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Everything posted by PaxArcana

  1. Those drag-and-drop are single aspect commands. If you've given the henchmen a command to GOTO a certain point ... clicking that "All Defensive" button won't make them start following you, they'll still be on that GOTO positional aspect.
  2. I could run in, slap an Aid Other on a pet, then run back ... something like TWICE, for every one use of Repair. At least. Repair as it stands is the next thing to useless.
  3. I don't know about "more effective", but, Aid Other certainly has a much faster recharge time.
  4. It's not whether it's impossible. It's whether or not it breaks other things badly enough to not be worth doing.
  5. The mission scales improperly, that's why. A Lieutenant is +1 to you, even at even level. So a Lieutenant who is one level higher than you, cons as Orange, a.k.a. "+2 to me".
  6. IIRC, most of my characters I've put through that arc have had to go to -1/x0, or else, leave the mission alone for a level or two.
  7. Proton is probably the number-crunching "nerd" stereotype. and Twinshot's likely the "social butterfly"/"Popular Girl" who knows everyone, everywhere, and is just SO very amazingly cool. 😄
  8. Once, Regeneration was godlike. Then some people whinged. Then the Devs "tweaked" it into mediocrity. 😢
  9. Except, if you look at a map of Paragon ... the zones don't border directly on each other that way, Bentley.
  10. (Not really, but, this is too appropriate a laugh not to post it ... 😄 😄 😄)
  11. This would still require a great deal of intense work. Because, you see, there isn't anything on the other side of the War Walls. Not even empty land. Just a fairly basic skybox. To make it work like the boundaries in, say, a Mayhem mission (those blue force-fields you mentioned), the dev team would have to actually model something for you to see, on the other side of the force-field.
  12. Fair enough point. One or two new slots would have made a nice reward for Veteran Level 100, though. 🙂
  13. The answer to the OP's question is: A TOTAL GROUND-UP REWRITE OF THE ENTIRE GAME. Every line of code. No exceptions. Welcome to City of Heroes II ...! Seriously, that's what it would take.
  14. Well, I'd like to see it possible without a respec being necessary. 🙂
  15. ... they absolutely will.
  16. Some way to get a very few extra slots -- not "more than six in one power", just, a handful you can put in the very last power you pick, enough to let you get to 5 or 6 slots in it -- would be something I could support.
  17. I think @GM Capocollo was primarily speaking about THIS thread, and, about the general tendency towards Appeals to Motive that all too often come into play in hotly-contested Suggestions threads. I interpreted his (her?) post as saying that we should discuss the merits of an idea, not why X person had that idea. It seems to me, too, that many - not all, but many - of the people in that thread did over-react, on both sides of the debate. I'm guilty of that myself, in fact. ... wow. And I thought I had a severe problem misreading the worst into people's posts ... 🤯 Dude(tte), no. Just, no. JB was allowing for the possibility that you grew up in a culture different from that of the U.S. Nothing more, nothing less. Balderdash. You called for rules forbidding certain kinds of threads. That is the very definition of censorship: forbidding certain topics or subjects from being discussed. The problem comes when someone's motives become the fulcrum of opposition to their idea, without first showing that the idea is bad; it's a logical fallacy called Bulverism. In the words of the man who coined the name for that behavior, C.S. Lewis: "Suppose I think, after doing my accounts, that I have a large balance at the bank. And suppose you want to find out whether this belief of mine is "wishful thinking." You can never come to any conclusion by examining my psychological condition. Your only chance of finding out is to sit down and work through the sum yourself. When you have checked my figures, then, and then only, will you know whether I have that balance or not. If you find my arithmetic correct, then no amount of vapouring about my psychological condition can be anything but a waste of time. If you find my arithmetic wrong, then it may be relevant to explain psychologically how I came to be so bad at my arithmetic, and the doctrine of the concealed wish will become relevant—but only after you have yourself done the sum and discovered me to be wrong on purely arithmetical grounds. It is the same with all thinking and all systems of thought. If you try to find out which are tainted by speculating about the wishes of the thinkers, you are merely making a fool of yourself. You must first find out on purely logical grounds which of them do, in fact, break down as arguments. Afterwards, if you like, go on and discover the psychological causes of the error."
  18. This thread is nerf-herding. It's trying to nerf open debate and discussion on this forum. By it's own logic, it should be banned.
  19. Well, at least now we know the Server-Hamsters are all well fed, right? 😄 😄
  20. ... GODS YES. I recently logged on to CO for the first time in something like eight or more years (and boy, was that Lifetime Subscription a horrible mistake ...) ... and I was just flabberghasted at how bad everything looked. But it's not just that CO hasn't aged well. The character I logged on to, Patriot, was created as a middle-school boy with super-strength and invulnerability. When I made him, I kept his build very slim - he's supposed to be 13 or 14, and not a particularly athletic kid either. But ... what showed up on the screen looked .... thick? Not exactly squat, but no longer the slim kid I'd built him to be. NFC what the heck was wrong, and don't care to figure it out and fix it (not like I'll ever PLAY the damned game again, ugh). But there's definitely something going on, other than aging poorly.
  21. Endless Space 2 is also quite good, IMO.
  22. Uh-oh. You're hooked, now! 😄 Just wait until you see some of their sale prices - especially in their big Seasonal sales. Next one should be coming up this month, I think. If they do a Fall sale this year, anyway.
  23. Major Kusanagi Motoko? Sentinel. DP/WP or DP/Nin, with Stealth and Fighting pools. No travel power - Ninja Run and Combat Jumping, instead.
  24. Less about the computer, and more about the ISP, I think. I remember dialup. ... Hell, I remember _AOL_ dialup ...!
  25. +1 I occasionally like making adolescent characters. Getting their body proportions right - other than just "shorter than adults" - is a challenge. Being able to save a slider preset would be absolutely awesome.
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