly missed, and now reborn!


What was no more, is REBORN!


I play on PuGs when my friends are not around, and with them when they are.  It ends up being about 75% PuG, and 25% Friends.

What was no more, is REBORN!


I have now been touched by the power of a good AE farm.  Yesterday I hit L50.  Today, I decided to do the Mender Ramiel mission to unlock the Alpha slot.  I did all of them solo, except for the last one.  Once I got whupped a couple of times, I figured I was gonna need help.  So, I put out the word, and got two takers.  They made short work of the boss, and the mission ended, Alpha slot unlocked.


However, one of them (a very powerful, Incarnate-laden Corruputer), asked if I wanted him to take me through some AE content, and get another slot, or two open?  I said sure, and a couple of hours later, I had all 5 slots open, 31 Empyrean Merits, over 100 Incarnate threads, and hit Veteran level 3!  I'm not huge on doing AE in order to bypass actually playing the game, but once at 50, I had no problem leaping over a little time, and grinding for Incarnate stuffs.  With all of this treasure, I was able to get myself to Alpha Tier 3, Judgement Tier 2, and Lore Tier 2.  Got the level shift, and started on some Incarnate content. 


Love being back even more now!

What was no more, is REBORN!

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