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Everything posted by rookery.

  1. *poofs into existence* *flutters over to the breakfast machines and pushes a few buttons* "I think it's time for waffles this morning, chocolate chip waffles to be more precise." A ping and a couple of piping hot waffles with melty chocolate chips pops out of the machine. For a moment, nothing happens then with trepedation, the sound of air releasing as a huge dollop of whipped cream is applied to the waffles. "THERE YA GO!" *grabs the waffle plate and saunters over to a FBBC while looking at newspaper* *reads headline* "Local faerie creature reaches maximum security clearance, claims, "I didn't know drowning things was wrong!" "City says will give Incarnate abilities anyways." *nods and goes back to waffles.* Good Morning everyone!
  2. Layer cake room rage is a common symptom. It goes along with debt.
  3. *poofs into existence and falls face first into a bean bag chair* So I was playing around with macro n cheese last night instead of apprehending bad guys and I found out you cannot trigger two animations in a single macro. I am Le Sad. I was hoping to have Abigail be able to transform into some howling horrible thing with her two dark toggle powers but both have animations so it would only do the one. SO I made two animation buttons unneeded but in doing so, hitting one so close to the other, actually cancels the smoke effect from the other one. At least until I go in mission. It was quite odd. I think I was breaking COH a little. *sheepish* Anyways, how is everyone this morning? Halfway done with mah steroids so yay! F U Bronchitis! *pours some OJ in a frosty mug and watches the sun come up* *watches a bird take wing* *hears faint music somewhere* I think I am in a commercial. :o
  4. Sir, it appears to be trying to communicate but it is not any known dialect on record. Should we try to hail them? Negative Uhuru, disregard and place a warning beacon that the planet is quarantined. Scotty, warp 12 anywhere.
  5. *poofs into existence* I thought so... *noms on a donut and holds out a box for everyone else. Ignore the holes in the creme filled ones. I had to check what flavor they were before I got one. *hangs a sign out on the front window saying "ALL ARE WELCOME"*
  6. *poofs into existence* *turns on the pamcake machine* *shines medal on chest indicating 'Bestest Data Mapper Person* I HAVE been trained. Although in five months when I need the training I will have likely forgotten it. *shrugs* I was given a mandate by 'teh dog' to get Abigail some training, specifically 35 levels worth of it. By the time they got back. Almost got Nixie to 50, like 48.6 as of last night. She got distracted by meeting a cookie witch. But man I swear I have missed so much content...I can't remember, can I exemp down to do content or is my only option Ouro? On the other front, maybe I should buy a ostritch for the place? *jumps in the purple FBBC and zooms around the place*
  7. *poofs into existence, feathers askew* Sorry haven't been around....training...oooh *reads Wonderland description* I like that. That is good. Thanks Neko! *turns on the waffle machine* Gotta go again. *poofs out of existence*
  8. My water storm defender is now 45 so I'm getting closer
  9. Pogo. have you been playing? Send you a text on globals. Least I assume you are @pogoman
  10. That was a nice quick and dirty TF. Enjoyed it immensely.
  11. *poofs into existence* Let's see.... blueberry waffles this morning. And some bacon and scrambled eggs. It might be the end of the world but at least I'll go out well fed. *hums a tiny tune wandering around the place which sounds a lot like 'This is Halloween' from Nightmare Before Christmas. On unrelated news, I got Nixie up to level 45. Woooo!
  12. My positive interactions greatly outweigh the negative so I am good. The minor have been someone trolling the help channel and someone who just recently booted me from a team with a response AFTER the booting. Rude but whatever, I moved on. Outside of that, it's been great. Helpful folks, people who like or tolerate your RP. Mostly just people who are happy to been somewhere that they loved to go and can now go back to.
  13. I remember one of the comics everyone was threatening to eat each other or to rip people open like a can of beans. I think the writers must have been hungry on that issue.
  14. I was surprised he wasn't taken but I snagged Obscene Jester last night. That's my only pun character name i can think of. Anna Moon is an Egyptian mummy princess and her name is short for Anaksunamun. Might change her name to Anna K. Sunnymoon if itll fit.
  15. *poofs into existence* *flops into the waiting Purple FBBC* Hells yeah. Somedays I do. But its over now. I r have been trained. Weeeeee! *rolls eyes* Now I need a drink and a donuts and to kill some goons. I got to pretend to be Obscene Jester last night. Woooooo! There is something wrong with that guy. Anna got to have a brief convo with Detra some last night. She's ACES! Anyways, how is everyone here?
  16. *poofs into existence* *hugs Neko and Detra* *grabs a slice of cold COLD pizza* *waves* Work! Welcome back Detra! *poofs out of existence*
  17. Yah I saw Toxic Masculinity running around last week on Everlasting. I have an idea for one but I'm not gonna say cause someone will take it. I just know it.
  18. My late Saturday DnD game got cancelled so I'm definitely free tomorrow night.
  19. *poofs into existence* *looks around* Oddly enough my last post didn't post. *harumphs* Harumph Anyways I would be totally down with some Hollows teamups this weekend. If ya see me on, just let me know. *sneaks a cookie from Becky.
  20. Im on page three of characters. I have heard there are peeps on page four. Are you having fun, then don't worry about it.
  21. Welcome to Paragon City. DOn't feel overwhelmed when you first gt in. There is a lot to kind of pick up. DO read those mission intros. DO use the Help channel in game to ask. You should get a response if folks know the answer. I highly recommend the Twinshot missions as they give you a good background for what you can do and where you can go. I also highly recommend making a scrapper or a brute or blaster for ease of play. Just to get your feet wet. Kheldians and masterminds are kinda out there. Just a recommendation though. If you develop altitis I'm sure you'll have plenty of khelds and mms. Have a blast!
  22. That is much better. Thanks
  23. Apparition, that is a nice forum setup. Thank you! Might I suggest lightening it or a color pallette change? While dark dark is great for a corrupter, its tough for old eyes to read.
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