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MM pet slotting


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It's an exciting time to be a Mastermind. Being able to slot Recharge Intensive Pet IOs into regular pets, plus the addition of the second MM archetype IO set, can bring even the worst pets to the next level. Regardless of the secondary.


I put together, imo, what the best slotting for MM pets are to maximize their damage and survivability. With endurance gain and a small amount of accuracy (Assuming Tactics is being used and pets are within Supremacy range). I've always liked making the pets the star of the build over the MM himself. The empty slots are for various procs depending on the primary. Let me know what you think, changes that can be made to improve:


For Beasts, Mercs, Ninjas and Bots:


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



For Demons, Zombie and Thugs:


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

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Hello, I'd like to see this. But unfortunately I cannot seem to import the build to mids. I might be doing it wrong, but I tried multiple times. How do I exactly import this text? I click on 'Import from Forum Post'.

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Hello, I'd like to see this. But unfortunately I cannot seem to import the build to mids. I might be doing it wrong, but I tried multiple times. How do I exactly import this text? I click on 'Import from Forum Post'.


It's a Pine's build. Pretty much the same thing as Mids' but it's updated with i25 AT, primaries, secondaries, power pools and IO sets/bonuses. you can download it from here:  https://mega.nz/?fbclid=IwAR0AlGyVbfejioQvgB8E28izGncWrrkMZR712eOxw-mg-tGWGMQu6VlYXg8#!qFEFTCLQ!XkqDAVafa_48bl7xYa0WFkqGNBVDXApSnpm6Keie3e8\

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Hello, I'd like to see this. But unfortunately I cannot seem to import the build to mids. I might be doing it wrong, but I tried multiple times. How do I exactly import this text? I click on 'Import from Forum Post'.

Highlight everything between the dotted lines and copy it. The in mids import from forum post it will load the code in the clipboard from when you copied it.

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Yup, there's 6 "must have" IOs now. Get all 6 and your pets have 35% to all resists and 10% to all defenses except AoE which is 25%, as long as they're within Supremacy range.


Not even counting any resists or defenses they may bring to the party on their own (Such as Protector Bot shields, or Enforcer Maneuvers)

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Defense Auras:

Edict of the Master - 5% Defense(All)

Call to Arms - 5% Defense (All)

Superior Command of the Mastermind - 15% Defense(AoE)


Resistance Auras:

Sovereign Right - 10% Resist(All)

Expedient Reinforcement - 10% Resist(All)

Superior Mark of Supremacy - 15% Resist(All)


You may have been looking at the regular, rather than Superior versions of Command of the Mastermind, and Mark of Supremacy. The Superior versions can only be created by using Enhancement Catalysts on the regular version, and the Superior versions only exist as level 50 IOs.


Obviously if you expect to exemplar down a lot, you might stick with the regular versions.

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Yup, there's 6 "must have" IOs now. Get all 6 and your pets have 35% to all resists and 10% to all defenses except AoE which is 25%, as long as they're within Supremacy range.

I've been thinking on the best way to slot this sorta stuff with a Necro/Kin I want to try, and I'm wondering if for that one, since the Lich doesn't focus on damage much anyway, it might be better to have him have both of the "vanilla" aura procs, but the recharge intensive ones into Soul Extraction, the PBAoE into Grave Knights since they're likely to be closer to the rest of the pets than the Lich is), and the Resist/Regen into the first tier zombies (to spread things out a bit).  Not sure the practicality of it all (even putting cost aside).  I don't have a lot of experience with Necro, though.  What do you (or anyone else) think?

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Have a look at my Ninja/Time/Mace build for an idea of how to leverage the pet protection IOs across all of your summons without sacrificing too many slots (or stat enhancement!) in any one pet type.  Also, don't neglect the option to be able to cover multiple gaps in enhancement values in a 4-slot set arrangement through use of HOs in the remaining 2 slots.  This is especially valuable to do with pets who cast crowd control, which isn't augmented by Pet Damage sets, especially if the pet casts multiple types of mez.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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  • 2 weeks later

I am slotted this way and time so my thugs are softcapped all positions and type yet it’s still far too frustrating trying to deal with missions on +4 or x8. The pets do very little damage now and are constantly wiped out in one aoe.


edit: you are also off on thugs. all of the aura io's go into gang war and you only dedicate enough slots to them for that. no matter how you enhance them, they are weak and do very little damage but they are an excellent place to hold all of these uniques.


overwhelming force goes into call thugs. it has a knockdown chance on each attack and these three can frequently keep bosses flopping forever. you put the new sudden acceleration kb to kd in the bruiser.


frankenslot your bruiser and enforcers with every triple stat pet io (acc/dmg/end) as they both have major end issues even if your secondary is time, kin or rad.


I find the +resist io's give very little value overall as all mm primary pets have very little health and simply can't survive any incoming damage that lands from bosses, eb's or av's if it lands beyond +2. the bruiser doesn't even have 1k health at 50. as an mm you really need to approach it as an sr scrapper/brute and work for defensive softcap. this is why on live the goto secondary for incarnate trials was time, usually paired with thugs or bots.


not to say other combinations didn't complete the content, but it's pretty night and day different how often you are replacing pets and nothing is more annoying to me than replacing pets as fast as the power cools down.

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I am slotted this way and time so my thugs are softcapped all positions and type yet it’s still far too frustrating trying to deal with missions on +4 or x8. The pets do very little damage now and are constantly wiped out in one aoe.


edit: you are also off on thugs. all of the aura io's go into gang war and you only dedicate enough slots to them for that. no matter how you enhance them, they are weak and do very little damage but they are an excellent place to hold all of these uniques.


overwhelming force goes into call thugs. it has a knockdown chance on each attack and these three can frequently keep bosses flopping forever. you put the new sudden acceleration kb to kd in the bruiser.


frankenslot your bruiser and enforcers with every triple stat pet io (acc/dmg/end) as they both have major end issues even if your secondary is time, kin or rad.


I find the +resist io's give very little value overall as all mm primary pets have very little health and simply can't survive any incoming damage that lands from bosses, eb's or av's if it lands beyond +2. the bruiser doesn't even have 1k health at 50. as an mm you really need to approach it as an sr scrapper/brute and work for defensive softcap. this is why on live the goto secondary for incarnate trials was time, usually paired with thugs or bots.


not to say other combinations didn't complete the content, but it's pretty night and day different how often you are replacing pets and nothing is more annoying to me than replacing pets as fast as the power cools down.


My Thugs/Time MM is soloing +4x8 but is level shifted to +1. Also not fighting enemies like Carnies or Malta. Just an S/L farm. What secondary are you using? Do you have Musculature and Hybrid Assault? Without them, the pets damage bonus will be around +80-90%, but with them, around +115-120%.


This is actually somewhat of an old post. Yeh, I know, only 3 weeks old but I've altered each MM primary. Changed the slotting around when discovering the original MM primary pets can now slot IOs that weren't available to them before. Also discovering new IO sets that didn't exist in i23.


This is currently how my thugs are slotted. The empty slot in Enforcers has the Shield Breaker proc; the empty slot in the Bruiser has the Sudden Acceleration KB to KD IO. Every fight is pretty much the same. Power Boost + Farsight, jump in with Time's Juncture to apply -tohit/slow, drop a Distortion Field to hold/slow, and use Time Stop/Slowed Response on bosses. It's not the fastest farmer out there but I'm having no problems clearing.



| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

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are you sure those damage bonuses from incarnates affect pets?


Yes, incarnates effect pets. Top portion of the copy/paste is with no incarnates slotted. Bottom portion has T3 Musculature Alpha, T3 Reactive Interface and T3 Assault Hybrid. You can see the damage increase in my Bruiser's Hurl and KO Blow due to Musculature. Lines that says "Doublehit" is damage done by Hybrid, DoT fire damage is Reactive. Also any line that says "Bonus Smashing damage" is from the Explosive Strike proc.


Bruiser: Bruiser Hurls something handy at Death Mage for 145.08 points of smashing damage!

Bruiser: You have knocked Death Mage off their feet with your Hurl!

Bruiser: Death Mage takes 79.63 points of bonus Smashing damage!

Bruiser: Bruiser pulverizes Death Mage with their Knockout Blow for 315.66 points of smashing damage!

Bruiser: You hold Death Mage with your Knockout Blow!

Bruiser: You have knocked Death Mage off their feet with your Knockout Blow!

Bruiser: Death Mage takes 79.63 points of bonus Smashing damage!

Bruiser: Bruiser pulverizes Death Mage with their Haymaker for 148.7 points of smashing damage!

Bruiser: Bruiser knocks Death Mage off their feet with their Haymaker.

Bruiser: Bruiser shakes the very earth inflicting 132.17 points of smashing damage to Death Mage!

Bruiser: Bruiser shakes the very earth inflicting 132.17 points of smashing damage to Possessed Scientist!

Bruiser: You have knocked Possessed Scientist off their feet with your Foot Stomp!


Bruiser: Bruiser Hurls something handy at Death Mage for 157.09 points of smashing damage!

Bruiser: Your Doublehit hits for 58.47 points of Energy damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Bruiser pulverizes Death Mage with their Knockout Blow for 341.01 points of smashing damage!

Bruiser: You hold Death Mage with your Knockout Blow!

Bruiser: You have knocked Death Mage off their feet with your Knockout Blow!

Bruiser: Death Mage takes 79.63 points of bonus Smashing damage!

Bruiser: Your Doublehit hits for 155.47 points of Energy damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Bruiser hits Death Mage with their Jab for 59.13 points of smashing damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Bruiser hits Death Mage with their Jab for 56.6 points of smashing damage!

Bruiser: Your Doublehit hits for 24.24 points of Energy damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

Bruiser: Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 14.85 points of fire damage!

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So why is it preferred to go frankenslotting with your pets, rather than a full commitment to the two ATO sets and Soulbound Allegiance? What is there to gain from frankenslotting instead going for the most expensive sets and losing out on set bonuses?

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So why is it preferred to go frankenslotting with your pets, rather than a full commitment to the two ATO sets and Soulbound Allegiance? What is there to gain from frankenslotting instead going for the most expensive sets and losing out on set bonuses?


Set bonuses arent super great,though you can still frankenslot and get the 10% recharges from the ATO sets. The special ios increase pet survival A LOT and procs that work on every single power are great (for pets that have access to that).

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it's odd that the +dmg from incarnate is affecting the pets. as far as I know no other +dmg source on you would do that. say for example, the build up proc from the gaussian unique in tactics. or has that changed?

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it's odd that the +dmg from incarnate is affecting the pets. as far as I know no other +dmg source on you would do that. say for example, the build up proc from the gaussian unique in tactics. or has that changed?


The Alpha slot ability is treated as a global enhancement applied to every power capable of benefiting from its effects.  It's not a set bonus or traditional buff.  That's why part of its enhancement value is subject to diminishing returns from ED.


So anything your Alpha affects that could be slotted as an enhancement in a pet affects that pet.


Also, the Interface ability is like a super proc IO that's effectively slotted in every compatible power.  It does grant its proc effects to all of your pets.

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