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General Idiot

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Everything posted by General Idiot

  1. Yeah, for this to fit the mold of a normal pet set you'd need to pick either Dogs of War or Berserk for the level 18 power, move Crack Whip to level 8 and add a second single target attack at level 2. And personally, I don't think I'd want a whip as my weapon for a set like this. Though admittedly I'm not sure what else would work. A bow is the obvious one but ninjas already has the bow. They could recycle some weapon models from the Circle of Thorns and give it a crossbow perhaps, the existing rifle stance and animations from Beam Rifle would at least mostly look right for one so it'd just need the particle FX to be done.
  2. If i recall correctly from the original devs' discussions of how it worked when we first got power customisation, the bright and dark options utilise seperate base textures. One uses additive colours and the other uses subtractive colours but I forget which is which. But only one of those currently exists for costume auras. At a bare minimum they have to duplicate the uncoloured textures for every aura and adjust them to match what's used for dark powers. And then port the code over from powers to costumes which with how spaghetti this game's code is might be a non-trivial task in itself. But in theory it's doable, just potentially a lot more work than it sounds.
  3. Every time they make one of these posts I can't help but wonder how many people go and make a character with the least popular powersets. Was there a sudden surge in sonic/archery defenders today?
  4. My question is, conceptually what does this set offer that just making a power armor costume and taking Invulnerability or Energy Aura or any other set you could conceivably justify doesn't? It's a cool looking set and I actually love the idea o having mutually exclusive armor toggles to let you choose which resistance you have more of for a given fight. Amusingly that's how all toggles used to work at the game's original launch, at first players were limited to one active toggle at a time. But nothing about that mechanical idea says the set -has- to be power armor themed. I'd love to see the set made to have that idea in gameplay but as a more generic set that could work for multiple origins.
  5. I came in expecting this to be a suggestion that zombies should spawn there normally outside of halloween, as a nod to how monster infested the place apparently is during the event. I'm kind of sad it wasn't that.
  6. It's worth noting that the corruptor heal proc being 75% of the defender one is in line with corruptor support powers being 75% strength relative to defenders in general. The proc isn't specifically weaker, it's just obeying archetype modifiers. With that in mind, the fact that it also grants endurance probably actually does justify the lower proc rate.
  7. It's perhaps worth noting that there already is a repeatable mission contact in the Shadow Shard. Three of them, in fact. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/General_Hammond https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Dr._Boyd https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Dr._Huxley There used to be a breadcrumb mission from I think any level 40-44 contact that introduced them, like there was for zones like the Hollows, but it got removed and I think now they're in the find contact window or you can just go and talk to them. That said, those missions are ancient and in need of an update just like the rest of the Shadow Shard.
  8. The function you're looking for already exists in the form of a slash command. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/SuppressCloseFxDist_(Slash_Command) Won't do anything for emotes like Owl Girl was asking and i dont think it suppresses the transparency effect from stealth powers, but it should serve for hiding toggle effects and buffs like ice shields. Though it's worth noting other players will still be able to see them.
  9. For what it's worth, at least one of the other servers out there has this already. Which is largely irrelevant to us given the Homecoming devs' reluctance to work with the other servers but the fact it exists somewhere proves it's possible, at least.
  10. What's funny to me is the Council mobs that turn into werewolves at low health were already a thing prior to the revamp they got. And they've always turned into a werewolf of higher rank too. The only change was extending them up to 50, if I remember rightly. If anything, the only change I'd make to them as they are now is make them turn into same rank werewolves, or at least have the lieutenants respect the no solo bosses difficulty setting and not spawn boss rank werewolves when it's enabled.
  11. If I remember rightly, the oneshot code prevents any single hit from taking you from full health to dead instantly. I believe it also accounts for powers doing multiple damage types, counting both together as one hit even though on screen you'll see two damage numbers. However, it does not stop you from taking a hit for nearly all your health and then being finished off by one or more procs in the power firing, or a DoT inflicted by the same power whether inherently or from an added effect like incarnate Interface.
  12. With there being no mez protection in pvp anymore, all that would result in is fights being decided entirely by whoever gets a hold off first.
  13. PvP in this game has always been and will always be immensely unbalanced, and there have always been combinations of powers that just automatically win and other combinations that are inherently awful and nothing you can do will make them perform. It's the unfortunate consequence of the game never being designed for PvP originally and it being awkwardly bolted onto the side some four issues in, the game's mechanics simply are not conducive to well balanced PvP and especially so in a 1v1 scenario. Personally I'd argue that's true in almost all MMOs but that's perhaps more debatable. Say they do nerf scrapper ninjitsu and/or the epic pool snipes they have access to, all that will happen is those same players you're complaining about will find another power combo that automatically wins vs most things (My uneducated guess would be devices blaster and their similar +damage on the first hit power, but I don't PvP at all.) and you'll be back here again demanding they nerf that too. It would take a complete redesign of the mechanics from the ground up to produce any other outcome, and the devs back on live already tried that once with extremely questionable results.
  14. It's also worth noting that having GMs move and attack random mobs means those random mobs attack back. And enough of them can mean killing the GM fails to give its badge because your team didn't do the 10% of total damage required to get it. It happens sometimes with the war event in Croatoa, if they spawn and get left alone for a while both GMs will just beat on each other endlessly and then regenerate the damage done, but it's still counted in the total damage done so if the've been there long enough it can become impossible to get a badge from them.
  15. According to City of Data, these are the relevent effects of the Peacebringer's Dwarf form. The other three all have similar effects. Set Costume "Kheldian_Dwarf_Peacebringer" (self only) every 1.0s for 2s (100% chance) Set Mode (Suppress_PoolToggles) (self only) for 2s Set Mode (Disable_Walk) (self only) for 2s Set Mode (Peacebringer_Tanker_Mode) (self only) for 2s The first line is the model swap, the other three are enabling and disabling flags so you can only use Dwarf powers while it's active. In theory, removing just the first line would allow the power to still function with all its other effects but not swap your model. In practice, I have no idea if making that line conditional on what power customisation options you have selected in your current costume slot is even possible. Because that'd be what would be required, but as far as I know the costume and power systems are seperate enough that such an interaction can't happen - it's why Arachnos Soldiers are stuck with the crab pack permanently if they have Crab powers on any build, even when they're not in that build. The two systems don't talk to each other at all so it's just forced on all the time. Kheldians would have the same problem, it can't be a customisation option because it's a defined effect of the power. In theory you could do it via Null the Gull instead, have the Gull give you a hidden autopower the same as he does for things like disabling the server tray. Then the form toggles can check for that autopower in their effects and either apply the model swap or not. That'd work but it's not exactly elegant, plus it means you wouldn't be able to have forms on some costumes and not on others which I'm sure someone would want to do.
  16. In theory, yes. In practice, a character's origin is buried so deep in the game's code that attempting to change it at all would be an enormous amount of work because early in development (as in, before the game's original release) origin was meant to affect far more than it ended up affecting. But as a relic of that early development, there are checks all over the place that a character's origin matches what it should be. Finding and removing those in such a way that doing so wouldn't in turn break all sorts of other stuff is technically possible, but so much more work than it sounds like. Something very similar was why we were locked into the first power of our secondary for so long, again there were checks in all sorts of places in the game's code to ensure you had that power. Originally the idea would've been they were sanity checks to prevent a glitch or bad connection at just the wrong moment letting you create an illegal character, but when changing the rules of what makes a character legal they become obstacles that need to be overcome instead. Would I love the devs to prove me wrong and let us change origin somehow? Maybe. I don't think I'd ever do it myself, origin is just that. It's where your character came from, how they came to be a superhero or villain in the first place. It'd be like DC suddenly saying 'oh Superman was never an alien, he was doing magic the whole time somehow' and expecting the fans not to riot. That's enough of a reason not to allow it, in my opinion. Nevermind all the technical stuff too.
  17. Orbital Judgement. Core is the Warburg nuke, Radial is Antimatter's giant space laser from the fight in his trial. Or just make them two seperate ones. Also on the subject of new Judgement powers, one from the old live forums I always liked the name of: Fleet Judgement - an oversized version of Propel that throws an entire ship at something.
  18. Personally, the one and only thing I want out of a Kheldian rework is still giving them mez protection in human form. Every argument I've ever heard against it is invalidated by the fact that the Arachnos epic ATs exist - both of them have the same mix of ranged and melee attacks along with similar survivability and much better team support. Mechanically they do everything a Kheldian can but better, with the sole exception of tanking. Though honestly in all my years playing this game from back on live to here and now, I don't know if I've ever once seen a Kheldian actually tank. That said, I'm not asking for much. The same mag 4 protection soldiers get in their level 1 passives. Argument could be made for mag 6, that being what soldiers have if they take both of said passives. Not enough to make you immune to mez forever, just enough so one random minion tagging you with a single power doesn't lock you into Dwarf for the rest of the fight.
  19. Is that why half the time when you check history for an item it just doesn't load at all, or is that an entirely seperate thing?
  20. More specifically, all enemy groups will drop enhancements fitting their theme. The exception is in incarnate trials, where you'll receive enhancements of your own origin regardless of what you're fighting. Solo incarnate content like dark Astoria might do that too but I'm not sure there. Invention salvage meanwhile is split purely into magic and tech, and groups will drop whichever fits them better. Invention recipes as far as I know are completely random aside from their own rarities.
  21. Personally I just rebound A/D to strafe entirely years ago but that's probably not something everyone would want.
  22. If Super Strength is balanced around Rage, then it follows that the damage it deals with Rage active is considered ok and thus one stack of Rage active without crash should be considered balanced. It's only when having multiple stacks of Rage that it becomes unbalanced in terms of damage output, and the crash is there to discourage stacking it too much because the more you stack it the more time you spend debuffed and doing no damage at all. So I wonder, is it possible to make Rage only crash -if- there's a second stack or more of Rage still active when it expires? That way those who hate the crash could just use one stack and enjoy smashing things with no penalty, while those who enjoy stacking it as high as it'll go and being extra smashy most of the time with periods of no damage in between can continue doing that. Possibly the crash might need to be made slightly more harsh to balance things out but that would only further emphasise the risk/reward playstyle some people enjoy, surely.
  23. A primary set for which archetype? The only existing category the mix of melee and ranged powers you've given fits into is assault, which no archetype gets as primary and only dominators get as secondary. Thus my commentary on control sets, not as secondary effects on these powers but because this set as you've written it would have to be on a dominator. Unless you're actually suggesting a whole new archetype with assault primary, in which case I do wonder what secondary you envisioned for it?
  24. I wonder, would it be too much to ask for these alternate animations to also make their way to Thorny Assault's version of Ripper and Night Widow Training's version of Eviscerate? I asked the same in the main patch notes thread before these ones were up but it makes more sense to ask here, so. Thorny Assault > Ripper as far as I'm aware is a straight copy of the Spines one so that at least in theory should be doable. Night Widow > Eviscerate has a slightly different animation if I remember rightly, the body movement is the same but it includes animated blades that extend from the wrists similar to what Rippper does. That one might be harder?
  25. Seems like an assault set given all the melee attacks and honestly I'd love an assault set with a single pistol for ranged and punching with the other hand for melee. But it does beg the question of what control set could possibly pair with it for your stated concept goal since assault sets are only available to dominators. For the kind of concept you're aiming for it might be better to create a pistol power pool that's just the pistol attacks, or personally I'd make it a ranged version of the fighting pool with three pistol attacks and two defensive powers akin to tough and weave. Though those would likely need to be mutually exclusive with the fighting pool for balance. But then you could add such a pool to a melee AT and have exactly your concept rather than having to fit control powers in somehow. And it could be used for other concepts too, like the military types with assault rifles carrying a sidearm.
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