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The Beam Team


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Would there be any interest in forming up a team full of beam rifle characters and disintegrating all in our path? I really am curious how force multiplier effects of multiple beam toons all feeding each other disintegration procs would play out in game.


I would like to set up something  maybe just a couple hours once or so a month if theres some other people who have and enjoy beam rifle blasters/defenders/sentinels/corruptors and would like to melt enemies into dust particles.


reach me in game @SlimPickens, and leave your globals here if you have some interest in maybe joining in the fun so we can coordinate a time and day that might work for people.



Edited by SlimPickens
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I've got a Time/Beam Defender that I wouldn't mind playing in a team like this.    He's a level 12 now, hero. 




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There can be no defense like elaborate courtesy - E.V. Lucas

My AE arcs:

Ex Machina, the story of the Tin Mage Corps.  Arc ID #11781

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I've got a Time/Beam Defender that I wouldn't mind playing in a team like this.    He's a level 12 now, hero. 




Sounds good, I think for a first run we could just gather everyone together and blast through some type of content appropriate for the lowest lvl in the team to still be able to participate, and then move on to doing some TFs or something. The next few weeks the WST is tarsis and positron 1 which are low lvl so would be easy for any character to qualify to do, so those might be fun starting points for a beam team.

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I would love to get in on this, what day/time are you looking to play.




A couple of you have messaged me in game so with 3-4 now interested just from the forums we might be able to get a full team through LFG advertisement to fill in.


How about we set a time as Monday, July 29 around 5pm PST.


That gives everyone a week to get ready or schedule it in. Im thinking first run we can just do radio missions or something to warm up and then decide if we want to tackle a short TF or something else.


Dont worry if you cant start right at 5 PST, if you work later and wont be on until sometime after that, just let me know in game @SlimPickens and Ill try to save a spot for you. I will send in game messages to those who have shown interest here and sent me messages in game about the team.


Hope to see you all then!

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3 hours ago, aspirationunknown said:

I will try to make that time, it's a bit late for me. I usually head to bed by 7pm EST. I work early mornings.

We could also swap to a weekend day if that works better for everyone, but the weekends are usually filled with hami raids and Itrials etc so most people are pretty busy usually.

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Thanks to everyone who made it out tonight- great showing. 11 people total rotated in and out. With at least 2 more who couldnt make it I think this could be a success for a regular event. We will plan on doing it again in 2 weeks probably on a weekend next time and probably for a TF run.


Recluse got the best of us, so possibly a revenge run on him once we have enough 50s.

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  • 2 weeks later

Alright Beam Team, time to assemble for some more zap zap.


Im hoping we can all get together on Saturday Aug 17 @ 3pm PST/6pm EST to run a strike force (Penelope Yin is weekly ST that week, so thats one option if not enough players are high lvl to do something more towards lvl 50)


Sound off if you can make it and want a spot reserved. We had a great turnout last time and LFG was successful in getting a few more, so I have high hopes we can easily fill out the 8 and if we have more than that we can do a second TF so everyone gets a shot (pun intended)


Anyone on my global send me a tell if you want in, and new people or anyone else interested can email in game or send tells to @SlimPickens


See you then





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On 7/11/2019 at 9:33 AM, SlimPickens said:

beam rifle blasters/defenders/sentinels 

What no corruptors?


I'd be curious to try one as a corruptor or possibly sentinel, I still haven't tried beam rifle nor sentinel.  Any suggestions to secondaries, links to builds?  My availability is always unsure, but can try to make it next time.

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1 hour ago, Justisaur said:

What no corruptors?


I'd be curious to try one as a corruptor or possibly sentinel, I still haven't tried beam rifle nor sentinel.  Any suggestions to secondaries, links to builds?  My availability is always unsure, but can try to make it next time.

corruptors are fully welcome as well- I must have just missed that AT in the original posting, ill edit it in- we had several corrs in the group last time, and the buffs and debuffs from def/corr sure makes the team run smoother.


Anything that has a beam rifle is welcome. just to be clear, and there are no restrictions on builds or level, play what you like as long as the primary or secondary is beam rifle it will fit into the team.

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4 hours ago, biostem said:

Bots MMs' beam rile attacks don't interact with disintegration, do they?  Either way, I'm somewhat interested.  🙂




No I dont think so, this is just focused on the main ATs who have the beam rifle powerset, so bots MM would be excluded unfortunately. 


But feel free to roll up and bring any beam rifle wielding AT if you would like to participate.

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10 minutes ago, SlimPickens said:

No I dont think so, this is just focused on the main ATs who have the beam rifle powerset, so bots MM would be excluded unfortunately. 


But feel free to roll up and bring any beam rifle wielding AT if you would like to participate.


Thank you!  I'm probably going to roll a corruptor.

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Reminder tomorrow aug 17 @ 3pm PST/6pm EST we be beamin'


Looking forward to seeing those of you who have already confirmed, and hoping anyone else whos interested can make it as well.


Depending on what lvls everyones characters are, Im thinking either weekly strike target Yin TF, or a higher lvl TF like maybe market crash or whatever suggestions we get by the group. Something fun, fairly fast, and rewarding.

See you all then!

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  • 1 month later

Its been a little over a month, and Im feeling the need to BEAM.


Ideally enough of the beamers are lvl 50 now that we could jump on a Apex/Tin mage combo and maybe follow up with some other high lvl content like DA story arcs for a better test of the true omega level of the beam team.


If not enough people are lvl 50 we can always do some more exemplar level stuff, its fun no matter what when we get the Beam team together.


Rally up Beamers!

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