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The "Purpleside" Initiative


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So. Back on Virtue I had a character named Hardcastle. She was a Brute. SS/Inv and -amazing-. I had her slotted to the 9s with high defenses, high damage, and high resistance to everything. She could not be killed outside of ridiculously overmatched Incarnate Content.


This character had a supergroup. SPEAR. She had friends and allies and we kicked butt from Mercy Island to Grandville. This supergroup was created well before Going Rogue was ever even -announced- and it centered on the idea of a group of heroes fighting crime in the Rogue Isles.


Supers Protecting the Etoille Against Ruin.


We'd run villain content as heroic characters. Our heroes were pretending to be villains in public, but only ever attacked criminal groups like the Goldbrickers or the Circle of Thorns. We saved the Isles (and possibly the world) by fighting the Leviathan and other big threats. Whenever we ran across quest text that didn't support us being heroes, we ignored it or rewrote it.


After all, only the team-leader gets to see what the Quest Text is from the contact. Take Lorenz Ansaldo's arc for example. The first quest? You bust up a Dockworker's Strike. Anyone who supports Labor over the Mafia would hiss and boo.


We rewrote the story as the heroes going in and "Fighting" the strikers with kitten punches and warnings that the Family were coming to gun them down. The cash we got paid to do this little beat 'em up? Handed over to the Dockworkers to support themselves as the strike continued by displaced labor (Workers hiding from killers)


This is something that ANYONE can do, if they're not really that comfortable playing a Supervillain but still want to see the Redside Content. It also -doubles- the amount of Zones your typical "Goodie Two Shoes" RP Hero gets to go to 'cause you just go to the Isles to beat up criminals and retreat to Paragon when you're done!


So get your supergroups together, folks, and join the Purpleside Initiative. Because there's poor Schmucks who were born in the Rogue Isles that are entirely innocent civilians and they don't have heroes around to rescue them!


Be the REAL HERO. Go Red and save the people who need it most!

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I've always played Red side with a hero twist, either "undercover" like you describe or "the long redemption arc" (e.g. Scirocco). I'm just not there yet. I just got my first 50 set up and a few other ALTs well outfitted in the 30s and 40s and then decided to do a completist Gold Side double run first. That will take a while.


Red side was hard on me back in live. But I think the earlier travel power (flight at 4, or even instantly with a little cash at the P2W vendor).. that'll make all the difference in the world. The layout of the isles is physically punishing, but the main problem is that it is just grim in color and scope. Gold side is more of what Red should have been (and Gold should go to 50).


All the teenage black nail polish matching color scheme of ugly is just completely off putting. It depresses me playing it for too long. So I'll never live over there, but I'm coming, you just have to give me time to get my bits together first.

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Svengjuk, Formerly Alice, Empty Man, EM Riptide, Silver Mouse, and many more... SG: Hero Dawn

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Also for the vigilantes and anti-hero types out there that might have pushed things a little too far and were too zealous in 'arresting' bad guys in Paragon City, winding up spending time in The Zig. When the big break out happened they took the opportunity to pretend to be one of the bad guys and escaped. Now they're free and able, even expected to go after bad guys in the isles. The perfect chance to deal with the problem at the source and maybe protect those in most need of help, instead of those grandstanders in Paragon who want a photo op and a parade when they stop a mugging in a whole city full of heroes.

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I'm suggesting two main thrusts, but you offer a third!


1) Undercover heroes.


2) Out and Out heroes of the Isles


3) Villainous Redemption arcs


All three could be ways to help boost the Redside population while still being heroes!


Love this and would totally participate.  Is there a SG i can join, or a channel, or something so I can participate?

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Love this and would totally participate.  Is there a SG i can join, or a channel, or something so I can participate?


OK... you've got me. If anyone from Red side is willing to put the time and energy into setting up an "Undercover Heroes" (I'm not sure my redemption arc concept would fly in this context) or possibly "Vigilante Heroes" (ala Punisher)... Villain Group... I will commit to joining, supporting, and participating in all the Red side content. I'm totally willing to commit two alts to this all the way to 50, playing a couple of nights each week (though I think we should all cover as we can, I can't really schedule which nights I'd play, but I promise to show up that much at least).


Red side wants some love, if we've got people willing to make it happen, I might as well move while the interest is there.



Svengjuk, Formerly Alice, Empty Man, EM Riptide, Silver Mouse, and many more... SG: Hero Dawn

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Dr. Leah Wood was just heading home after a long night in her office at the lab. Endless paperwork and analysis came at the end of every experiment and she was so -close- to the answer, to the truth... And that's when the Council captured her.


She was dragged through the streets of Cap Au Diable, kicking and screaming, pleading for aid, but her friends and neighbors simply shut their windows or turned off the lights as the well armed soldiers walked past. One of the RIPD literally turned around and walked the other way as the soldiers kidnapped a Doctor right from her car, still idling in the distance.


They had wanted her formulas. The had wanted her to provide them with new Super Soldiers. But she refused to cooperate, even to the end. As the barrel of the gun was pressed to her temple and her eyes closed on the tears that streamed down her cheeks, a commotion could be heard toward the front end of the Council Base.


A Hero had rescued the Doctor that day. A rare occurrence in the Isles where one is more likely to be killed or snagged by some villain while in the clutches of another. Where people of hateful miens and violent means fight over scraps and crush the innocent public who hold no power... But no longer.


Dr. Leah Woods invites heroes of the Isles to step forward. Invites heroes of Paragon to cross the Atlantic. She invites you all to join:


The Redeemers!


The Redeemers are a team of Superheroes in the Rogue Isles who fight to save the innocents of the Isles and to redeem those criminals who -can- be redeemed. Dr. Woods acts as the group's Director, both in recruiting superheroes and arranging safe houses, funding for the group's activities, and tracking down criminal activity to direct heroes towards.


Contact me @Steampunkette in game for an invite and interview!

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Contact me @Steampunkette in game for an invite and interview!


My weekend is crazy, but I'm hoping to get in touch with you anyway and join you in this awesomeness. Let's get something started.

Svengjuk, Formerly Alice, Empty Man, EM Riptide, Silver Mouse, and many more... SG: Hero Dawn

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Contact me @Steampunkette in game for an invite and interview!


My weekend is crazy, but I'm hoping to get in touch with you anyway and join you in this awesomeness. Let's get something started.


Due to working evening shifts, my playing hours are a little weird, but count me in too!


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I think I'll reroll Mai Yer, The Tattered Magistrate for the group.


Her story had always been that she had died in a building collapse, and came back with the help of a not-entirely benevolent spirit, and she could control spirits. (She was ill/thermal, but I might do dark/thermal this time. Or maybe something else...I've got to look at the available sets when I get home.)


Being bound the the Isles due to her death would be a good reason to stick to doing heroics there, instead of returning to Paragon. :)


ETA: Ta-da!


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I'd totally be down for it, but my work schedule makes it hard to really organize with a group that operates on "normal" time. I work 4pm - midnight PST, and get tuesdays and wednesdays off, rather than the actual weekend.


Otherwise I'd love to join up. I have tons of characters that would work as a "heroic villain".

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I'd totally be down for it, but my work schedule makes it hard to really organize with a group that operates on "normal" time. I work 4pm - midnight PST, and get tuesdays and wednesdays off, rather than the actual weekend.


Otherwise I'd love to join up. I have tons of characters that would work as a "heroic villain".


Join anyway!


When I'm not working I'm on from morning to night. A lot of people are like that and those of us in the Service Industry or Freelancing or Housewifing or whatever also have erratic playtimes.

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I'd totally be down for it, but my work schedule makes it hard to really organize with a group that operates on "normal" time. I work 4pm - midnight PST, and get tuesdays and wednesdays off, rather than the actual weekend.


Otherwise I'd love to join up. I have tons of characters that would work as a "heroic villain".


Join anyway!


When I'm not working I'm on from morning to night. A lot of people are like that and those of us in the Service Industry or Freelancing or Housewifing or whatever also have erratic playtimes.


Yes, do join. I work 3-11 eastern myself, Tuesday to Saturday (Sunday and Monday is my weekend) and am often on late night or earlier in the day before work.

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Join anyway!


When I'm not working I'm on from morning to night. A lot of people are like that and those of us in the Service Industry or Freelancing or Housewifing or whatever also have erratic playtimes.


Twist my arm, why don'tcha! :)


Most of my "heroic villain" characters are pretty low level at the moment, as I constantly come up with new concepts, make them, play them to like 6-7, then end up going "ooh, but what about THIS concept..." and run off to make another one.


Would the interviews you were mentioning be IC, or OOC, or both?


I have a couple of characters in mind I might wanna "try out" with. :)

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Join anyway!


When I'm not working I'm on from morning to night. A lot of people are like that and those of us in the Service Industry or Freelancing or Housewifing or whatever also have erratic playtimes.


Twist my arm, why don'tcha! :)


Most of my "heroic villain" characters are pretty low level at the moment, as I constantly come up with new concepts, make them, play them to like 6-7, then end up going "ooh, but what about THIS concept..." and run off to make another one.


Would the interviews you were mentioning be IC, or OOC, or both?


I have a couple of characters in mind I might wanna "try out" with. :)


IC and brief!  Dr. Woods is desperate for help.

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IC and brief!  Dr. Woods is desperate for help.


Okay. I'll figure out which of my "heroic" villains would offer to join up, then send an application letter to you either tonight when I get home (if I'm awake enough) or tomorrow morning, and we can figure out a time to get together. :)

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New-ish player. I don't have a level 50 yet. But I've tried Gold Side and Red Side. As a noob who's not familiar with the game and it's content, I found it quite confusing to play redside. While I appreciate that the content is basically a mirror of Blue, my instinct was to attack those who would be considered baddies on blue side. And that throws me off every time I switch toons.


Your purpleside initiative sounds not only very intriguing and interesting, but almost a natural progression that the game "should" have. I would very much like to try, but maybe at a later date when I'm more comfortable with the game mechanics and come up with a playing style that's fit for groups.


I'd like to elaborate on the last bit: I've participated in LFGs and while they're fun and rewarding, they're just a bunch of guys who tear through mobs. That makes them mobs themselves. I'm hoping to find one (again at a later date) that has some semblance of tactics and team work. After all, the SG should be greater than the sum of its parts, right?


Awesome idea. I'll drop a line when I'm no longer a lowbie newbie. =)

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Should chime in here now that I got the forums to work for me that if anyone is looking for redside justice but not necessarily heroics or redemption, you are welcome to check out Blacklight. There aren't many of us, but we'll see if that changes 🙂 Open to coalition as well if you want some rougher justice to complain about ICly!


What is Blacklight? Heroes for the people of the Isles, so long as your definition of heroes is 'protecting the people' and is flexible about things like bombing Longbow(we don't need your condescending help) or chucking Crey experimenters into Coralax filled water and 'accidentally' being followed by wailers into Arachnos bases. The Isles are their home, and they wouldn't have it any other way, but as much freedom as there is, someone needs to keep teaching the lesson that the citizens of the Isles aren't disposable  https://discord.gg/TEDPHV6


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