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Everything posted by DR_Mechano

  1. Yeah it is kind of unfortunate that the way CO freeform works is that you normally pick 1 energy builder, 1 single target attack and 1 AoE attack and that's your entire attack change. There were some really cool powers that I wish we could replicate in CoH. My favorite was always the Orbital Strike Cannon which in it's base form had a really cool buildup of a large targeting reticle slowly focusing in around the mob and then suddenly a massive blast came down dealing huge damage. However whilst that was awesome it was the 'Anvil of Dawn' (a clear play on the Hammer of Dawn from Gears of War) advantage that turned it into this huge tracking beam (it followed the mob targeted) of energy that not only dealt the huge blast damage but also large Damage over time in an area. Unfortunately the fact it had a very long wind up along with, at least back then, a fairly sizeable cooldown, meant it was basically junk as an AoE power since it couldn't be spammed. The other advantage was the 'size growth on Enrage' one which let your character get bigger and bigger the more stacks of enrage you had until you could have a character who towered over everyone else in combat.
  2. When playing CO the FIRST thing I would do on making a new character would always be to shorten the arms because of this. Mind you in CoH the first thing I do on female characters is shorten the legs because I swear the leg proportions are off in CoH, especially if you make a max height female character it feels like they become 80% leg.
  3. Those are the Imperial Defense gloves if I'm not mistaken.
  4. So decided to make a Necro/Rad MM and went with something a little different sort of a fairy tale Evil Queen look, wondering what you guys thought.
  5. When of my many character concepts was one based on USS Enterprise from Azur lane. Her drones were Hellcat, Wildcat and Bearcat (all naval fighters). Her Protector bots were Dauntless and Helldiver (both dive bombers) and her Assault Bot was USS Farragut (Destroyer ship)
  6. The funny thing is. Here in the UK it's actually the PEOPLE that are treating the situation as kind of a joke. Namely why the hell people are buying literally two years worth of toilet paper when the Virus has virtually no symptoms that would require that much. In fact the general consensus is 'do the basics (if you show symptoms self isolate, carry tissues with you, try not to gather in large numbers), otherwise keep going about your day to day business'. It also helps that I have a sister who works in the medical field and actually HAS the data that was gotten from Italy (who is about a month ahead of us in terms of infection) and all the data points to 'a stronger, more virulent flu that unlike regular flu is actually stable(the reason the flu can't be cured is it's one of those viruses that constantly mutates making it impossible to properly vaccinate against) which means it can probably be actually vaccinated against' that is a danger to the Elderly (which are at danger from REGULAR flu as well) and people with heart problems (also at danger from regular flu). The media is doing its absolute best to blow the whole thing massively out of proportion. Proclaiming the Coronavirus as though it was the next black death. The situation IS a joke, it's all media hype making a situation out to be MUCH worse than it is...so you know what...you being all "oh it's so bad..", no, you don't get to do that, not for a situation like this. Treat the situation with the level of dignity it deserves and you know what...this doesn't deserve ANY, it's a joke. "Oh but people have died" the REGULAR flu has already killed more people this winter season among those at danger groups than Corona has by order of magnitude SO MASSIVE that it boggles the mind. Yet people are free to laugh and joke about that...so yeah...screw your "I'm so offended" act, god damn get over yourself. I lost my Granddad to the flu (Pneumonia, which is what the flu becomes when it progresses when it hits the elderly who can't fight it off) but you don't see me acting offended when people make jokes about it.
  7. I personally have no experience with Crabbermind builds, I'd suggest asking in the Widow/SoA section of the forums I'm sure someone will be able to help with a high end build for it.
  8. No there isn't anything like the RP addons like TRP you get in WoW. Mainly because you can use the description box to give a description (it's only 1000 characters but you make do with what you can) unlike in WoW where there is no ingame option to detail things. If you need to write something longer most will just use the Virtueverse wiki to provide major details and provide a link to VV in the description box.
  9. Yeah I've still not managed to beat old Lord Recluse with the towers up. I know people have done it but I can't seem to get it to work in my three attempts so far.
  10. Dr Aeon was the first AV in the MsLTF where I would recommend splashing some cash and getting an 'ultimate' insp (which boosts your combat level by 1 during combat) and bringing in a truckload of large purples and large oranges. This is what I had to do in order to bring him down on my TW/Bio scrapper. Recluse I've still not bested, managed the four AVs but Recluse is a massive pain in the arse and I keep getting blasted by him when Solo.
  11. Definitely the two stalker procs. Despite someone upthread putting them in 'middle tier' the two Stalker ATO procs are massive game changers for Stalkers. Chance for Hide in AS effectively removes the need for placate as a clunky way of getting a second hard hitting power from stealth and has pushed Stalkers from 'middling' to 'seriously good' in the single target. The global chance for Build up to recharge is also nifty, sometimes proccing enough that you can stack build up 3 times in a row for a stupidly heavy hit (if the mob has survived that long).
  12. This is a known issue with all ranged only controller pets and thankfully the Phantasm etc. will be looked at 'soon' to be updated to have the new and improved Ranged AI (that the HC devs implemented) that the ranged MM pets got.
  13. Oooh I would love for Crab Spiders to get the Meat Doctor packback as an option as well if there were at all possible, completely forgot about them. Still it's a lot of work for not a huge amount of gain (even if that gain is 'opening up Crab spider to be a lot more different concepts')
  14. I'm just curious if the Arachnoid legs that they use it a wholesale model change simply using the skeleton of the Crab Spider backpack or is it simply a 'retexturing'? If it's a simple retexturing then I would love to get that texture as an option for Crab Spiders, would further allow for more player customization. Admittedly this would probably require digging through the files and finding the Arachnoid model, stripping out the textures and modifying the textures to be usable by players. If, however, it's a bit more advanced than that and is actually a more major model change then obvious that's not going to be an option. If we could I'd also like to see the Arachnoid faces as options for males and the Regent Korol face as an option for females...but I think that would take a LOT more work.
  15. Sadly I don't have a build to hand but I'm sure someone in the VEAT forums would be more than willing to part with a high DPS crab build.
  16. For SoA Crabbermind (pet focused Crab build) is pretty much the best Solo at level 50. Tons of Pets, Tons of AoE and also currently putting out the best pylon DPS times (even beating TW/Bio scrappers) with sub 1 minute times. They cost a LOT to IO out but once they're IO'd out and fully incarnated there isn't much that stands up to a Crabbermind.
  17. AoE defense is VERY easy to get. 5 slotting Aegis gives you about 6.5% AoE defense. 6 slotting one of the winter sets gives you 7.5% AoE defense (can't remember which one specifically it is but it has +5% AoE defense/2.5% fire Defense as it's 5 piece bonus and +5% Fire def/+2.5% AoE defense as its 6 slot) so 1 5 slot of Aegis, 1 6 slot of that Winter IO and slapping in both the +def res uniques gives you 3%+3%+6.5%+7.5% = 20% defense just from that alone. If you've taken Weave, Combat Jumping/Hover and Maneuvers (which you should do for the LotG: +Global recharge proc if nothing else) with minimal slotting (LotG unqiue, 1 def set IO, 1 def/end set io of the same set for the 2 slot bonuses or if you don't care about the bonuses or end redux 2 def set ios). On a blaster that is 11.6% defense from those alone. Combine the two sets of things and you have 31.6% AoE defense and that's if you have no other +def options and makes 12.8% with the Agility Paragon incarnate (if you're really going balls deep for recharge bonuses) so 33.4% defense with that. 1 more 5 slot of Aegis puts you at 40% AoE defense plus there are a plethora of other options. Meanwhile there are VERY few E/N resist bonuses and is actually one of the harder resist to build for yet energy is far more common than fire/cold in PvE.
  18. Wait is that and Android Kikaider homage costume? Don't think I don't see what you're doing...
  19. The funny thing is, and I can personally atest to this. TW/Bio scrappers don't NEED envenomed dagger or -regen. They output such a ridiculous amount of damage that they flat out just beat AV regen rates. Considering my TW/Bio scrapper has gone up against level 54 AVs without those temp powers and just blasted through them is kind of ridiculous but very fun. If you're dead set on soloing GMs. Slap in the Longbow Cataphract lore pet for that sweet, sweet -250% regen AND throw envenomed daggers at it.
  20. It's tied with Howling Twilight BUT it is outdone by one single power. Poison Trap from Traps which gives -1000% regen. ill/Rad is still one of the AV killing kings for Controllers. Others may be able to challenge it these days but /Rad is putting up a solid fight. Plus AM is a +30% recharge buff. Also unlike a lot of other powersets all your 'big hitters' don't require heavy slotting AND you get them by level 20.
  21. Yes because on Bane Venom grenade and frag grenade come from the gun while Crowd Control uses the mace. This causes a gap in the attack chain because you have to redraw from Gun to mace, which doesn't make the attack seamless since there's a good 1 second pause between the two whilst you redraw your mace. Also nobody is arguing that banes need to be buffed NOW! We're talking about future buffs that could be implemented for Banes. Just because people are talking about things doesn't mean we're going to see the devs suddenly drop everything to focus on buffing Banes. Also Melee Bane is a playstyle that isn't unique to Bane Spiders. It is basically a War Mace/SR stalker (which since Stalkers don't get War Mace, it's nearest comparison is BS/SR stalkers, they operate roughly the same). Crab Spider offers versatile builds with various options and doesn't posses the redraw problem plus everything a Bane can do, a Crab can do just as well if not better. Night Widow and Fortunata also offer unique hybrid playstyles that are a mix of various ATs. Bane if it's not Huntsman, tends to have problems with mixing it ranged and melee since it redraws constantly between the two AND it's 'crit from hide' mechanic only helps melee.
  22. Did you not see that I specifically said 'MELEE' Bane. Also...so you're arguing against buffs for Banes? Even if it's a secondary gimmick like 'range attacks can crit from hide'. I mean sure...whatever man, I'd say you're definitely outnumbered by people looking to do something to buff banes overall. Also that attack change is not 'seamless' you have to go through redraw between Gun and Mace between Frag Grenade and Crowd Control. You seem really...intense with making sure Banes are seen as really, really good. I'm going to guess a Bane spider is your main?
  23. I think we're all agreed that a No redraw and opening up the weapon customization pools for the VEATs overall would be massive boost. The problem with Melee Bane is that you can pretty much get a better yet very similar experience playing a Broad Sword/SR stalker, taking the Leadership and Mace Mastery pools. Contrast this to Night Widow which is a sort of Stalker/Dom hybrid and Fortunata being a Blaster/Dom/Sentinel hybrid both with team buffs both fairly unique playstyles and both can (with varying degrees of inf cost) be made to be softcapped to all positions and have a decent amount of recharge. Upgrade the DPA of Bane ranged attacks and give them the 'chance to crit from hide' and give them a bit of DDR. *thumbs up* would be generally a sweet thing.
  24. Oooh I like that idea of a Stalker/sentinel/Blaster sort of weird hybrid build. Definitely could get behind the idea of putting all of their attacks with the 'attacking from hidden status crit' just like their melee attacks. Hmm since it's a mishmash of three different ATs, I have no idea what you'd call it Banester, Banster, Bantinel...
  25. I'd also say that Crabs, over-all are more versatile than Bane. Bane can either go Huntsman build or melee bane build. Meanwhile Crab can go Crab blaster or Craster if you will (ranged AoE build), Crab brute or Crute (Melee focused brute alike), Huntsman (again) or Crab Mastermind aka Crabbermind. So Crab gets 4 alternate but all viable builds compared to Banes 2.
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