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Everything posted by FupDup

  1. I can't speak for him, but my guess is that since it's a toggle that means it gets dropped if you get endurance drained or mezz'd, whereas a clicky would persist until its duration expired (or the owner died). As a toggle that also means a slightly higher continuous endurance load that needs to be built around vs. a periodic clicky.
  2. Early today I saw this happen at the end of Belladonna's arc now too, this time with Praetor Sinclair vs. Chimera. Interesting that they used different names that time.
  3. Generally I'd only use flashbacks just to grab a badge/accolade if needed, so not very often. On my first hero and villain toons I did flashback most or all of the arcs available at that time but nowadays I don't spend enough time on each alt to do that. It also makes the leveling up experience more replayable since I can pick different paths for each alt (instead of playing everything with every alt).
  4. In regards to element mixing, Sentinels can take a good swing at that too. You could do something like Storm Blast primary (ice and electric), Stone Armor secondary (stone and fire), and then whatever epic you want (ice, fire, or elec probably but could also mix in some dark/soul if you're feeling spicy).
  5. For Dark Blast I decided to look at the actual numbers in City of Data to illuminate the comparison. T1: Dark Blast Blaster: 62.5615 Sentinel: 61.1712 T2: Gloom Blaster: 13.7635 (DoT) Sentinel: 13.4577 (DoT) T3: Umbral Torrent Blaster: 60.059 (10 targets) Sentinel: 58.7244 (6 targets) T7/T4: Abysmal Gaze Blaster: 44.231 Sentinel: 43.248 T5/T7: Moonbeam vs. Antumbral Beam Blaster: 139.3 base using quick form (had to use Mids for this) but it can vary based on your to-hit bonuses, or 247 slow form, 150ft range Sent: 168.8325 (no variability), 60ft range T6/T5: Tenebrous Tentacles vs. Dark Obliteration Blaster: 8.4458 upfront, 6.2562 DoT, mag 3 immobilize, 40* cone, 10 targets Sentinel: 55.0541, 15ft circular AoE, 10 targets T8: Life Drain Blaster: 102.6009 damage, 120.4759 heal Sentinel: 100.3208 damage, 80.3173 heal T9: Blackstar Blaster: 187.6845 and 62.5615, 25ft radius, 16 targets, 145s recharge Sentinel: 137.8187 entire radius, 56.7669 bonus in 8ft center radius, 20ft radius, 10 targets, 90s recharge So the basic verdicts: Most ST attacks are pretty close, with some only losing a few decimal places of damage. The sniper comparison is murky because of their variability. The self heal is noticeably weaker for some reason. AoE is also murky because Dark Oblit easily stomps Tenebrous Tentacles but Sents have a weaker Umbral Torrent (in terms of target cap). The nukes can be debated because of the tradeoff of more targets and larger alpha strike vs. faster recharge (potential sustained damage edge at the cost of lower alpha strike). However, these numbers fail to consider the impact of Blasters' Defiance buffs as well as Sentinels' Vulnerability buffs. Defiance can vary but Vulnerability is a flat 15% resistance debuff (also debuffs secondary protections to stuff like end drains etc.) that helps everybody on the team. All in all it's probably not going to be a giant difference because the damage gap between the 2 AT's is nowhere near the size that it used to be. Contrary to popular belief, Sentinels do in fact inflict greater damage than a petless Empathy Mastermind built using SO's. Much greater, in fact. I still maintain that if you don't care much for melee and don't want to deal with mezz, Sents will probably tickle your fancy more accurately than Blasters who usually need to take a more "proactive" approach to survival (kill or mezz them before they do the same to you) and have a greater dependence on consumable items to prop up their defenses. Sents can just "stand and deliver" without a care in the world, armor set depending. Speaking of which, knowing what armor sets you'd be interested in would make this comparison easier because some are quite a bit better than others...
  6. Some have said that a Blaster without melee is like a Sentinel without armor, which is at least true in terms of flavor/feel (only one Blaster secondary without melee, compared to a whole bunch of Sent secondaries without melee AND Sents can't pick up melee ST attacks until level 35 and they only get 1 there). Blasters are designed such that their strongest attacks are usually melee. A pure range Blaster isn't going to be kicked off of teams or anything, and can still contribute fine, but it kind of misses the point of the AT (excluding Tac Arrow of course). I have a just a wee bit of a bias here, but I think Sents would fill your intended fantasy (mostly range, mezz protection) more accurately. And Dark Blast is pretty nifty on Sents due to having Dark Oblit as a part of its kit. Also the range gets pretty close if you slot the ATO sets (crappy procs but good set bonuses, similar to Brutes).
  7. This seems to happen in a few other places where there's an enemy that starts neutral/friendly but then respawns as an enemy, without deleting the original one. I reported something similar for Captain Castillo in a Talos story arc.
  8. I've thought of something like this for one new specific AT - A blend of melee, armor, and support sets, with each of those components being condensed down into like 6 or 7 powers each instead of the usual 9 (combining multiple powers together where possible, i.e. Empathy's recovery and regen auras become one aura or mixing S/L armor powers with E/N and/or F/C). And nobody mention Rebirth's Guardian please, I'm talking real melee (i.e. Battle Axe, War Mace, etc.) not assault and I'm talking real armor with stuff like Shield being available. Besides the probable coding nightmare that could be for just one AT, letting anybody do it could have some unforeseen consequences even if we did manage to make the code work.
  9. The minimum hit chance will always be 5% no matter what. Having extra -tohit can help you either reach that 5% point with lower defenses and/or give you a buffer against def debuffs. But it ain't going below 5% ever. Tohit debuffs can be resisted by some enemies (like AVs) so keep that in mind here. For Darkest Night in particular, it does also apply a massive damage debuff to all enemies in the area so it can still help your survival even if your defenses are capped, as well as helping any squishy teammates you might have.
  10. In terms of raw power, FA is a lot more impactful provided that you can spare the blue juice to run it. You could try using it only when you need it rather than keeping it up all the time, but that requires some extra attention paid to it (I am very lazy and inattentive). If you already have other things like Tactics and/or Kismet then there's less need to have it. SC isn't super strong but it's incredibly low maintenance (auto power) and can give you a slight periodic healing effect if you slot Power Transfer in it. It's something that you can just pick up and never have to worry about afterwards. As a lazy person, I like this even if the raw power isn't super high. So really the deciding factor should be how your endurance situation is looking and/or what other accuracy/tohit powers you have picked already.
  11. It took me all of these days to realize that the thread title is actually a pun. The thread title is that Sentinels are a "missed opportunity." Sentinels' inherent is called Opportunity. Get it? Please clap.
  12. According to Mids, the unenhanced values on a Sent are: Brawl: 22.24 Boxing: 61.04 (with Kick trained) Kick: 67.47 (with Boxing trained) Cross Punch: 102 (with both trained) So basically the first two are around the strength of a T1 blast attack, give or take (some of the weaker ones are around 50, most are 60ish). Most T2's are gonna do around 80, with some going up to 100. Cross Punch could be compelling for the self-buffs it gives and holding Force Feedback, but Boxing and Kick seem more like a concept thing rather than a powerful choice in terms of meta/statistics. Epic pools are where you get a real ST melee attack, but only one (and usually a PBAOE too, depending on the pool).
  13. Body Mastery (Superior Conditioning + Physical Perfection) would be nice for QOL on builds that want to stack leadership toggles (extra blue bar sustain). And they'd also improve green bar sustain too if you slot them with Power Transfer, so double whammy. The pool fits their theme perfectly, being pretty much an extension of their inherent trait Conditioning.
  14. I said 'armored' melee. Blasters are largely melee but they're not armored. As for tweaks, it's hard to comment on that without the raw details but I do still stand by the concept/playstyle of range/armor here. Even if we got altered assault sets that got nukes added, it wouldn't hit the same fantasy as a character like War Machine or Iron Man like it currently does. I'd rather work with the design we've got now, like for example increasing their HP/defensive stats up to Scrapper par to amplify the survival difference between Blasters and Sents (which is currently smaller than it should be IMO).
  15. I mean...Sents do literally have a lower HP cap than Scrappers and lower defensive modifiers, meaning they often need to work harder in terms of IO building to plug their holes. But on the flipside, some armor sets like Invuln and SR get some huge advantages on Sents over their other variants. So it's a mixed bag.
  16. Assault sets in practice are mostly melee because that's where your most damaging attacks usually are, so basically you've just made an alternate Scrapper. Especially since Scrappers themselves can already pick up several ranged attacks in epic pools, which can get pretty close to playing like an "assault" build. Or heck, some Sent primaries mixed with some melee epics can also be pretty Assaulty. And since Blasters themselves are pretty much an assault AT already (their "secondaries" are their real primaries most of the time), you've not increased their differentiation from Blasters either. You'd also lose nukes, which is kind of a big thing to give up even with the adjustments that Sent nukes have (faster but weaker nuke is better than no nuke at all). You'd lose some existing themes like Beam, Storm, and Pistols but gain Savage and Martial I guess. Range/Armor was a largely nonexistent playstyle/niche on the live server, hence why Sents exist now. The execution of that concept has some kinks to work out, but the concept is what's important here. We don't need a fifth armored melee AT. We probably don't even need four of them. The most I'd accept is adding another melee attack to every Sent epic pool for those who want this playstyle, but I'll cling to the only range/armor AT in the game with my cold, dead hands. My pipe dream would be to lean into the range thing even more by offering replacements to all existing PBAOE's in Sent primaries and secondaries with ranged equivalents, but still allowing people to pick the old ones (like Sent SR does) for those who want them.
  17. The super tall Council guys at least make sense because they're chemically enhanced super soldiers. Crab Spiders have the excuse of very heavy and bulky armor, possible super soldier enhancements too. Average thugs on the other hand...yeah they really shouldn't be so tall. Being 6"5 feels like a dwarf sometimes in this game.
  18. Usually granola bars, nuts, fruit snacks...small easy stuff that isn't too messy.
  19. Sent regen is definitely not getting ported because the devs have stated that they won't consider ANY amount of absorb in any regen revamp, not even the tiny amount that Sent Regen currently gets. And they'd even take it away from Sents too if the powerset ever got touched on other ATs. Besides the absorb part, we'd run into the whole "cottage rule" issue pretty hard just like Beanbag did. A lot of people really like the current design (clickiness) of Regen on non-Sents and they would raise quite a stink if that element ever got alleviated. So the best we can really do is try to give it buffs to the existing design paradigm and hope that they don't crush the Sentinel variant too hard when they decided to homogenize it to match the others.
  20. I don't think it was meant to be taken literally. "Selling your soul" is a common expression for paying a high price for something, it doesn't necessarily involve actual soul exchanges. But I wouldn't complain about an extra dialogue option.
  21. Besides the obvious "I'm thankful that the game is back" thing, I'm also thankful that Sentinels exist. The number tweaking isn't perfect on them, but the concept and playstyle of ranged blast with armor was a gigantic gaping hole in the live game. And since I tend to drift towards "jack of all trades" characters like S76 in Overwatch, The Soldier in TF2, or medium/heavy mechs in Mechwarrior, they fit like a glove. EDIT: And I almost forgot to mention that I'm very thankful for the progression/economy being "unfucked" here on HC. Live had good moment to moment gameplay but the grind was horrendous, as if it were designed by Westin Phipps himself to inflict maximum cruelty.
  22. I'd be completely fine with improving the existing fighting synergy effects of the power, but it's important to point out that Brawl's role in the power roster is just to help you make do at very early levels (like the ranged origin powers) while you're still filling out your attack chains and it gives you something to do when you've got literally 0 endurance left. A primary/secondary damage set like TW is supposed to outperform it, and by more than just a small margin. However, adding increased damage to the fighting synergy effects would still be useful for ATs that might lack proper damage sets or have ranged sets by default and want to spend more time throwing hands instead.
  23. FupDup


    Without a Mid's downloadable link, the first thing that comes to mind is that Dual Wield can be swapped for Pistols because the latter has a higher DPA. Having a total of 5 ST attacks might also be a little redundant.
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