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About Snakebit

  • Birthday 01/01/1969

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  1. You can unpublish and then delete. I did this a few nights ago, but I can't remember exactly what buttons. Look around, it is doable.
  2. I think instanced mini raids on the MS that a team of 8 competent players can run in 40-50 minutes would be great. Like a focused incursion, where you run a door mission loaded with ambush glowies guarding a teleporter to the bowl. You fend off timed raids for a while, set a bomb and teleport back into another door instance to fight your way back to VG HQ. That could be awesome.
  3. Please don't change storm blast. It's an amazing set. If you want burst damage, go with a burst damage set. 1) Storm cell too slow. Hello, recast? Takes too long to cast.. whatever. Just click and go. 2) Doesn't do enough damage? Why not? I can solo anything my scrappers can solo. What's the problem? 3) everything wasted when on teams.. just like every other powerset. Nothing carries a team, why should storm be the set that does? Whoever made this set did it right.
  4. Warrior Masterminds that summon thugs.
  5. I love elec/shield scrapping. The impact of the set is tremendous even though it's actually very lackluster in sustained ST fights. I use the telenukes with spring attack -recharge and crosspunch -recharge so I can drop them about every 16-17 seconds. It's terrible against AV's and EBs, but at least it's fun to watch. And squashing entire spawns is just always worth it. I liked stone/ice tanking back in the day for the same reason. Incredible at making everything gather around and flop, but it takes minutes to clear a spawn. Feelz over reelz. Also, storm/storm blasting on a corruptor. That is seriously fun even though it trades burst damage for sustained dot. I love that combo though. It's hard not to feel powerful when you pin a whole spawn into a corner and just melt it.
  6. Miss Megahertz - elec/shield scrapper. All time favorite. Spawns are like bugs on a windshield. Mary Queen of Scotch - necro/dark MM Ogrebane - Bio/MA tank Sidesaddle - fire/fire dom
  7. It’s always the same people, and they are all associated with a different server. One of the moderators is a dev on that other server and is involved in the drama quite often, and they enforce the no-drama rule only when it suits them. A recent thread from a couple of weeks ago is proof positive.
  8. You out-level SOs as you level, forcing you to buy and combine every 4 levels. That gets pretty expensive in terms of both inf and time sink. Once you slot an IO, it continues to provide its effectiveness no matter what level you are. A 25 IO provides the same benefit to a level 50 as it does a level 25. Yes, a level 25 IO has a smaller bonus than a level 25 SO, but the amount is not noticeable in actual gameplay. So, you can slot everything at 22. You never change them again until you are ready to start your final build, saving you a ton of inf. Around level 35 you might consider upgrading some of the slots to 35s in critical powers, that's the break even point between IO and SO bonus.
  9. Snakebit


    This got my attention in another thread, I'm looking for a tank to play. I haven't played a tank since live, I haven't played martial ever. I have played Bio on a spines scrapper. Could a kind soul share a build with midrange slotting, say 150m, or what it would take to reliably tank KM ITFs at +4 1*?
  10. Maybe a tiered accolade, with the biggest benefit being at the lower levels. Say an accolade for 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, with a Master of Accolade that gives you a buff to vanguard merits or a click power that gives you a small drop rate buff for an hour with a two hour recharge. But maybe not, maybe just keep a buff to patrol xp since that will net Empyreon Merits faster.
  11. Facts. There was a time when door missions didn't have a bonus, and the downtime with travelling across multiple zones to get to a door mission made street sweeping the preferred method for xp gain. You could get on a team in minutes, but if you wanted to do missions, you'd wait. The day they patched in end-of-mission rewards, street sweeping died forever. I could see a mission from a contact that required you to enter an open zone, say Terra Volta. If you zone or leave your team, mission fail. If you stay on the team for the duration of the mission (let's spitball 30m) and defeat the required number of mobs, you get a mission bonus same as a door mission, plus an appropriate amount of patrol xp. Say, a full bubble. Run 10 of these in the same zone, you get a badge. Collect 10 badges like this, get an accolade that grants a buff to your offline patrol xp. I'd run the hell out of that.
  12. Nah. Storm is chock full of AOE love, and CB is my happy place for ST blasting. But I would like to see something useful done with /storm Thunderclap (along with all other mag2 aoe stuns)
  13. Here's my suggestion.. base cost range cast time recharge all stay the same. When the power is activated, it rolls to check on each mob in range on a proc for kd. Each mob hit rolls again to chain it to 80% one mob 20% two mobs. It can't chain outside the radius of the power (25ft). Each mob can get proc'd 2x, after that they resist any more incoming chains, so potentially you could proc a spawn into kd ragdoll 2x over a long period where there is time for them to attack or move in between the bounces. Chaotic? Check. Thematic? check. Useful? check.
  14. Supergroups didn't exist on live to earn prestige or IOPS or anything else. They existed for community. I was part of RO and Pinball Wizards for quite a while, and I don't recall anyone ever saying "hey, let's do a raid" or "hey, we need everyone in mode this weekend, we're low on prestige". I belonged to several other SGs with capped memberships. Again, never once was asked to run in SG, never once did a raid or IOP, never once did anything remotely related to the mechanics of SG gameplay. I logged in, checked gfriends, checked server friends, checked SG lists, invited or asked for invites. The only difference in HC is that I can build MY OWN base with MY STUFF the I WANT and still check gfriends, server friends, ask for or send invites. The only thing SCORE has done is to give me a time sink that doesn't involve swatting mobs. (which I thank them for).
  15. Yes please. I can't count how many times I have accidentally converted out-of-type because of this.
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